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1、ALCTS CCS Committee on Cataloging: Asian and African Materials Annual Meeting 2002 8 a.m.-12:00 p.m.Sunday, June 16, 2002 Sheraton Z Georgia Atlanta, GeorgiaPresent: Alan Grosenheider (University of Washington), Chair Shi Deng (UC Sand Diego), Member Gertrude Koh (Dominion University), Member Joseph

2、 J. Lauer (Michigan State University), Member Selina Lin (University of Iowa), Member (Recorder) Sushila Shah (Macalester College), Member Reiko Yoshimura (Freer Gallery of Art), Member Members absent: Ali Houissa (Cornell University) Excused; Chalermsee Olson (Northern Illinois University)Guests pr

3、esent: Joan Aliprand (RLG), Julianne Beall (Library of Congress) John Eilts (Stanford University) Philip Melzer (Library of Congress) David Nelson (University of Pennsylvania) Wen-ling Liu (Indiana University)1. Introduction Chair Alan Grosenheider opened the meeting at 8:00 a.m. with 6 committee me

4、mbers and 5 guests present. Everyone introduced him/herself.2. Approval of minutes from 2002 Midwinter meetingThe minutes from last meeting were approved with correction of two minor typos. 3. Old business a. Debriefing of program at Annual meeting 2002: “Year of the Horse: Next Phase in Pinyin Conv

5、ersion” Alan Grosenheider summarized the program, held on Saturday, June 15, 2002, 8:30-11:30 am. Twenty-nine (29) evaluation sheets were received out of fifty- three (53) attendees and the general comments were good. The main criticism was about AV setup; there was a power outage on the laptop comp

6、uter during one presenters session. Advertising for the program, timing and location also need to be improved in the future. Due to ALAs restriction, only two-hour or four-hour slots were allowable, causing difficulty for scheduling a three-hour program. Suggested topics for future programs included

7、 Chinese geographic names and cataloging of other non-Latin language materials (“Beyond JACKPHY”). Reiko Yoshimura volunteered to analyze and tabulate evaluation results. David Nelson asked about methodology used in converting Chinese subject headings. Philip Melzer explained in detail LCs procedure

8、 for converting Chinese subject headings and terminology. In short, place names, corporate bodies, conventional names and topical headings are converted after validation process but family names are left alone.b. Use of the word “oriental” in AACR Alan Grosenheider gave a background report on the is

9、sue. In August 2001, the Committee received a request from John Attig, chair of a CC:DA Task Force to consider usage of the word “oriental” in AACR as they received several comments indicating that the term “oriental” is offensive and should not be used in AACR. Since no report was submitted by Chal

10、ermsee Olson, CC:AAMs representative to CC:DA, a new task force to investigate this issue was formed. Reiko Yoshimura will head the group, along with Shi Deng, Gertrude Koh and David Nelson, to study the issue and make a formal recommendation to CC:DA after approval by this committee.4. New business

11、a.Review of “Revised Pinyin Romanization Guidelines“ (Umlaut, Apostrophe. See Appendix A) After some discussion, the Guidelines were approved as presented. Philip Melzer will relay the committees approval to LC.b. Batak Romanization table There were e-mail exchanges prior to the meeting among Lucas

12、Graves, Randall K. Barry, and Thompson A. Yee of LC regarding Batak Romanization table (See Appendix B). It was approved as proposed.c.Initial articles in Turkish and Tongan The Turkish word “bir” is listed in AACR2 Appendix E as initial article to be disregarded for access, but in practice, Turkish

13、 language catalogers have been including it as part of title word because the word also means number one. In absence of the Mid-East expert Ali Houissa, John Eilts agreed to take on the task of working with MELA representative to make a formal recommendation to CCDA to drop it from the Initial artic

14、les list. The procedure is to fill out the online form for submitting a rule change proposal available at CC:DA web site (http:/www.ala.org/alcts/organization/ccs/ccda/how-to.html) As for Tongan language (used in Tonga Islands in SW Pacific), due to the lack of an area expert on the committee now, i

15、t was tabled for future consideration.d. New program proposalsThe chair listed four proposals to be considered for a future program as follows: Chinese geographic names; Use of Internet in cataloging vernacular resources; Cataloging electronic resources in Metadata using vernaculars; Expanding verna

16、cular for cataloging beyond JACKPHY using UNICODE, e.g., Cyrillic and Sanskrit. The committee needs to consider seriously before next meeting and come up with a solid document at Midwinter 2003 in order to plan for a program in 2004 at the earliest. Alan Grosenheider suggested the committee either focus on one topic, or have a general program covering broad areas.5. LC report and Pinyin update Philip Melzer highlighted


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