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1、2011 年攻读西南科技大学翻译硕士专业学位研究生入学考试样题 英语翻译基础本题共 3 页,此页为第 1 页考试科目:考试科目:357 英语翻译基础英语翻译基础适用专业:适用专业: 英语口译(英语口译(MTI) 、英语笔译(、英语笔译(MTI)(试题共 3 页)(注意:答案必须写在答题纸上,写在试题上不给分)I. Directions: Translate the following words, abbreviations or terminology into their target language respectively. There are altogether 30 items

2、 in this part of the test, 15 in English and 15 in Chinese, with one pint for each. (30)1.UNESCO 2.OPEC 3.G20 Summit 4.NATO 5.The ChiNext stock market 6.disaster preparedness 7.affordable housing 8.The Wall Street Journal 9.wind tunnel 10.renewable energy resources 11.property bubble 12.tertiary ind

3、ustry 13.per capita emissions 14.cross the moral baseline 15.government-subsidized housing 16.易经 17.三国演义 18.实体经济 19.国家级自然保护区 20.空气动力学 21.森林碳汇 22.循环经济 23.节能减排 24.国家大学科技园 25.钉子户2011 年攻读西南科技大学翻译硕士专业学位研究生入学考试样题 英语翻译基础本题共 3 页,此页为第 2 页26.房屋空转率 27.物业税 28.磁性材料 29.天府之国 30.平板电视II. Directions: Translate the fo

4、llowing source texts into their target languages respectively. If the source text is in English, its target language is Chinese. If the source text is in Chinese, its target language is English. (120) Source Text 1: The last time I tasted this luxury in its full perfection was one day after a sultry

5、 days walk in summer between Farnham and Alton. I was fairly tired out; I walked into an inn- yard (I think at the latter place); I was shown by the waiter to what looked at first like common outhouse at the other end of it, but they turned out to be a suite of rooms, probably a hundred years oldthe

6、 one I entered opened into an old-fashioned garden, embellished with beds of larkspur and a leaden Mercury; it was wainscoted, and there was a grave- looking, dark-colored portrait of Charles II hanging up over the tiled chimneypiece. I had Love for Love in my pocket, and began to read; coffee was b

7、rought in a silver coffee-pot; the cream, the bread and butter, everything was excellent, and the flavor of Congreves style prevailed over all. I prolonged the entertainment till late hour, and relished this divine comedy better even than when I used to see it played by Miss Mellon, and Miss Prue; B

8、ob Palmer, s Tattle; and Bannister, as honest Ben. This circumstance happened just five years ago, and it seems like yesterday. If I count my life so by lustres, it will soon glide away; yet I shall not have to repine, if, while it lasts, it is enriched with a few such recollections.Source Text 2: I

9、n Abraham Stroocks lab at Cornell, the worlds first synthetic tree sits in a palm- sized piece of clear, flexible hydorgelthe type found in soft contact lenses. Stroock and graduate student Tobias Wheeler have created a “tree” that simulates the process of transpiration, the cohesive capillary actio

10、n that allows trees to wick moisture upward to their highest branches. The researchers work, reported in the Sept.11 issue of the journal Nature, bolsters the long-standing theory that transpiration in trees and plants is a purely physical process, requiring no biological energy. It also may lead to

11、 a new passive heat transfer technologies for cars or buildings, better methods for remediating soil and more effective ways to draw water out of partially dry ground.2011 年攻读西南科技大学翻译硕士专业学位研究生入学考试样题 英语翻译基础本题共 3 页,此页为第 3 页Of course , the synthetic tree doesnt look much like a tree at all. It consists

12、 of two circles side by side in the gel, patterned with evenly spaced microfluidic channels to mimic a trees vascular system.Source Text 3: 在温饱问题基本解决之后,如何提升人的尊严已成当务之急。所以温家宝总理 才会自今年新春以来,反复强调国家以人的尊严为最高价值。要让人有尊严,首先 要让需求有尊严,尊重需求,敬畏需求。这一切,当从敢讲真话开始,当从自由表 达开始。惟有自由表达,才会使需求真切而细腻,需求才能真正引导供给,让一切 消费品和一切公共品的供给更科

13、学、更人性,更能精确满足人的消费偏好,更能极 大丰富人的生命细节。Source Text 4: 为回顾 50 年激光技术进步历程,展现 50 年来激光技术领域的重要成果和当前 的前沿进展,促进激光技术的科研进步、产业发展、产学研有机结合,畅谈激光未 来的发展与面临的挑战。中国科学院、 中国工程院、中国工程物理研究院定于 2010 年 11 月 29-30 日在四川绵阳举办纪念激光诞生 50 周年学术会议,请有意参加该会的 专家学者提交学术论文。论文不超过 8000 字,应是具有国内外领先水平或独创意义 的学术论文,有一定独立见解的理论论述,有可靠数据的实验报道,有科学依据的技术应 用或阶段性科研成果的实验快报。



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