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1、Reform of State Sector in New Zealand 新西兰的国有部门改革 March 2004 Derek Gill State Services Commission新西兰国家服务委员会New Zealand Reforms 新西兰的改革 A Context 历史背景 B Drivers of Reform 改革的推动力 C Governing Principles 治理原则 D Case Study of Science 科研案例研究 E Achievements 成绩 F Challenges 挑战 G Conclusions 结论A. Context for N

2、ew Zealand Reforms 新西兰改革的历史背景 Small, open economy, Centralised State-limited local government, non corrupt apolitical public service 小型的 开放经济,集权化国家有限地方政府,廉洁的、非 政治性的公共服务 Westminister democracy Rule of law and independent judiciary 维斯特敏斯特民主法治和独立司法 Departments (40), State owned enterprises (15), Crown

3、Entities/PSUs (180), few agencies, Office of Parliament (4) 部委(40),国有企业(15),实体/公共服务单位 (180),为数不多的代理机构,议会办公室 Acclaimed for the speed and extent of reforms因改革的速 度和力度而受到赞誉B. Drivers of New Zealands Reforms 新西兰改革的推动力 An Economic Crisis 经济危机 A Political Change 政治变革 An Emergent Consensus on modernisation

4、新兴的现代化共识 Bipartisan Political support for Reform to Improve Economic Performance 两党共同 支持的旨在提高经济绩效的改革B. Since 1984 Wide Ranging Reform Strategy 1984年以来全面铺开的改革战略 Financial Markets 金融市场 Floating exchange rates, interest rate decontrol to Central Bank autonomy 浮动汇率,解除利率管制以 实现中央银行自主决策 Product Markets 产品市

5、场 Removal of subsidies, deregulation to freer trade and privatisation 取消补贴,非管制化以提高贸易自由 度,私有化 Labour Markets 劳动力市场 Inflexibility to employment contracts to employment relations从僵化不变转向通过雇佣合同 确立雇佣关系B. Since 1984 Wide Ranging Reform Strategy 1984年以来全面铺开的改革战略(contd) Information 信息 Official Secrets Act to

6、 Official Information Act 官方机密法 转变为官方信息法 Politics 政治 Unicameral First Pass the Post to MMP 一院制下的简单多数 选举制(FPP)转变为混合比例代表选举制(MMP) Public Finance 财政 Taxation reform and fiscal consolidation. To accrual accounting and fiscal transparency征税改革和巩固财政转变为权责发生 制会计和保持财政透明度 State sector 国有部门 Input control corpora

7、tisation to Outputs, performance management and privatisation 投入控制公司化转变为产出、绩 效管理和私有化C. Governing Principles SOEs 治理原则国有企业 The state should not be involved in any activities that would be more efficiently and effectively performed by the community or by private business 国家不应该干预那些由社会或私有企 业完成更有效率和效力的活动

8、 Trading enterprises would operate most efficiently and effectively if structured along the lines of private sector business 如果按照民营部门业务 原则构建,那么,参与交易的企业会更有效率 、更有效力地运转。C. Governing Principles Core Public Sector 治理原则核心公共部门 Strategy 战略 Ministers set strategic direction responsible for outcomes and purch

9、ase outputs 部长设定战略方向,负责确定结 果和采购数量 Systems 体制 Departmental Chief Executives (CEs) and Boards manage organisations outputs and capability 部门负责人和委员 会管理组织的产量和能力 Structure 结构 Separation of trading and non-trading assigning conflicting functions to different organisations 分离贸易性业务和非 贸易性业务,将冲突的职能指派给不同组织C. G

10、overning Principles Core Public Sector 治理原则核心公共部门(contd) People 人事 CEs are the employer while SSC appoints and monitors CEs CEs是雇主,而SSC任命和监督CEs Empower people and let the managers manage向当事 人授权,让管理者进行管理 Politics 政治 Improved transparency through disclosure of information about the cost of outputs and

11、 intended results 通过产出成本和预期成果方面的信息披露, 改善透明度D. Case Study of Science 科研方面的案例Minister of Science科技部长Ministry of Science科 技部(Policy 政策)Foundation for Science RT科 研基金(Funder 资助者)Crown Research Institutes (9)皇家 研究机构 Research provider 研究服务提供者Minister of Finance财政部长Monitoring监控$IIUniversities大学Private Rese

12、arch 民间研究机构Results结果结果 Commercial Expertise on Boards 理事会中有商务专家 Strong Commercial performance of CRIs CRIs的优异 商业绩效 Clearer more transparent funding, 更清晰透明的资金 运用 but 但是 Problems with commercialising research into innovations把研究成果变成创新产品存在问题$D. Features of New Zealand PSUs 新西兰公共服务单位的特征Diverse but gener

13、ally: 各有不同,但一般而言: Separate legal entity 独立的法律主体 Governing board 理事会 Accountable to Minister 对部长负责 Independent from departments 独立于各个部门 Exempt from Administrative Guidance 免受行政指导 New uniform PSU governance statute 新的统一的公共服务单 位治理条例 Examples: funders, CRIs, Schools, Museums, Regulators 例如:资源 提供者 ,皇家研究机

14、构,中小学,博物馆,监管机构E. Public Sector Reforms - Achievements 公共部门改革成绩 Empowered managers to manage授予管理者管理权限 More efficient production of outputs更有效地生产 Better services, more innovative and responsive更高水 平的服务,更具创新性和回应性 Improved transparency and financial accountability提高 了透明度和资金上的可问责性 Improved fiscal control

15、改善了财政控制F. Public Sector Reforms - Challenges 公共部门改革挑战 Strategy focus on results and the critical few priorities 战略注重结果和少数关键的需要优先考虑的问题 Systems developing non-financial performance information 体制改善非财务方面的绩效信息 Structures robust Governance and Accountability for PSUs 结构加强公共服务单位的治理和问责机制 People Paying the going rate; sustaining public service values 人事支付市场水平的薪酬;同时保持公共服务价值观 Political rising citizen service expectations 政治不断提高的公民服务期望值G. Conclusions结论 Public Sector Management is a race without a finish line 公共部门管理是一场没有终点的赛跑 The big new idea is that There is no one big new idea 新的重大理念就



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