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1、Unit One What Will BeKey to ExercisesWarming-up ActivitieA 1. The information age, also called the computer age, refers to the current ear which is characterized by technology that allows the rapid transfer and processing of vast quantities of information. The computer forms the basis of information

2、 technology, but other inventions such as the Internet, satellite communications and cellular phones also enable rapid transmission of information.2. A marketplace is an open area, esp. a square, where people meet to buy and sell goods. The new world of information is compared to an information mark

3、etplace. This comparison is appropriate because in this new world of information people and machines can buy, sell, and freely exchange information and information services.B1.B 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. A 6. C 7. A 8. A 9. B 10. A 11.C 12.B 13. A 14. C 15. AVocabularyA. 1. C 2. A 3. B 4. D 5. B 6. A 7.C 8.

4、 A 9.C 10. D 11. C 12. A 13. C 14. d 15. B 16. A 17. B 18. DB. 1. h 2. f 3. g 4. e 5. a 6. c 7. d 8. bC. 1. tailored 2. breakthrough 3. forecasting 4. admitted 5. virtual 6. sustain 7. proclaimed 8. plausible 9. dispute 10. embraced 11. amplify 12. achievedD. 1. strengthen 2. cultural 3. where 4. fa

5、ctor 5. shared 6. increased 7. difficult 8. exert 9. global 10. pursue 11. whatever 12. resulting 13. forces 14. ethnicity 15. retains 16. regardless 17. as 18. name 19. top 20. commonTranslation and WritingA.因特网能使所有电脑连接起来。制定标准并使其完善,是非常非常重要的。有些人想知道计算机工业与其它工业的比较情况。以前我曾经说过 1980 年时美国的一辆有代表性的汽车的价格是多少,如今

6、,这个价格已涨到 8000 至 19000 美元,谷物同样也在涨价。和他们相比,个人电脑的价格如何呢?如果按照个人电脑价格的下跌方式计算,你只要花 27 美分就可以买到一辆汽车,谷物则不到1 美分,所以没有什么经济领域有电脑业这样快速的发展。人们只不过还不太习惯而已。你不禁要问:“如果因特网免费使用,你打算怎么办?”因为那正是我们随着电脑的发展必须要做到的事。微软的计算机发展前景是全球计算机化。我们看到,联上网的计算机正在使世界变小,而这会带给我们许多好处:增进人与人之间的了解,分享包括医学在内的重点科学领域的研究成果,保证世界贸易的顺利进行。因特网正朝着这个方向推进。微软已在全世界开展业务,

7、我们为在中国所取得的成功感到非常高兴。在中国,我们的软件产品开发举措重大。关键是要拥有素质非常非常高的软件开发人员。我们很新运地从贵校聘请到很多人才。的确,我想说的是,我们已组建的班子其核心力量都毕业于贵校。有些雇员就在我这张名单上。我们当然希望这个名单上的名字将来会大大增加,并且我们的工作质量会不断提高。Unit Two The Era of the Euro ArrivesKey to ExercisesWarming-up ActivitiesA (open)B 1. Participant, member 2.useless 3.leave,give 4.great, impressi

8、ve 5.bring to an end 6.carved 7.find(meaning)in 8.the U.S. dollar 9.be affected by 10. the use of the U.S. dollar by foreigners in their own countries 11. necessary information 12.break into pieces, become disorganized 13. leave ones position 14.soften 15. DisagreementVocabulary A 1: entry 2: compet

9、itive 3:insistence 4:clarify 5:annual 6arliament 7:withdrawals 8: accountable 9:imbalance 10:transact 11: coordinating 12: rival 13:utterly 14: conquerB 1-F 2-D 3C 4O 5G 6J 7H 8E 9M 10A 11N 12I 13K 14B 15LC 1. phased out 2. make.of 3. fall apart 4. stepping down 5. came along 6. nodding off 7. summo

10、ned up 8.toned town D 1. bruising 2. assert 3. foster 4. claim 5. regain 6. dwarf 7. contemplate 8.union 9.grumbling 10. guarantee 11.depreciated 12. Imbalance 13. differ 14. underlinedTranslation and WritingA 会议于 1996 年 7 月在斯图加特东南 60 公里的 Daimler-Benz 山顶培训中心召开。这是一个由主要经理参加的献策攻关会,议题是公司在何时以及如何完成从德国马克到欧

11、元的转换。Wolfgang Hartung 回忆到:“会议有 150 人参加,200 种意见,目标不明,非常混乱”。 会后不久他就成为公司的欧元项目主管。但如今在离欧元启动还剩八个月时,Hartung 一点业不惊慌。 事实上,他满怀信心,笑称戴姆勒汽车公司的欧元转换过程只是一个典型的项目而已。预计为数众多的公司会普遍不动声色。戴姆勒汽车公司在全球有 147 个生产厂家和 30 万雇员,是工业界的庞然大物,要把他四处蔓扩的财政系统装换成一种全球的货币非同寻常。事实上公司办公室和生产设施中的任何东西(遍布四个洲)都必须彻底检查,包括其软件系统、会计总帐、发票、自动售货机甚至自助餐厅用的现金卡。“真

12、正要作变动的均属小事,但其为数多却是一个重大管理问题”,Diebold(diebold 是戴姆勒汽车公司内部的咨询公司)的一位相信系统专家Daniel Kalcevic 如是说。 首先,戴姆勒汽车公司计算机上 350 万亿字节的数据必须重新编序以迎接欧元的到来。估计要完成此任务的时间为 100 万工作小时。Kalcevic 说:“我们逐个改变系统和数据文件,而且必须保证一个小错不会使整个进程突然停止”。 戴姆勒汽车公司以全速推进的方式已成为其他欧洲公司向欧元时代谨慎前进的个案研究。B The coming into use of the Euro and forming of Euroland

13、 by II countries will strengthen the position of EU in the international economic structure. Euroland for 20 percent of that in the international economy and 19 percent in the world trade. These three indicators are equal to or even a litter bit higher in Euroland there is a current account surplus

14、whereas in the U.S. the deficit is increasing. From the viewpoint of the leaders of EU and Euroland , the overall economic power of EU will become very important in the next century and will a solid foundation for its more important role in the world arena.However, there is a problem of internal bal

15、ance in Euroland. The differences among countries in Euroland will certainly make it more difficult for the European Central Bank to coordinate the economic policy making. It is believed that whether it can quickly shorten the gap mentioned above.Unit Three Will We follow the Sheep?Key to ExercisesW

16、arming-up ActivitiesB 1.B 2. B 3. B 4.A 5.B 6. B 7.A 8. C 9. C 10.A 11.C 12.A 13.A 14.B VocabularyA1. standardize 2. diverse 3. relation 4. permanence 5. zealous 6. hypothetical 7. personalize 8. unacceptable 9. aggression I0. genetic 11. Historical 12. complexities 13. presumed 14. certainty 15. humanely B 1 H 2F 3P 4C 5N 6I 7L 8- A 9K 10M 11E 12O 13D 14G 15B 16-J C 1.A 2. B 3.A 4. B 5.A 6. C 7.A 8. C 9.B 10. B 11.B 12.A D panel


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