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1、 劳动合同续延通知劳动合同续延通知-女工三期女工三期 Notice for Employment Contract Extension张三 女士: Ms: Zhang San 单位与你于 2010 年 9 月 6 日签订的 2 年 期限劳动合同,即将于 2012 年 9 月 5 日期满. The two years period employment contract between company and you from September 6 th ,2010_will expire on_September 5,2012_.但你存在下列第 (四) 项情形But you are in t

2、he condition of_Item (Four)_.(一)从事接触职业病危害作业的劳动者未进行离岗前职业健康检查,或者疑似职业病病人在诊断或者医学观察期间的;is engaged in operations exposing him to occupational disease hazards and has not undergone a pre-departure occupational health check-up, or is suspected of having contracted an occupational disease and is being diagno

3、sed or under medical observation; (二)在本单位患职业病或者因工负伤并被确认丧失或者部分丧失劳动能力的;Has been confirmed as having lost or partially lost his capacity to work due to an occupational disease contracted or a work-related injury sustained with the Employer; (三)患病或者非因工负伤,在规定的医疗期内的;Has contracted an illness or sustained

4、a non-work-related injury, and the set period of medical care therefore has not expired; (四)女职工在孕期、产期、哺乳期的;Is a female employee in her pregnancy, confinement or nursing period; (五)在本单位连续工作满十五年,且距法定退休年龄不足五年的;Has been working for the Employer continuously for not less than 15 years and is less than 5

5、years away from his legal retirement age; (六)法律、行政法规规定的其他情形。Finds himself in other circumstances stipulated in laws or administrative statutes.依劳动合同法四十五条规定,单位决定与你续延劳动合同。劳动合同期延续至此哺乳期结束时 即 2013 年 7 月 1 日 。According to article 45 of Law of the peoples republic of china on employment contract, company d

6、ecides to extend the employment contract with you to the nursing circumstance ceases to exist until July 1,2013 . 特此通知 Formal Notice单位盖章(Company Stamp):年 月 日(YYYY/MM/DD)员工确认员工确认 Partner Confirmation本人确认已于 年 月 日,I confirmed that on date 1. 收到劳动合同续延通知; 1. I have received the Employment Contract Extension Notice2. 阅读并理解劳动合同到期续延通知内容。 2. I have read and understand the content of Employment Contract Extension Notice员工签字/Employee Signature: 身份证号码/ ID No.: 日期/Date:


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