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1、会质疑 会合作 会表述1Unit 1 Can you come to my party?【Period 1 SectionA (1a-2c)】课型:新授课 执笔:丁博 审核:贾利民 上课时间: 【学习目标学习目标】 1、能够熟练运用本课时的单词和短语;2、学会用 can/cant 发出、接收、拒绝邀请;3、掌握情态动词 have to 的用法。【学习重点学习重点】 1、学会用 can/cant 发出、接收、拒绝邀请;2、掌握情态动词 have to 的用法。【学习过程学习过程】一、自主学习一、自主学习 (一)知识导学 1、Can you come to my party on Saturday

2、 afternoon? 你参加我周六下午的晚会吗?can 是客气的提出邀请。接受邀请通常用 I would love to. / Thanks a lot. Certainly/sure.来应答。如果有事不能接受邀请,则说 Im sorry, but I cant. I have to2、have to “不得不”,表示客观的原因迫使,不得不,第三人称单数为 has to。另外,must 也常表示义务,这种义务来自说话人的要求;其否定形式“dont have to” 意为 “不必” ,而“mustnt” 意为 “不允许” 。如:You mustnt talk in class.在课堂上你千万不

3、要谈话。You dont have to work today.你们今天不必工作。(二)预习反馈:用情态动词 can, 和 have to 填空 1. What _I do for you? I want some apples. 2. _ I read your magazines? 3. My father _ride a bike, but he cant drive a car. 4. Linda has a sore throat. She_ drink more water. 5. I live far from school, so I _get up early every m

4、orning. 二、合作交流二、合作交流 (一)预习情况检查。1、听写短语和句子,并进行评价。2、在组内讨论交流预习中遇到的困难或存在的问题。会质疑 会合作 会表述2(二)引入目标语并完成 1a.(三)听力训练A: 1、 听录音两遍,完成 1b。2、 听录音 1b,把下面的对话补充完整。Eduardo: Hey, Ted. Can you come to my party on Saturday afternoon?Ted: Im sorry, I cant, Eduardo . I have to .Eduardo: .How about you, Carlos? Can you come

5、to my party?Carlos: .Eduardo: Tim?Can you come to my party? Tim: When is it?Eduardo: Saturday afternoon. Tim: Oh, no, I cant. I have to .Eduardo:What about you, Wilson? Wilson: Sorry, I have to .Eduardo:Antonia, can you come? Antonia:I cant, Eduardo. I have to .Kay: I cant either, Eduardo. I have .E

6、duardo: Thats too bad, Kay. Oh, next time. What a party! 3.跟读录音并两人小组大声练习对话。B:1、听两遍录音并完成听力练习 2a, 2b; 2、根据听力练习答案练习对话。 三、达标测评三、达标测评(一)用所给单词的正确形式填空。1. The teacher made Tom _(open) the windows in the classroom.2. Its necessary for us _(have) a good sleep at night.3. For _(he), playing soccer is the most

7、interesting thing.4. Can you tell me the _(different) between English and Chinese?5. Mrs Browns son likes to do the same things as she _(do).(二)交际练习 选答语: I II( )1.What time is the basketball match? A: Sure, Idlove to.( )2.Have a good time! B: Thats great.( )3.Can you help your mother with the lunch?

8、 C: Thank you.会质疑 会合作 会表述3( )4. When are you having a party? D: At 4pm.( )5. Id love to come to the party. E: Next Saturday【课后反思课后反思】_【Period 2 SectionA (3a-4)】课型:新授课 执笔:丁博 审核:贾利民 上课时间: 【学习目标学习目标】 1、通过听、说、写能熟练运用所学句型;2、能根据录音完成相应练习;3、能根据主要句型和听力内容编演对话。【学习重点学习重点】1、通过听、说、写能熟练运用所学句型;2、能根据录音完成相应练习;【学习过程学习过

9、程】一、自主学习一、自主学习(一)背诵 2c 中的小对话,并仿照此对话编一组不少于 6 句的新对话;_(二)知识导学1Im going to the movies. 我要去看电影。这是一个含有一般将来时的句子。英语中可以用现在进行时来表示将来的动作。例如:Im visiting my sister tomorrow. 明天我要去看望我姐姐。Hes going there right now. 他马上就去。 、Wait a minute, Im coming. 稍等,我就来。史密斯先生明天要去北京。_2Maybe another time. 或许下一次可以another time 还可以说 ne

10、xt time(三)预习反馈1、今天下午你要做什么? What _ you _ this afternoon?2、星期三我们要开会。We _ _ a meeting on Wednesday.3、玛丽晚饭后要去散步。Mary _ _ for a walk after dinner.会质疑 会合作 会表述44、星期天她要回家。She _ _ _ on Sunday.5、下个月我要去青岛。 I _ _ for Qingdao next month.二、合作交流二、合作交流(一)预习情况检查:1、听写短语和句子,并进行评价。2、在组内讨论交流预习中遇到的困难或存在的问题。 (老师点拨,师生互探讨)(

11、二)综合技能的训练 1、完成 3a 填空。2、熟读并背诵。小组检测,个别展示。(三)完成 3b。(学生展示对话)三、达标测评三、达标测评 (一)单项选择 ( )1.He has _work to do every day, so he often feels tired.A. too many B. many too C. too much D. much too( )2.We have a great party at school today. Come and _us.A. join B. help C. see D. visit( )3.I have to study _my math

12、 test _weekends.Afor; in B. for; on C. in; on D. in; on ( )4.What are you doing on Sunday?I am _my little brother at home.A. babysitting B. telling C. watching D. visiting ( )5.I am too busy today. Maybe _time is OK.A. other B. the other C. another D. another one( )6._did Mrs Green invite to her par

13、ty?A. Where B. When C. Whom D. How(二)按要求完成句子。每空一词。1. Jeff has to study for the math test tonight. (改为否定句)Jeff _ _ _ study for the math test tonight.2. Im going to the doctor on Tuesday. (对划线部分提问)_ _ you _ on Tuesday?3. Can you come to my sisters party? (作肯定回答) _,_. 会质疑 会合作 会表述54. This invitation is for your mom. (对划线部分提问)is this invitation for?5. I can visit you this evening. (改为否定句)I you this evening【课后反思课后反思】_



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