托福综合写作例文解析TPO 25

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《托福综合写作例文解析TPO 25》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《托福综合写作例文解析TPO 25(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、智课网TOEFL备考资料托福综合写作例文解析TPO 25摘要: 托福综合写作例文解析TPO 25,同学们,如果你觉得你对托福写作考试没有什么把握,尤其是综合写作部分,感觉不知道如何下手,不知所措,那么或许如下的托福综合写作例文解析能够给你以启示。如下就是小编为各位同学归纳整理的 托福 综合写作例文解析,这则资料非常受广大同学们的欢迎,下载量很高,希望同学们充分利用,并能为大家带来实质性的帮助。本文只提供托福综合写作的范文。例文(仅供参考)In 1938 an archaeologist in Iraq acquired a set of clay jars that had been exca

2、vated two years earlier by villagers constructing a railroad line. The vessel was about 2,200 years old. Each clay jay contained a copper cylinder surrounding an iron rod. The archaeologist proposed that vessel were ancient electric batteries and evendemonstrated that they can produce a small electr

3、ic current when filled with some liquids. However, it is not likely that the vessels were actually used as electric batteries in ancient times.First of all, if the vessels were used as batteries, they would probably have been attached to some electricity conductors such as metal wires. But there is

4、no evidence that any metal wires were located near the vessels. All that has been excavated are the vessels themselves.Second, the copper cylinders inside the jars look exactly like copper cylinders discovered in the ruins of Seleucia, an ancient city located nearby. We know that the copper cylinder

5、s from Seleucia were used for holding scrolls of sacred texts, not for generating electricity. Since the cylinders found with the jars have the same shape, it is very likely they were used for holding scrolls as well. That no scrolls were found inside the jars can be explained by the fact that the s

6、crolls simply disintegrated over the centuries.Finally, what could ancient people have done with the electricity that the vessels were supposed to have generated? They had no devices that replied on electricity. As batteries, the vessels would have been completely useless to them.相关推荐:托福综合写作例文解析汇总托福口语TPO文本+音频下载汇总托福考试怎么提分汇总-【口语、听力、阅读、写作】相关字搜索: 托福综合写作例文解析


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