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1、牛津小学英语 6B Unit5 the seasons 第一教时 The first period 一、教学内容:义务教育课程标准实验教科书牛津小学英语6B Unit5 第一教时(B Look, read and learn; C Ask and answer)二、教学目标: 1、能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词和短语 weather, spring, summer, autumn, winter, hot, cold。 2、能听懂、会说、会读单词、词组 season, warm, cool, rainy, sunny, windy, snowy, cloudy, foggy, snowman,

2、 snowball, because, make snowmen, have snowball fights。 3、能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语:Which season do you like best? I like best.Why? Because its I can 4、能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型:Whats the weather like ? Its 5、渗透名词+y 转化成形容词这一规律。 三、教学重点: 1、能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词和短语 weather, spring, summer, autumn, winter, hot, cold。 2,能听懂、会说、会读日

3、常交际用语:Which season do you like best? I like best.Why? Because its I can 四、教学难点:能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型:Whats the weather like ? Its 五、课前准备:1学生准备照片或图片。2录音机、多媒体和练习册。 六、教学过程: Step1 Warm up: Sing a song: The spring is coming. Step2 Free talk: T: What day is it today? S: Its. T: What date is it today? S: Its.T: H

4、ow many days are there in a week? S: There are seven. T: How many days are there in a year? S: There are 365. T: How many months are there in a year? S: There are twelve. Step3 Presentation and practice T: Yes. We all know there are twelve months in a year. But how many seasons are there in a year?

5、Ss: There are four. T: Good. There are four seasons in a year (teach “season” four seasons) 多媒体展示四个季节的画面,引出新单词: Which is the first season of the year? (spring) (read,spell) Which season comes after spring? (summer) (read,spell) Which is the harvest season? (autumn) (read,spell) Which is the last sea

6、son of the year? (winter) (read,spell) T:Please look and guess,which season is it?多媒体展示一个地方四个季节的不同颜色的图片,让学生猜季节。 Chant: Sring is green,green,green,green. Summer is red,red,red,red. Autumn is yellow,yellow,yellow. Winter is white,white,white,white. T: Good,which season is it now?S s: Its spring. T: Ye

7、s, it is spring now. Whats the weather like in spring? Is it cold? (Ss: No.) Is it hot? (Ss: No.) T: Its neither cold nor hot. So, its very warm. (teach “warm”) (read,spell) And its often rainy. Whats the weather like in summer?S1: Its very hot.T: Yes, its hot because its usually sunny.If you want t

8、o know the weather in autumn, you can ask me 引导学生问:Whats the weather like in autumn? 呈现句型 Whats the weather like ? 指导朗读。S1、S2、S3 Ss : Whats the weather like in autumn? T: Its very cool. Sometimes its windy. Sometimes its cloudy.T: What about the weather in winter? Who can ask?S1、S2、S3 Ss : Whats the

9、 weather like in winter? T: Its very cold. Sometimes its snowy. Do you like snowy days?Ss: Yes. T: Me, too. Because we can make snowmen Practice: (chain drill)Whats the weather like in _(season)_? Its T:Lets chantSring. Sring, Sring, warm and rainy. Summer , Summer, Summer,hot and sunny. Autumn , Au

10、tumn, Autumn, cool and cloudy. Winter. Winter, Winter ,old and windy. T: Now we know that different seasons have different weather. And different places also have different weather. Lets play a game: Be a weather reporter.First,look at the screen, do you know the meaning of the pictures.多媒体出示气象图标。学生

11、回答。 Ok, lets be a weather reporter. Look at the weather map of jiangsu. Read the places together. T 示范: I will be the first reporter. You may ask me: Whats the weather like in _(city)_?(Ask S1、2、3、4 to be the reporter. Give the best one some rewards.) T: Boys and girls, spring is my favourite season

12、. I like spring best. Which season do you like best? S1: I like summer best.S2: I like winter best. T: If you want to know someones favourite season, you can ask him:Which season do you like best? (带读句型)S1、2、3Ss: Which season do you like best?T : I like spring best. Because its warm and sunny. I can

13、 fly kites.( 学习Because)(ask S1) Which season do you like best? Why? T-S1、2;Ss-S3、4 C Ask and answer 1. Look at the pictures and talk to your partners. 2. Ask four pairs to perform the dialogue. 3. Choose one picture to write down. (the seas on you like best) Do a survey. Name Season Weather Activity

14、 Jim spring warm fly a kite Step4 Summarize T: Today we learned the four seasons of the year. What are they? Ss: (answer) T: Different seasons have different weather. Whats the weather like in spring/ summer/ autumn/ winter? Ss: (answer) T: People have different activities in different seasons. What

15、 do people usually do in spring/ summer/ autumn/ winter? Ss: (answer) T: Great! You all did a good job today. At last, lets say a chant to finish our lesson. Spring, spring, its very warm. Lets fly kites. (OK, lets fly kites.)Summer, summer, its very hot. Lets go swimming. (Good, lets go swimming.) Autumn, autumn, its very cool. Lets go camping. (Great, Lets go camping.) Winter, winter, its very cold. Lets make snowmen. (Hurray! Lets make snowmen) Step5 Homework: 1. Copy the new words. 2. Ask your friends about their favourite season. Ask them why.3. Preview A Listen, read and say.


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