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1、西安体育学院硕士学位论文陕西红拳发展现状与策略研究姓名:卢佳申请学位级别:硕士专业:民族传统体育学指导教师:蔡智忠2011-05陕西红拳发展现状与策略研究 1摘 要 陕西红拳是一个土生土长于关中平原,世代流传于三秦大地的古老拳种,因着陕西人以皇家思想自居,不与外界交流的自闭保守,凡外来拳种到了陕西便被同化或红化,使得这一拳种保留了最原生态的面貌。公元 2007 年 3 月 6 日,中国康龙武林大会出现在了万众瞩目的中央电视台。红拳自 2007 年登上央视武林大会的擂台赛至今已四上央视,在陕西本土掀起了一股红拳热。2008 年红拳被评为国家级非物质文化遗产。2009 年 7 月 26 日 WMA

2、 中国武术职业联赛在黄山开赛,陕西红拳文化研究会组织红拳传人成立了以包装红拳文化、打造红拳品牌的“陕西红狼武术俱乐部”,夺得了 WMA 首届亚军。从 1994 年 12 月2010年 10 月陕西红拳文化研究会组织红拳传人利用社会资助共举办九届红拳交流比赛,参赛运动员共 4835 名,其中最大年龄 83 岁,最小 6 岁。通过下乡实际调研发现红拳经过九届比赛、四上央视、尤其是成为国家级非物质文化遗产后,在陕西各地已逐渐掀起了红拳热潮,那些多年已不再练红拳的老一辈武术人,又走上了习练红拳的道路,他们中好多人已成为红拳传承、传播的主要力量。但是在欣慰的同时,我们不得不面对无法回避的问题和由此引起的

3、诸多思考:更多的是看到红拳发展的举步维艰和传承人的断层现象;年轻一代的已远离红拳;红拳在五六十年代被称为陕西人的广播体操的场面已不复存在;外来文化对红拳的冲击;红拳文化被学校体育教育、社会体育、群众体育早已边缘化这一不争的事实,都是红拳发展面临的问题和需要今后进一步思考的。挖掘整理、完善保存、开发利用是研究、开发红拳面临的一个紧迫的任务。时不再来,时不我待,是红拳走出困境、走向发展、走向新生、走向复兴、走向产业化发展的不二选择。 为了促进陕西红拳的保护与发展,通过调研普查陕西红拳发展的现状,分析研究陕西红拳发展中存在的问题以及产业化策略的实施, 得出陕西红拳保护发展的可行性建议。本文采用文献资

4、料法、专家访谈法、观察法、实际考察法、问卷调查法、 数理统计法等科研方法对陕西红拳发展现状和策略的实施进行分析和研究,研究结果认为:(1)红拳自身的传承断层导致了技法技艺的失传。 (2)传承方法和内容的繁琐导致红拳不能扩大和普及。 (3)社会环境对红拳的发展是一个很大的阻力。 (4)红拳产业化进程还处在起步规划阶段,具体操作还缺少可行性手段。通过研究提出以下建议: (1)把加强保护与传承的力度作为当前红拳发展的重心。 (2)以中国武术段位制教程为基准,早日出台红拳的段位制教程,加快编写简单、易懂、易学、易练的红拳简化套路,统一标准,加快红拳在陕西省中小学的推广, 早日实现红拳在陕西学校体育的普

5、及。 (3)充分利用和发挥政府给予的政策法规,寻求政府部门的资金扶持与帮助;广泛寻求与社会力量的合作,争取资金赞助。 (4)以陕西红拳观摩交流赛为基础,加快省内群众性普及交流与竞技市场相结合, 打造规模更大质量更高群众基础更广阔的红拳品牌的陕西红拳发展现状与策略研究 2精品赛事。 (5)充分发挥红拳文化研究会的主导力量,补充完善红拳产业化发展的策略导向,优化红拳产业化社会环境,集中精力推进红拳产业化进程。 作为国家级非物质文化遗产的红拳, 其绵长的历史、 文化蕴含、 拳理、 拳法、传续发展,无不是浸润在恢弘大气的关中大文化之中产生发展的。红拳已成为了陕西文化的一张名片,引起了世人和整个武术界的

6、瞩目,如何把红拳发扬光大,在新的时代、 在今后的发展中重显红拳昔日的辉煌。 因此, 通过详细调研、 考察、研究论证以及对红拳的发展现状及策略研究, 本文提出了一些发展思路和具体办法以及实施步骤,但还存在很多一时难以解决的问题,红拳产业化的进程也将是一个漫长的过程,由于研究者能力有限,仅在能力范围内做了一些理论和实践研究工作,权作抛砖之事功,有待后学者和研究者做更深入发掘、研究、对红拳的发展、复兴有着重要的现实意义和深远的历史意义。 关键词:关键词:陕西红拳;发展现状;策略 陕西红拳发展现状与策略研究 3Abstract The Shaanxi red boxing is a native of

7、 Guanzhong Plain, which is a generation of circulating on the ancient practiser. For the Imperial thought of Shaanxis, who never communicate with the outside world, assimilated all the extraneous practisers., and then kept the most original appearance of this practiser. The China KangLong “Wulin the

8、 General Assembly“ showed in the CCTV which is really popular in March 6, 2007. The Shaanxi red boxing has been showed four times in CCTV since 2007, when the first time landed the arena contest of Wulin the General Assembly, and setting off an upsurge of Red boxing in Shannxi. The Red boxing voted

9、as National nanmaterial cultural heritage in 2008. In July 26th, 2009 ,the WMA started in Mount Huang, and the WMA First runner-up won by “Shaanxi red Wolf wushu club” which organized by Shaanxi Red boxing cultural institute, founded by the descendants, means to form the culture and make the brand o

10、f Red boxing. From Dec,1994 to Oct,2010, Shaanxi Red boxing cultural institute organized the descendants of Red boxing to hold the exchange games for totally 9th with the help of social aid, and there are 4835 people joined in this game for 6 to 83 years old. Through the countryside actual investiga

11、tion, we found that after 9 times games, 4 times set up in CCTV, especially awarded as National nanmaterial cultural heritage, the Red boxing is hot by and by all over in Shaanxi, even the old Red boxing warriors who havent play it for very a long time, they walk onto it again, and lots of them have

12、 already became the main power, to Inheritance and spread of Red boxing. However, at the same relief time, we have to face the problems which cant avoid and the thinkings caused by it: the more we can see is the difficult of the development and the abruption phenomena of inheritorrers; the younger g

13、eneration has already gone away from Red boxing; gone are the days when awarded as Shaanxi setting-up exercises in the fifties or sixties; Foreign culture on Red boxing impact; the truth of marginalization by the schoole sports education, society sports and masses sports, all are the issues of the d

14、evelopment and the need of future thought of Red boxing. In order to promote the development and prosperity of red boxing, through census research to understand the status of the development of Shaanxi red boxing to find out the development of Shaanxi red boxing problems, for the analysis of current

15、 problems and research, planning, Shaanxi red boxing the feasibility of industrial development strategy . This paper, literature, expert interviews, observation, the actual study, questionnaire survey, mathematical statistics and other research methods, Shaanxi red boxing Status and industry strateg

16、y analysis and research, the findings that: (1) red Boxing own fault caused the transmission of the lost art techniques (2) cumbersome inheritance method and content can not lead to the expansion and spread of red boxing (3) the external environment, the development of red boxing is a lot of resistance (4) Red boxing industry Process still in its initial planning stage, the feasibility of the specific operation but also the lack of means. Through


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