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1、以语境创设为推手以语境创设为推手 提高学生的阅读能力提高学生的阅读能力Robin and the ant教学实践与反思新教材实践以来,我们教师的教学理念在不断更新。著名生本教育专家郭思乐教授强调:教学的本质是学,教要转化为学。 “一切为了学生,高度尊重学生,全面依靠学生” ,是真正做到以学生为学习的主人,为学生好学而设计的教育。从“教”转变到促进学生的“学” ,让学习与生活、经验与情感紧密相连,尽可能成为学生成长的自然过程的一部分。英语作为一门语言,具有极强的实践性,其言语实践充满“语境” 。 义务教育英语课程标准 (2011 年版)指出:“主张学生在语境中接触、体验和理解真实语言,尽可能多地

2、为学生创造在真实语境中运用语言的机会” 。英语新课标的一个重要理念就是英语教师应坚持以学生为本,英语教学应凸显英语语言的交际性和交际的真实性,培养学生“能用英语做事情”的能力,要求教师注重创设语境。如果说文本是读写教学的载体,那么以生为本就是读写教学的目标教学是为了发展学生。如何真正把握教材改革的内涵,让新课程生本理念融入 Read and write 课型教学中,使学生真正受益,这是新教材对我们提出的挑战。以教材文本为中心,再构读写文本使其具有生活化情境,并通过教师对读写技能的科学指导、开展探究式读写学习,真正让读写课堂回归生本。现把如何以语境创设为推手 提高学生的阅读能力课例研究整理出来,

3、与大家分享。【教学内容教学内容】PEP 英语六年级上册第五模块 Read and write【教材分析教材分析】Read and write 通过 Robin 和蚂蚁互相帮助的故事,讲述助人为乐给别人和自己带来快乐的故事。其中渗透的情感教育是让学生不要以貌取人,明白团结的力量,以及应当乐于助人的道理。但对于六年级学生来说,该故事情节过于简单,不够生动、有趣;人物形象也不够丰满,缺乏吸引力。因此,基于以上分析,教师在教学时必须进行适当的预学铺垫,并设计巧妙的情境加以拓展延伸。【教学目标教学目标】1、能听、说、读、写单词: worried、afraid、stuck 、pull out of2、能有

4、感情地进行课文朗读。3、能在语篇中捕捉不同类型的信息,提炼出文章的主旨大意,完成排序。4、能读懂、补全故事、并能复述故事。5、通过阅读故事懂得乐于助人的道理。【设计思路设计思路】对于六年级学生来说,该故事情节过于简单,不够生动、有趣;人物形象也不够丰满,缺乏吸引力。因此,我在教学设计时创设了三个不同的语境,围绕“ant” 、围绕“Robin”以及围绕“Robin and the ant 矛盾冲突” ,来丰满故事情节和人物形象,通过这些环节的设计,人物形象变得丰满,故事变得生动有趣,让人一目了然。为了提高学生的口语表达能力、语用、语感,我对学生的读写技能进行了科学指导,并开展了探究式阅读学习,通

5、过设计标重读音、分角色朗读、表演读、沙画式的复述故事等环节,帮助学生更好的体验这个角色,融入这个故事。通过这几个语境的设计使枯燥、抽象的英语知识更贴近学生的社会生活,符合学生的认知经验,使学生在直观、形象、生动有趣的情境中获得基本的英语语言知识和技能,体验学习英语的价值。对于本文的重难点词汇教学如:worried、afraid、stuck 、pull out of 等等, 我通过反复设置类似情境,如小动物被困,Robin 被困等等,让学生从感知,习得到运用,扎实掌握了语言,能够自如地运用。通过这几个情境的创设,激发学生的求知欲,活跃学生思维,有助于学生英语语言的学习和交流,提高学生的英语综合语

6、用能力。【教学过程教学过程】一、围绕“Ant”的语境创设 1、T: Do you like stories? Today Ill tell you a story. Please listen and tell me,where does the story happen?S1: Maybe it happens in a park.S2: Maybe it happens in a forest. T: I can tell you this story happens in a park. Look at this beautiful park. It is the home of all

7、 the little animals. Think, who lives in the park? S1: Maybe a bee lives in the park.S2: Maybe a ladybird lives in the park. T: Everyone here is happy. They sing together. play together. Sometimes they helpeach other. And todays story is about this little ant. (设计意图:欢乐的音乐、入情入境的导言,交代故事发生的地点、人物以及人物之间的

8、的关系,很自然的引出故事主人公:Ant。导入新课短、平、快,一举两得,既激发学生学习的兴趣,同时也为本课的后续学习做好铺垫。 ) 2、Get to know the hero of the story: ant(利用课件和师生共同演绎呈现对话)T: It is a sunny day. A little ant is playing on the grass. Hes happy. Suddenly he hears: help. Oh! It is a ladybird. Hes worried. Why? S: Hes covered by lots of leaves. Its so h

9、eavy. T: He criesS1: “help, help” T: He cries (请一个小朋友上来扮演 ladybird) S: “help, help” T(扮演 ant): Dont worry. Let us help you!Come on my friends.S: Dont worry. Let us help you!(请几个小朋友上来演 ant )T: Lets say , One ,two ,pull Ss: One ,two, pull.T: Hooray! We pull the ladybird out of the leaves. Thank you ,

10、my friends.T: So who helps the ladybird? S: The little ant and his friends.T: Yes.(课件出示句子)S: It is the ant and all of his friends.(学生读)T: Who likes to have a try?S1: It is the ant and all of his friends.T: Not bad. When we are reading. We should pay attention to our pronunciation and intonation. It

11、is the ant and all of his friends.(教师示范, 强调朗读的语音语调以及朗读句子的节奏)S: RepeatT: Much better. Try again. S1: Read .T: very good. T: They sayS: one two, pull Hooray! They pull the ladybird out of the leaves. T: are they happy? Read happily.S1: Hooray! They pull the ladybird out of the leaves. T: Wonderful! Fo

12、llow him.S: repeat(设计意图:营造出一种童话的氛围,在故事的语境中感受新知,并带领学生慢慢地步入整个大故事情境中。)3、 beeT: Another day, it is raining. A bee is worried, too. Why? S1: He cant find his baby.S2: Hes hungry.S3: He has no umbrella. T: Maybe. Oh! Hes worried because hes stuck in the mud. T+S: He cries “help,help. ” “Dont worry. Let us

13、 help you.” One ,two ,pull. Horry! It is the ant and all of his friends. They pull the bee out of the mud. A:T/S: 一起读故事B:演一演:T: help! help! SB: Dont worry. Let us help you. One ,two ,pull. Horry! SG: It is the ant and all of his friends. They pull the bee out of the mud. (设计意图: 通过师生之间互动,分角色演一演,不仅能激发

14、学生的阅读兴趣,而且还可以让学生能更扎实的学习语言重点。)4、T: The ant helps the bee ,the ladybird, and he helps other animals too. Lets see.Please talk by yourself. S: Talk by themselves then share with deskmates.S1: A rabbit is stuck in the trees. They pull the rabbit out of the trees.S2: A squirrel is stuck in the door. They

15、 pull the squirrel out of the door.S3: A spider is stuck in the icecream. They pull the spider out of the icecream.5、 T: The little ant helps so many animals. How is he? S: Hes helpful/ nice/ kind/ friendly. (设计意图:从创设小蚂蚁救七星瓢虫的情境,让学生感受新知,到小蚂蚁救蜜蜂,让学生更扎实的学习语言重点,再到小蚂蚁救其他小动物的情境。通过合作互动,层层深入,循序渐进,在帮助学生理解文本

16、的同时更好地拓宽了学生的思维,同时也为小蚂蚁助人为乐做了情感铺垫。 ) 二、围绕“Robin”的语境创设T: Now everyone in the park is happy.Robin is happy , too. It is a sunny morning, he goes to the park . Hes going to sit by the river. “Hello, fish. ”He says.Hes going to sit on the bench. S: “Hello, bird.” T: Now hes a little tired. Hes going to sit on the grass. Suddenly he hears



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