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1、雅思优秀范文欣赏1发布时间:2007-11-22 作者:雅思研究中心 来源:上海新东方SomeSome peoplepeople thinkthink thatthat usingusing animalsanimals forfor experimentationexperimentation purposepurpose isis cruel,cruel, butbut otherother peoplepeople thinkthink thatthat itit isis necessarynecessary forfor thethe developmentdevelopment o

2、fof science.science. DiscussDiscuss bothboth viewsviews andand givegive youryour opinion.opinion. GiveGive reasonsreasons forfor youryour answeranswer andand includeinclude anyany relevantrelevant examplesexamples fromfrom youryour ownown knowledgeknowledge oror experience.experience.A chimpanzee is

3、 perhaps the animal most closely related to humans; but instead of treating the animal with love and respect, we subject it to cruel and inhumane scientific and medical experiments to further human development. What a cruel fate for the unfortunate chimpanzee. Or perhaps, in life as in the jungle it

4、 is survival of the fittest, and so, as the most intelligent animal we are just exercising our right to dominate and use other animals as we wish.For many people the issue of using animals for science is black and white; either very pro-animal rights, or very much in favor of using animals since we

5、are the highest level creature. On the one hand, some people say that subjecting animals to pain and torture is truly barbaric; higher-level animals share with us feelings, thoughts and behaviors and so we should look after them and respect them. They may also feel that if we are so unsure about the

6、 effects of a drug for example then we should do further chemical testing before doing live and sometimes cruel animal testing.Others, however, believe that we must use animals for the benefit of our own species (humans); to test drugs, cosmetics and new developments in science which will provide a

7、safer and better lifestyle for us. Very few people are inherently cruel, but they still believe it is either them or us; it is better to test the drugs on a monkey rather than on a person.Being cruel for the sake of being cruel and with no tangible results to show for it is definitely stepping over

8、a boundary of acceptable behavior, but at other times if the benefits of the research are explicit, tangible and valuable then I feel that the research is justified.雅思优秀范文欣赏2发布时间:2007-11-22 作者:雅思研究中心 来源:上海新东方MotorizedMotorized flightflight isis thethe greatestgreatest inventioninvention inin thethe

9、history.history. NoNo otherother inventionsinventions exertsexerts greatergreater impact.impact. dodo youyou agreeagree oror disagree.disagree.New scientific inventions have dramatically changed the way people live. Motorized flight is one of the key inventions in the history of technology. However,

10、 as far as I am concerned, the impact of motorized flight can be not considered the greatest among all inventions.Apart from the motorized flight, other inventions have contributed enormously to our everyday life as well. Especially since the “industrial revolution“ took place, our lives have been m

11、ade much more convenient by inventions such as trains , computers and internet. Each invention has its different functions and works in different fields. As a result, it is hard to compare that which one exerts greater impact. Even a pair of chopsticks has impacted for almost 5000 years on the habit

12、 how people eat in China.In addition, we should not only focus on the motorized flight itself to announce that it is the most important invention. Admittedly, it made the dream of human being become true, which people had been dreaming for so long to fly in the sky. From thunder and lightning to the

13、 electrical light, from the invention of the wheel to the car,and of course, without the invention of the screw; nail; hammer and motor, there will be no airplane.In conclusion, the steps of inventing new products will never stop in our fast-developing society. Without suggesting all the inventions

14、are equally good, I think we should not ignore other small inventions as well, because every invention can be our friends and support our way of life.雅思考试作文 给小孩零用钱的利与弊(Pocket Money)作者:Heaven 来源:人人听力网 时间:09-10-27 提示提示:双击单词,即可查看词义!(加群 163566471 验证消息:人人听力网 入群看公告。)文章内容文章内容With the development of our mod

15、ern society, peoples living conditions beco me much more comfortable. But along with intense competition, parents have less time to consider childrens needs in all-round. One method to solve this ontrad iction is to give children some pocket money. Pocket money is useful to childre n. But whether th

16、e children are considerable enough to make correct use of thes e money. There are two viewpoints about the pocket money. Some people think tha t giving children pocket money will make them become luxurious. Others think th at will not lead to such disadvantage. In my opinion, both of them are partiall y reasonable.Someone believe that giving children pocket money really has many advantage s. With pock



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