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1、外经贸易类词汇外经贸易类词汇公开预算 publicize budget / make the budget public / release(disclose) budget 政务透明 government transparency 预算内收入 budgetary income 个人财产申报 personal asset declaration 国防预算 defense budget 中国模式 China model 廉政准则 code of ethic 破产公告 declaration of bankrupt 行政开支 administrative expenditure 行政性收费 adm

2、inistrative expenditure 商业炒作 commercial exploitation 人力资源开发利用 exploitation of talent resource 商业不正当行为 business misconduct 冒牌服务中心 dodgy service center 人员流动率 turnover rate 贸易顺差 trade surplus 贸易逆差 trade deficit 操控股价 manipulate stock prices 口水战 verbal battle 对人民币重新评估 revaluation of the RMB 调整人民币汇率 adjus

3、t RMB exchange rate 货币升降 currency appreciation 汇率微调 rate fine-tuning 升值过猛 appreciate sharply 经济发展模式 economic development model 产业结构调整 industrial restructuring 低碳经济 low-carbon economy 碳税 carbon tax 边际成本 incremental cost / marginal cost 财政补贴 financial subsidies 出厂价格 factory-gate price 进货价格 purchase pr

4、ice 销售价格 sale price 市场价 market price 优惠价 preferential price 标价 tag price 垄断价格 monopoly price 垄断利润 monopoly profit 大减价 price cutting 故意提高开价,以便藉口削价出售而实际赚大钱 Price packing 股市抛售/资产等的贱卖 sell-off 工业出厂价格指数 product price index (PPI) 固定资产投资 fixed-asset investment 社会消费品零售 retail sales of consumer goods 采购经理指数

5、purchasing managers index (PMI) 工业增加值 value-added of industry 对外直接投资 foreign direct investment(FDI) 外汇储备 foreign exchange reserve 央企利润 centrally-administered SOEs profits 全年增幅 full-year growth 同比增长 year-on-year growth 经济危机 economic crisis/ financial crisis/ financial turmoil/financial meltdown 经济不景气

6、 recession/ bleeding economy/ depression/sluggish economy 萧条期 slump 欠薪 withhold wage 减薪 salary cut 信心下滑 confidence slump 经济复苏 economic recovery 经济危机的影响 the crisis fallout 应对危机 face the crisis/ meet the crisis/ fight crisis 重建信心 confidence reconstruction 遏制衰退 containing declines 减缓衰退 slow down declin

7、es 保八 eight-percent protection 成本削减 cost-cutting 创造新的就业 generate new employment 刺激消费 stimulate consumer spending 恢复 revive/ recovery/ turnaround 积极的财政政策 proactive fiscal policy 减少裁员 refrain from laying off employees 减员 cut the salaried work force 结构调整 structural adjustment 经济刺激方案 stimulus package/ s

8、timulus plan 就业指导 career guidance 抗风险能力 anti-risk capability 扩大内需 propel/ drive/ expand domestic demand 基础设施建设 infrastructure construction 减免税收 tax relief 例行节约 practice economy 适度宽松的货币政策 moderately loose monetary policy 削减生产 slash production 消费券 consumption coupon 小额贷款 loans of small amounts 政府紧急援助

9、government bailout 政府做某事的决心 governments vow to do sth 网络虚拟财产 online virtual assets 商业间谍活动 industrial espionage 边境检查 border inspection 高龄津贴 old age allowance 书市 book fair 非自住业主(房产) non-owner-occupier 收入分配 income distribution 财政收入 fiscal revenue 人均可支配收入 per capita disposable income 人均纯收入 net per capit

10、a income 中央政府公共投资 the central governments public investment 技改项目 technological upgrading projects 实际利用外商直接投资 actual utilized foreign direct investment 居民消费价格涨幅 rise in the CPI 国际收支状况 balance of payments 收入差距 income gap 地方债 ocal government bonds 地方财政预算 local government budgets 房价过快上涨 precipitous rise

11、 of housing prices 基本住房需求 basic need for housing 捂盘惜售 property hoarding 个人缴费标准 rates for individual contributions 培育新的经济增长点 fostering new areas of economic growth 旅游休闲产业 tourism and leisure industry 两岸经济合作框架协议 economic cooperation framework agreement (ECFA)隐性收入 hidden income 个人所得税起征点 individual/pers

12、onal income tax cutoff point/threshold 分组讨论 panle discussion 通胀预期 inflation expectation 需求拉动型通胀 demand-pull inflation 成本推动型通胀 cost-push inflation 恶性通胀 hyper-inflation 消费价格指数 CPI 工业品出厂价格指数 PPI V 型复苏 V-shaped recovery 全年增长目标 full-year growth target 政策基调 policy tone 投资拉动型增长 investment-led growth 国内消费 d

13、omestic consumption 创业板“市盈率” PE ratio (price/earnings ratio) 纳斯达克式创业板 NASDAQ-style second board 股价波动 share price movement 首次公开募股 initial pyblic offering IPO 主板(各国主要的证券交易场所) main board 创业板/二板 (GEB) growth enterprise board /second board 私营企业的融资 fund-raising of private sector 路演(上市公司发行证券前针对投资者的 推介活动) r

14、oad show 订单爆满 over-subscribed 密室交易 backroom deal 消费热潮 spending spree 征信 credit investigation 外汇储备库 forex reserve pool (foreign- exchange 常缩写为 forex) 人才库 talent pool 最低工资制度 minimum wage system 人名币“跨境结算”cross-border yuan trade settlement 结算货币 settlement currency/currency of settlement 计价货币 quote curre

15、ncy 清算帐户 settlement of an account 贸易结算 trade settlement跨境贸易 cross-border transaction 跨境投资 cross-border investment 资本支出 capital expenditure(capex) 业务开支或经营费用 operational expenditure(opex) 经常性支出 recurrent expenditure 公共事业支出 public expenditure 年度支出 annual expenditure 债权转股权 debt-for-equity swap 易货商店 swap

16、 shop 信贷紧缩 credit squeeze/credit crunch/credit crisis 绩效工资 merit pay 也叫 pay-for- performance 有抵押债务 secured debt 无抵押债务 unsecured debt 总体规划 master plan/overall plan/general plan 详细计划 road map 经济刺激方案 economic stimulus plan 遏制政策 containment policy 谋取最大利益 cream off 政府注资 pump priming 粮食最低收购价 crops minimum purchase prices



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