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1、Unit12 Life is full of unexpected Section B 1a1e 教学设计教学设计Teaching aims:Knowledge aims: 1. Enable the students to master the new words:fool, costume, embarrassed, empty, show up, exhausted, April Fools Day.2. Listening and writing.Ability aims: Train the students listening and writing skills and deal

2、 with the language goal in this Unit: Narrate past events. Emotion aims: By talking about the language goal to make students understand the life habits of children and April Fools Day in the western countries.Teaching importance and difficulties:Importance: Enable the students to master the new word

3、s and the past perfect tense.Difficulties: By talking about the language goal to practice listening and writing. Let students understand the life habits of children and April Fools Day in the western countries.Teaching procedures: Step 1 Greeting1. Play the song Happy April Fools Day. T: Do you know

4、 April Fools Day? Whats April Fools Day? April Fools Day is on April 1st. Its a traditional day to play jokes on others in western countries. 2.T: OK. Now lets go in April Fools Day. Are you ready? Class begins. Good morning, everyone. Today well study the new lesson Unit12 Life is full of unexpecte

5、d Section B 1a1e(最好事先板书最好事先板书) 【设计意图设计意图】利用多媒体播放歌曲创设话题情景,导入新课,还可以激发学生的兴趣,让学生在快乐中学习。Step 2 Free talk1. T: Now Ill show you a joke of mine. (教师示范)Last week, my friend put a piece of paper on my back that said “ Who am I ?” When I realized, all the students had known it. I was very embarrassed.(教授词汇 em

6、barrassed)2. T: This is my joke, what about yours (找一生配合)A: Do you have a joke?B: A: When did it happen?B: A: What happened? B: A: Whats the result of the joke?B: T: OK! Lets make conversations like this in pairs.【设计意图设计意图】教师和学生先做示范,让大多数学生有一个观察,聆听,模仿再到自我表述的准备过程,减少学生内心的焦虑,让他们积极主动,生动活泼的学习。Step 3 Leadi

7、ng-inT: I think your jokes are funny and creative. Now lets look at Bobs.1.多媒体呈现文章: Bobs bad dayWhen the alarm went off yesterday, Bob got up, took a shower, got dressed, and went to school. But when she got there, the school was empty. After an hour, the others showed up, and she realized that her

8、brother had fooled her. He had changed the clock to an hour earlier. She thought she was a fool. 1) Read it. 2) Look at the bold words, do you know Chinese meaning? Work in pairs. One reads, one translates. 3) Read together.4) Can you help them find their home? Nouns(people, places, things)Verbs(act

9、ion words)Adjectives(words that describe)然后利用表格中的词汇填短文,靠近中考题型:阅读填空When the alarm yesterday, Bob , took a shower, , and went to school. But when she got there, the school was . After an hour, the others , and shethat her brother her. He the to an hour earlier. She thought she was a .2.利用三只小鸟的视频教授词汇 c

10、ostume 并介绍 costume party. T: OK! You are great! Now Ill show you a video. Watch it and guess: Where are they going? (costume party)Whats the costume party? Watch it again and answer the questions. (Its a party with everyone wears most of costumes.)T: Read it together.【设计意图设计意图】在多媒体上显示图片导入新词组并引导学生认识词

11、性,并在这个结构中再次进行语言结构的输入和学习。Step 4 Listening1.T: OK! Lets go in April Fools Day. Look at the picture, (picture d.) Can you guess some information from the picture? Fill in the blanks.I guess the boy went to the costume party, because he wore a costume, but he was embarrassed, he was the only one wearing

12、 a costume. When he got there, he found that his friend had fooled him.T: (Picture c. 引着学生说) Next, the boy went to school early, because the school was empty.Maybe he realized that someone had fooled him and had changed the clock earlier. T: (Picture b.引着学生说) Next, he was very tired because he had s

13、tayed up all night studying.T: (Picture a.引着学生说) Next, The boy was very scared, because he thought he had met monster. Is this a real monster? (学生回答 No) Its a costume, a monster suit. (怪兽套装)2.T: Lets look at the pictures. (同时呈现四幅图) T: They are Joe, Nick and Dave. They are talking about April Fools D

14、ay. Do you want to know who they are in each picture? Listen and match.Who WhatPicture dJoe a costume partymy alarm went offPicture cNick stayed up all nightwas exhaustedPicture bDave really embarrassedthe other kids showed upPicture a3.T: What are they talking about? Guess and match.4.T: OK. Listen

15、 and check. 5.T: Are you ready? Whod like to show your answer? Are these all right?6.T: Do you want to know more information about them? Read the conversations on P146 and fill in the chart belowWhenWhoWhat happened?Whats the result of the joke?DaveA friend invited him to . He was the only person .He found that his friend him.He was really .NickWhen his alarm went off, he , , and went to school. The school was . After an hour, the other kids .He realized that his brother him and the clock to an hour earlier.Ap



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