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1、学思教育 2013 年春季班1. unit7 1. 想要做:would like to do 想要:would like sth. 常用的句型有:What would you like to do? 你想要做什么?I would like to visit GuiLin. 我想去参观桂林。What would you like ? 你想要什么?I would like some tea. 我想来些茶。 Would you like to go to my party? 你来不来参加我的晚会?(表邀请) Yes, Id love/ like to . No, thanks. Would you

2、like some tea or coffee? 你是要点茶还是咖啡? Yes, Id love/ like. No. thanks. Where would you like to visit/ go? 你想去哪呢?(本单元的重点句型)hope to do 希望做某事 I hope to go to Beijing. 我希望去北京。hope (that) + 从句 希望.I hope that I can go to Beijing.我希望我能去北京。 I hope (that) she can pass the test.我希望她能通过考试。3. consider doing 考虑做某事

3、I am considering changing my job. 我正在考虑换工作。 4. cost (sb.) 钱 The book cost me 10 yuan 这本书花了我 10 元。 5. in general 一般来说, 大体上, 通常 6. take a trip 去旅行 7. be supposed to do 应该做. = should 如:Scientists are supposed to know a lot. 8. provide sb. with sth 供应某人某物= provide sth for sb. They provide us with water.

4、 They provide water for us. 9. continue doing = go on doing 继续做某事 如: She continued singing. = She went on singing.她继续 唱歌。 10. according to 根据 11. be willing to do 愿意做某事 如 I am willing to help you. 我愿意帮你。 11. hold on to sth. 保持,不要放弃 Please hold on to my hand. 不要放开我的手。 12. come true 实现 如: My dream hav

5、e come true. 我的梦实现了。 初三英语初三英语 Unit7-8一、 单项选择 选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 (15 分)1. -Im sorry, this kind of PSP is too expensiveI cant afford _ it -Its OK Abuy Bbought Cto buy Dbuying 2. Where would you like to go vacation? Well, I hope to visit Paris. A. toB. in C. onD. at 3. My English teacher has a strange way

6、 of making his class and interesting. A. boringB. convenient C. peacefulD. lively 4. Linda is her mother in many ways. For example, they are both tall and thin. A. similar to B. kind toC. friendly to D. different from 5. Would you love to go ? Sure, Id love to.A. relaxing anything B. anything relaxi

7、ng C. relaxing somewhere D. somewhere relaxing 6. I _ yesterdayIt was broken Ahad my bike repair Bhad my bike repairs Chad my bike repaired Dhas my bike repaired 7. Its best _ Australia in summer. A. visiting B. to visit C. visit D. visited 8.How long have you _ this book ?for two days .A. borrowed

8、B. keep C. bought D. kept 9 My uncle a coach in a basketball team, but now he has retired . A. used to be B. use to be C. is D. used to have 10. I hope Tina _ to my birthday party next Wednesday. A. to come B. come C. came D. will come 12. I will go to Kunming by plane for summer vacation next week.

9、 .A. Its nice of you B. I believe you can 学思教育 2013 年春季班2C. Have a great time D. It will be difficult 13. Mum, can I go out to play soccer? Sure . But your homework _ first.A. must be finished B. must finish C. will finish D. finish 14. I will stay at home and watch TV if it _ tomorrow. A. rain B. r

10、ains C. rained D. will rain 15. They look unhappy, lets_. A. cheer them up B. cheer up them C. to cheer them up D. to cheer up them 16 Im thirsty. Id like _ a glass of water. A. drink B. to drink C. drinking D. drank 17. Its twelve now. Lets have _ lunch together.A. a B. an C. the D. x 18 Did you _

11、much money on the car?A. cost B. pay C. spend D. take 19. The boss in the factory often makes the workers _ nine hours a day. A. work B. to work C. working D. worked二、根据对话内容,从方框内选择合适的句子补全对话。 (有两项多余)5 A. Ill go there by plane. B. Im going to relax on the beach. C. I hope youll have a good time. D. Ho

12、w long will you stay there? E. Id like to go to Hainan Island. F. Its good for swimming. G. Is it warm there?M: Where would you like to go on vacation? W: (1) M: That sounds interesting. What are you doing there? W: (2) M: How is the weather there? W: Its fine. And its always sunny and hot. M: (3) C

13、an you swim? W: No, I cant. But my father is teaching me. M: Thats great! (4) W: Maybe two weeks. M: (5) W: Thank you.三、完形填空(10 分) 阅读下列短文,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 I think Shanghai is a wonderful place to go to. Do you 1 with me? I have fallen in love with Shanghai since I 2 to the city last year, especially

14、the people who I meet and the exciting events 3 take place every day.4 it might be a little crowded, spending time with young and 5 students at school is the most exciting experience for me. Shanghai is 6 very quickly. It is getting bigger and better. People come from all over the world for the great events here. 7 the ATP tennis to super junior concerts, from the snooker (斯诺克) masters to Peking Opera Shanghai has so



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