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1、第五单元第五单元填空题。1 When they arrived there, he lay on the floor, his nose bleedingbleeding. . 流血2 I think shes right but somehowsomehow Im not completely sure. 由于某种原因3 Id appreciateappreciate it if you would turn the radio down. 感激4 We were greatly amusedamused to hear about his sitting on the wet pain.

2、娱乐,消遣5 Britains poor economic performance was a cause for the growing public concernconcern. 影响关心6 It amazedamazed us to hear that you were leaving. Why not tell us a bit earlier? 使惊奇7 You neednt worry about him. This kind of medicine will help to healheal his wound soon. 治愈8 Im afraid Ive chipchip

3、a piece out of this saucer. 碎片 敲下9 She has got used to sucksuck milk through a straw though she is only two months old. 吸食0The old woman had to support her family by washing a heapheap of dirty clothes everyday though she had suffered a deadly disease. 大量 许多第六单元填空题。1You advice is exceedingly valuabl

4、evaluable to me in my research. 有价值2These two substances wont bondbond together at this temperature or pressure. 粘合3Preparations were made overnightovernight for an early start to the countryside the next morning. 一整夜的4Although there were only 4 horses competingcompeting, it was an exciting race. 竞赛

5、5The next big issueissue confronting the workers is the increase of wages. 问题6She always revelrevel in meeting new friends or making new acquaintances.显露7The invention of the telephone was a great contributioncontribution to human communication. 贡献8Several strong men were needed to open and close th

6、e massivemassive gates to the castle.巨大的9My experience of being a volunteer was quite relevantrelevant to the job I was doing at that time. 相关0One evening, when there were no staff to supervisesupervise him, he walked out of the hospital. 监管第七单元第七单元填空题。1The first-aid instructor demonstrateddemonstra

7、ted the correct way to bandage a wound. 示范2How can you accept the defeat so passivelypassively? Why dont you try again? 被动的 消极的3Although she has a wealthy background, she would like to enough money to be financially independent. 独立的4You should plugplug rubbers in your ears when you swim. 堵塞住5Twelve

8、people constituteconstitute the jury in a law court to listen to the facts about a crime and to decide whether the person accused is guilty. 构成6Its the money that spursspurs these fishermen to risk a long ocean journey. 激励7A good teacher should stimulate students to come up with originaloriginal ide

9、as and inventions.新颖的 独特的8With the rapid development of the economy, our modemode of life has changed greatly these years. 方式9She studied almost constantlyconstantly for the big test, more than 12 hours per day for nearly a month. 经常地0Mr. Selby is seriously ill and has been transferred to intensivei

10、ntensive care. 加强第八单元第八单元填空题。1Friends visit him occasionallyoccasionally at the weekends. 偶尔的2She encounteredencountered an old friends unexpectedly in the theatre. 遇到3MotioningMotioning to the best students to come forward, the teacher introduced them to the dean. 提议4I inclineincline to take the op

11、posite point of view. You may disagree if you wish. 倾向5Our principalprincipal problem was lack of time to review the details of our plan. 主要的6I cant recallrecall the exact details of the report. It was much too long. 回忆7Can anything replacereplace anything a mothers love and care? 取代8The acquaintanc

12、eacquaintance class was not in my major so I had only a few in the room. 与.相识9He was barelybarely old enough to drive a car at the time of the accident. 几乎没有 仅仅 勉强的0She was most upsetupset that you couldnt come to her birthday party. 使生气第五单元第五单元翻译1这些观众一定是错过了看他们的音乐演出,否则他们会给予高度评价的。The audience must ha

13、ve missed their musical performance, or they would have spoken highly of it. 2尽管她远在他乡,不知怎么她总能感觉到母亲的深切关怀。Somehow she could sense her mothers deep concern though she was far away form home.3这位接线员每天从家里到工作地点路上要花两个小时左右。The operator had to spend two hours or so on her way from her home to the workplace ev

14、ery day.4他感激她的同情和理解,因为在当时对他来说这意味着许多。He appreciated her sympathy and understanding, which meant a lot to him during that time.5他终于来到电话亭,投入硬币后便开始往巴黎拨打电话。She finally arrived at a telephone booth and put in the coins before dialing Paris.第六单元第六单元翻译1我不知道事情会变成这样。Little did I know that things would turn ou

15、t like that.2他并不想买车,但是我说服他买了一辆.He wasnt keen on buying a car, but I talked him into it.3成为 2008 年北京奥运会志愿者队伍中的一员将会是我一生中难得的经历。Being a volunteer in the 2008 Beijing Olympic Game will be a once-in-a-lifetime experience.4吸烟是导致肺癌的主要因素。Smoking is a major factor contributing to lung cancer.5这两所大学下个月将联合举行艺术表

16、演。The two universities will unite to stage an art show next month.第七单元第七单元翻译1这次贸易谈判非常成功,它对双方都有着特别大的好处。The trade negotiation is a big success, so it can be uniquely beneficial to both parties.2我们班的同学都或多或少的参加过学生会组织的活动。My classmates have been involved, one way or another, in the activities organized by the Student Union.3对一个没有受过高等教育的人来说,这是他能得到的最理想的工作之一。Its one of the most desirable jobs available to a person without higher ed



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