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1、双语双语:放假读点有意义的书放假读点有意义的书For each of us, the meaning of life is different. But, we are allseeking answers so we can find our own meaning of life. Forsome of us, this is a lifelong journey. For others, it is a matter oftaking the right steps to figure out why we are here. There areseveral great books o

2、ut there that can help you find themeaning of your own life.对我们每个人来说,生活的意义都是不一样的。但是我们都在寻找答案,所以我们能找到自己生活的意义。对于我们中的某些人来说,那是一段一辈子的旅行。对于另外一些人来说,那是一个运用正确的步骤来弄清楚我们为何在这里。这里有几本书能帮助你弄清自己生活的意义。1. To be Told: Know Your Story, Shape Your Future听说听说:了解你的故事,塑造你的未来:了解你的故事,塑造你的未来Dan Allender tends to use a lot of C

3、hristian language in his work, but his writing can helpanyonewho wants to learn more about themselves and do better in life. The more you know aboutyourself, the better able you will be to understand why you do what you do, and how to makechanges that will lead to your success in life.丹阿连德在他的作品中使用了大

4、量的基督教的语言,但他的作品可以帮助那些想要学习更多的了解自己,生活中做得更好的人。你对自己了解得越多,你便能更好的了解你要做什么,为何这么做,以及如何做出改变让生活更成功。2. A New Earth: Awakening to Your Lifes Purpose一个新地球一个新地球:唤醒你生活的目的:唤醒你生活的目的Check your ego at the door, and enjoy a more abundant life. This is the message from spiritualteacher Eckhart Tolle, who talks about how t

5、he ego is the cause of all conflict in life. This book wasselected by Oprah Winfrey for her book club, and has been read by millions.检查你的自尊,享受更丰富多彩的生活。这是灵魂老师克哈特托尔的想法,他谈到如何自尊是生命中所有冲突的原因。这本书被奥普拉温弗瑞的读书俱乐部选中,并已被阅读数百万次。3. The Hundred-Year Marathon百年不遇的马拉松百年不遇的马拉松This is a book chronicling the secret stra

6、tegy of China to usurp the US as the global superpower.Author Michael Pillsbury, who has served in senior national security positions within the USgovernment, uses his own personal knowledge of the subject to give us this wake-up call tochallenges within national security.这是一本记录了中国赶超美国成为全球超级大国的秘密。作者

7、迈克尔皮尔斯伯里曾在美国政府国家安全高级职位任职,他用自己的专业知识给我们的国际安全问题敲响了警钟。4. Let Your Life Speak让生命发声让生命发声This book by Parker Palmer is a great book about work and meaning. The ideas in the book willhelp you with your vocation, by letting you see the authors journey. There are loads of greatquotes, which you are likely to read many times over for daily inspiration and affirmation.这本书由帕克帕默所著,讲述的是工作和意义。通过让你了解作者的旅行,书中的观点将对你的假期有帮助。书中有许多名言,也许你为了每天的灵感读过很多次。


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