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1、1. Cooking Methods 煎 pan-fried, fried, sauteed 煎咸鱼 Fried Salted Fish 炒 stir-fried , fried 杏仁炒虾仁 Fried Shrimp with Almonds 炸 deep-fried 炸春卷 Deep-fried Egg Roll 烧 roast 烧鹅 Roast Goose 烤 roast, barbecued 叉烧肉 Barbecued Pork 炖,焖 stewed, simmered 油焖笋 Stewed Bamboo Shoots with Soy Brown Sauce 蒸 steamed 香菇蒸

2、鸡 Steamed Chicken with Mushrooms 熏 smoked 香熏鱼 Smoked Spicy Fish 填 酿 stuffed 酿豆腐 Beancurd Stuffed with Minced Pork2. Chopping styles: 砍 chop 末 mince 片 slice 桂花糖藕 Sliced Lotus Root with Sweet Sauce 韭黄螺片 Sliced Sea Whelk with Chives Leek, scallion, chive 切丝 shred 麻辣肚丝 Shredded Tripe in Chilli Sauce 川味小

3、炒 Sauted Shredded Pork(Carrots,Bamboo and Mushrooms) with Hot Sauce 切丁 dice 百页结烧肉 Stewed Diced Pork and Sliced Beancurd with Brown Sauce Stewed Pork Cubes and Tofu Skin in Brown Sauce 3. Naming principles Generally speaking ,there are two ways of naming a Chinese dish. One is a practical one(写实性) ,

4、the other is a metaphorical one (写意性). For the former, the name of the dish suggests directly what you are going to eat, while for the latter, you might have no idea of what it is. 3.1 写实性命名写实性命名 A. Materials(以原料为主的命名): 火腿鸡片 Sliced Chicken with Ham 青椒肉丝 Shredded Pork with Green Pepper 芙蓉鸡丁 chicken c

5、ubes with egg white 番茄虾仁 shrimps with tomato 冬菇菜心 Winter Mushrooms with Green Cabbage BCooking methodmaterials (烹饪方法(烹饪方法+主料的命名方法)主料的命名方法) 红烧全鱼 Braised Fish in Brown Sauce 笋炒鸡丝 Fried Shredded Chicken with Bamboo Shoots 涮羊肉 Instant Boiled Mutton Slices cooked in Hotpot 荷叶粉蒸肉 Steamed Flour-coated Pork

6、 in Lotus Leaves 清炖鹿肉 Braised Venison in Clear Soup 清蒸全鱼 Steamed Whole Fish 炒鳝丝 Stir-Fried Shredded Finless eel 脆皮嫩鸡 Crispy-Fried Tender Chicken 炖栗子鸡 Stewed Spring Chicken with Chestnuts C. seasonings+(cooking method)+materials (调料、汁(调料、汁+主料的命名方法)主料的命名方法) 蚝油煎鸡脯 Sauteed Chicken with Oyster Sauce 葡汁全鸡

7、 Chicken with Wine Sauce 醋溜子鸡 Fried Spring Chicken with Vinegar Sauce 五香兔肉 Spiced Hare 茄汁石斑块 Deep Fried Grouper Slices with Tomato Sauce 咖喱牛肉 Fried Beef with Curry 茄汁鱼球 Fish Balls with Ketch-up/Tomato Sauce 辣味烩虾 Fried Shrimp with Chilly Sauce 咖喱鱿鱼 Squid with Curry 糖醋排骨 Sweet &Sour Spare Ribs 白汁熏鲳鱼 S

8、moked Pomfret in White Sauce 糟溜鱼片 fish slices with dregs of wine 白灼肥牛 Poached Beef with Soya Sauce 辣子鸡丁 diced chicken in pepper sauce D. local flavor (以地方命名) 北京鸭 Peking Duck 蒙古烤肉 Mongolian Barbecue 西湖醋鱼 West Lake Vinegar Fish 成都子鸡 Stir-fried Spring Chicken, Chengdu Style 东江酿豆腐 Beancurd Stuffed with

9、Minced Pork, Dongjiang Style 麻婆豆腐 Mapo Toufu 3.2 写意性命名写意性命名 一卵孵双凤 Chicken Steamed in Water Melon 全家福 Stewed Assorted Meat/ Hotchpotch 龙凤会 Stewed Snake &Chicken 雪积银钟 Stewed Mushrooms Stuffed with White Fungus 红烧狮子头 Stewed Minced Pork Balls 烩罗汉斋 Stewed Vegetable “Luohan Zhai” 霸王别姬 Turtle and Chichen 佛

10、跳墙 Fo tiao qiang (Steamed Abalone with Sharks Fin and Fish Maw 清蒸鲍鱼加上鲨鱼鳍和鱼肚) Guess What they are: 雪山飞狐 (炸虾片(白色),上面有几个很小的炸虾皮) 走在乡间的小路上 (红烧猪蹄,边上镶点香菜)母子相会(黄豆+豆芽) 一国两制 (煮花生米和炸花生米) 波黑战争 (菠菜炒黑木耳) 悄悄话(猪口条和猪耳朵) 两只黄鹂鸣翠柳(韭菜炒鸡蛋) II. Problems in Menu Translation. 1. 拼写混乱(错拼,大小写不分,英译冗长繁复) 3. 语法不规范(定冠词误用、语序错误、单复数

11、问题) 武陵甲鱼 the Wuling salt-shelled turtle (定冠词误用) Wuling Soft-shelled Turtle 酸辣海鲜羹 Seafood soup with hot and sour (语序错误) 3. 忽略文化差异。 红烧狮子头 Braised lion head 龙凤配 Dragon and phoenix 夫妻肺片 husband and wifes lung slice III. Principles for Menu Translation北京市政府外事办、北京旅游局日前编辑出版中文 菜单英文译法 ,对大量中式菜肴的名字进行了英文翻 译。其中体

12、现了五条翻译原则: 一是突出主料,例如夫妻肺片,译为 Beef and Ox Tripe in Chili Sauce,即泡在辣椒酱里的牛肉和牛内脏。二是体现烹制方法,例如油条,译为 Deepfried Dough Stick。三是描绘形状口感,例如红烧狮子头,译为 Braised Pork Balls in Soy Sauce。四是强调人名地名,例如酒类中的蒙古王,译为 Mongolian King。 五是尊重已有的翻译名称,例如豆腐译为 Tofu,饺子 译为 Jiao zi。一、一、 以主料开头的翻译原则以主料开头的翻译原则 1、介绍菜肴的主料和辅料 (Main cooked stuff+

13、 with +Other cooked stuff ) 例: 牛肉豆腐 西红柿炒蛋 冬笋牛肉片 2、 介绍菜肴的主料和配汁 Main cooked stuff + with/in + names of sauces 例:蚝油生菜 葱油鸡 米酒鱼卷 Beef with Beancurd Scrambled Egg with Tomato Beef sheds with bamboo shoots Lettuce with oyster sauce Chicken in Scallion Oil Fish Rolls with Rice Wine 二、二、 以烹制方法开头的翻译原则以烹制方法开头的

14、翻译原则 1、 介绍菜肴的烹法和主料 Cooking method(V+ed)+ Main cooked stuff例:火爆腰花 Sauted Pigs Kidney软炸里脊 Soft-fried Pork Fillet炒鳝片 Stir-fried Eel Slices 2、 介绍菜肴的烹法、主料和配料 Cooking method(V+ed)+ Main cooked stuff+ other stuff 例:地瓜烧肉 Stewed Diced Pork and Sweet Potatoes 干豆角回锅肉 Sauted Spicy Pork with Dried Beans 仔姜烧鸡条 Br

15、aised Chicken Fillet with Tender Ginger 3、 介绍菜肴的烹法、主料和汤汁 Cooking method(V+ed)+ Main cooked stuff + with/in +names of sauces 京酱肉丝 Sauted Shredded Pork in Sweet Bean sauce 红烧牛肉 Braised Beef with Brown Sauce 鱼香肉丝 Fried Shredded Pork with Sweet and Sour Sauce 4、 介绍菜肴形状或口感、烹法及主辅料 Cooking method(V+ed)+pro

16、cessing method+ Main cooked stuff + seasoning 小炒黑山羊 Sauted Sliced Lamb with Pepper and Parsley 三、三、 以形状或口感开头的翻译原则以形状或口感开头的翻译原则 1、 介绍菜肴的形状(口感)和主料、辅料 processing method/taste + main cooked stuff +(with) + other ingredients 例:芝麻酥鸡 Crisp Chicken with Sesame陈皮兔丁 Diced Rabbit with Orange Peel脆皮鸡 Crispy Chicken 2、 介绍菜肴的口感、烹法和主料 Taste + cooking methods + main cooked stuff 例:香酥排骨 Crisp Fried Spareribs水煮嫩鱼 Tender Stewed Fish香煎鸡块 Fragrant Fried Chic



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