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1、听力专项练习I.听句子,选择正确的图片(其中有 两项多余)1._2._ 3._4._5._FCABE听力技巧一:听简单的句子1、听前,快速浏览图片,了解图片的大意。 2、及时捕捉每个句子的信息,句子能一次听 出来的,要口中进行描述一遍,直到选对 答案。 3、如果听不出整个的句子,那么就听它的“ 关键词”。II.听小对话,选择正确选项。 ( ) 6.How much is the small shirt?A. 59yuan. B. 49yuan C. 39yuan.( )7.How will the girl go to school tomorrow?A. By bike. B. On foo

2、t. C. By bus. ( )8.Where was the woman when the man called her? A. In the kitchen. B. In the bathroom C. In the theater. ( )9.When is the boys birthday?A. on May 14. B. on May 15. C. on May 16. ( )10.Who are the speakers?A. Father and daughter. B. Mother and son.C. Teacher and student.BCBCA听力技巧二:听对话

3、1、听录音前,要抓紧浏览一下本段对话的问 题和答案。据此预测本段对话的情景和话 题内容,从而能带着问题,有的放矢的去 听,去捕捉关键性信息。III.听长对话,选择正确选项 听第一段对话,完成1112小题( )11.When will the party be?A. This Friday evening.B. This Thursday evening.C. This Tuesday evening.( )12. How will Maria go to the mans house?A. By bike.B. By bus.C. By car.AC听第二段对话,完成13-15小题。( )13

4、.What is Frank taking the water to do?A. To wash the clothes. B. To water flowers.C. To wash the car.( )14. Which festival is coming soon?A. Mothers Day. B. Fathers Day. C. Childrens Day( )15. Who will help Frank?A. His sister. B. His brother. C. His father.CBAIV.听短文,选择正确选项。( )16.How many people are

5、 going to have the trip? A. Four B. Five C. Six( )17. Why wont the speakers father go with them? A. Because he is ill. B. Because he is old C. Because he is busy. ( )18.How will they go to Europe?A. By sea. B. By plane . C. By train. ( )19.Which country wont they probably go to the trip? A. England.

6、 B. India . C. Italy. ( )20. How long will they stay in Europe? A. For 10 days. B. For 14days. C. For 21 days.BBABC听力技巧三:听短文1、快速浏览问题和选项,推断问题的内容和短 文大意。在正式放听力之前,不要先去做阅读 或者词汇,应该利用一切可以利用的时间把听 力选项好好看看,推测话题,找出选项相同或 相异点 2、手眼脑并用。播放短文录音期间要听记兼顾 ,以听为主。一个短文就是就是一个信息群。 完全靠大脑记忆大量的信息是很困难的。因此 ,我们把获取的主要信息有选择的记录下来。 但是

7、要主要“听”始终是第一位的。 歌曲填空:Every night in my dreams, I _ you, I_ you ,That is how I know you go on. Far across the distance and spaces between us. You have come to show you go on. _far, wherever you are. I believe that the heart does go on .Once more, you opened the_. And youre here in my heart, and my hea

8、rt will go on and on. seefeelneardoor平时听短文的训练方法: 1、第一遍听磁带时认真做题,对所选取的每段文章都 认真仔细,注意时间,模拟考场氛围。做完以后还需 注意统计对错个数,并分析选项设置特点,练习快速 扫描选项的能力。 2、脱离文字材料再听4-5遍磁带。此时绝对不允许照着 文字材料听,应该反复使用录音机上的重复键,尽最 大努力听懂全文内容。听第5遍或第6遍的时候,可以 一边听一边将全文笔录下来,然后对照文字材料,看 看笔录有什么问题,分析听不懂的原因,是语音、词 汇还是语法?然后有的放矢地加以解决。 3、在足够熟悉此段落中的内容后,打开文字材料,一 边听录音一边看,并在段落中相应考点和问题答案, 仔细体会,分析自己为什么被某些干扰项误导。 4、跟着磁带大声朗读,以提高自己的语速。如果自己 的语速能基本跟上听力材料的语速,再做同类型题目 ,困难就不大了。



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