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1、2016 届浙江省杭州市萧山区高三高考模拟命题比赛英语试卷(届浙江省杭州市萧山区高三高考模拟命题比赛英语试卷(15)2016 高考英语模拟试卷命题双向细目表高考英语模拟试卷命题双向细目表第一部分:英语知识应用。第一节:单项填空。第一部分:英语知识应用。第一节:单项填空。测量目标测量目标题号题号内容内容理解理解辨析辨析应用应用综合综合1交际用语2冠词3介词4情态动词5副词6形容词7动词词组8介词词组9非谓语10动词词组11连词12时态13代词14非谓语15定语从句16名词性从句17形容词18定语从句19副词20交际用语第二节:完形填空。第二节:完形填空。测量目标测量目标来源来源题号题号内容内容语

2、境语境逻辑推理逻辑推理辨析辨析21介词22形容词23名词24动词25动词26副词27动词28名词29 名词30动词词组31名词32介词33形容词34代词35副词36副词37名词38形容词39形容词完形素材 (370 词)40动词第二部分:阅读理解。第二部分:阅读理解。第三部分:写作。第三部分:写作。测量目标测量目标内容内容来源来源题号题号文体题材短文 词量试题 词量事事 实实 细细 节节推推 理理 判判 断断主主 旨旨 概概 括括词词 义义 判判 断断信信 息息 匹匹 配配4142434445说明文极端天气38921846474849说明文预订航班6271665051525354说明文锻炼与免

3、疫5161875556575859阅读素材60记叙文母子关系69920961626364任务型阅读:65怎样成功地举办一个派对342425 篇篇252573822105325第一节:短文改错考点分布。第一节:短文改错考点分布。错处12345678910考点介词连词词 组动词词 组形容词名词名词词 组连词时态代词形容词来源词数百度文库109第二节:书面表达。第二节:书面表达。来源字数内容测量目标原创189庆祝反法西斯胜利 70 周年 1、 语言运用能力和 信息组合能力。 2、 用英语表达的能 力。2 20 01 16 6 年年高高考考模模拟拟试试卷卷英英语语卷卷本试卷分第本试卷分第 I I 卷(

4、选择题)和第卷(选择题)和第 IIII 卷(非选择题)两部分,共卷(非选择题)两部分,共 120120 分,考试时间分,考试时间 120120 分钟。分钟。第第 I I 卷(两部分,共卷(两部分,共 8080 分)分)第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节,第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节, 满分满分 3030 分)分)第一节:单项填空(共 20 小题; 每小题 0.5 分,满分 10 分 )从 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑。(原创)(原创)1. Hello, will you want to go with us to have a g

5、ood drink? _ . Have you got the first prize in the writing competition? A. Why not? B. What for? C. What a surprise D. Id like to 2. In order to find _ better job, Tom decided to study _ second foreign language. A. the; a B. a; a C. the; the D. a; the 3. Keep trying and I believe that it will not lo

6、ng _ you can improve your English to communicate with the local men freely. A. after B. when C. untilD. before 4. You can try the drugstore, but it _ well be closed. Its too late now.A. can B. must C. should D. may 5. How do you find your new job? Much tougher than I expected. I quite enjoy it, _ .

7、A. instead B. too C. though D. either 6. Due to the increasing difficulty in hunting for a job, many college students can not find _ jobs after graduation. A. contemporary B. fantastic C. stable D. temporary 7. Mr. Brown _ one hour each day for exercise. Thats why he is always energetic. A. sets up

8、B. sets out C. sets down D. sets aside 8. The young children have been making good comments on the cartoon film, but _ the box office receipts, it is still far from satisfactory. A. in place of B. in terms of C. in line with D. in favor of 9. The movies were usually shown on the playground, with the

9、 audience _ on benches and chairs. A. seated B. having seated C. to be seated D. seating 10. Im sorry to hear that you and you wife have _ , but you seemed very happy together when I last saw you. A. broken down B. broken away C. broken in D. broken up 11. Students are required to go out in couples,

10、 especially in the evenings, with friends _ they get into trouble A. even if B. if only C. in case D. when 12. Mary has a headache because she _ too long. She ought to have a rest right now. A. had read B. has been reading C. is reading D. read 13. She likes swimming best because there is _ like swi

11、mming as a means of keeping healthy. A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing 14. All my classmates are talking about the books _ the ancient communication between Asia and Europe. A. dealing with B. to deal with C. deal with D. dealt with 15. I will never forget the period _ we lived toget

12、her in the small flat ,sharing our feelings and thoughts. A. when B. where C. that D. which 16. Is there any possibility _ you could pick me up to my school? No problem. A. whether B. that C. when D. what 17. The new country road is _ of the old one.A. twice the width B. the width twice C. twice as

13、the width D. twice the width 18. Henry has written many stories for children, _ I think the latest one is the best.A. of which B. of whom C. on which D. on whom 19. If he _ , he _ that food.Luckily he was sent to the hospita1 immediate1y A. would have been warmed;had not taken B. was warmed;would not take C. had been warmed;wou1d not have taken D. had been warmed;would not take;20. Did you have a good time at the concert last night? _! I have never had a more wonderful time all my life. A. No problem B. Dont mention


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