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1、1人教版英语七年级上册人教版英语七年级上册Unit 7 How much are these socks?Section B 1a-1e教学设计教学设计1、知识目标:知识目标: 能听、说、读、写 ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fifteen, eighteen, twenty, thirty 等基数词及运用询问价格及回答的句型:How much is/ are.; It is/ They are.。2、能力目标能力目标:在听说活动中,能听懂和说出 10-31 等基数词,能够熟练运用目标语言 How much is/ are.; ,It is/ They are.

2、来进行谈论衣物的价格。3、情感目标情感目标:通过学习,树立正确的消费观念及正确的审美观。教学重、难点教学重、难点1、 重点重点:学生能听懂和说出 10-31 等基数词,能够熟练运用目标语言How much is/ are.; ,It is/ They are.来进行谈论衣物的价格。2、难点、难点:在听说活动中,能灵活运用 10-31 等基数词.整体设计思路整体设计思路1、听前处理听前处理:通过看日历学习基数词 10-31,初步感知听力材料中的数词;然后观看关于购物的三段视频及相互交流课前在导学案各个小组合作收集表示学习用品、食物、衣物等词汇(即呈现小学学过的购物句型及回顾学过的词汇) ,激活学

3、生已有的背景知识;就凯特及妈妈购买何种物品进行猜测,激发学生听的欲望;小组讨论 1d 图片里的衣物价格,让学生预测听力材料内容,降低难度,为听中活动做好准备。2、听中处理听中处理:设计两个不同的、有梯度的听力活动任务,引导学生听音、辩词(-teen 和 -ty 的发音)、理解营业员和顾客谈论衣物价格的过程。为下一步听后即将进行的语言输出提供输入材料。3、听后处理听后处理:根据目标语言及结合学生的个体差异,设计三个2有梯度性的任务活动(看听力材料跟读、就听力内容小组编对话、以小组竞赛形式进行信息差活动展示(买衣物、文具、食物等各种物品):即每个小组派一个小组长当营业员,其他成员当顾客) ,让学生

4、在真实的语境中使用语言。 教学过程教学过程 Step 1 Greeting Seep 2 Revision and leading in 1.Ask and answerShow some clothes with prices on the screen, and then make students ask and answer How much is ? Its How much are? They are 2. Number game Each student numbers off their seat nunmber, and other students pay atttenti

5、on to the numbers.If someone makes a mistake, other students or the teacher can help. Step 3 Presentation 1a 1. Make some students read the nunmbers in 1a. 2. Play the tape, students listen and repeat. Step 4 Practice 1b 1. Students write the numbers in 1a next to the correct words. 2. Which rows of

6、 numbers are in the wrong places? 3. Make more students number the numbers. Step 5 Learn and think 1. Students read the numbers together. 2. Students work in groups to discuss the rules of the numbers. 3. Each group choose a student to show their ideas about the rules. 4. The teacher summarizes the

7、rules with the students and show on the screen.1 至 12 分别记,13 至 19 teen 结尾。20 至 90 十位数,-ty 结尾是后缀。若要表示“几十几” ,十位“-”连个位。 特殊记单词 threethirteen, fivefifteen, eight-eighteen 3twotwenty threethirty fourforty fivefifty eighteighty Step 6 Listening 1c 1. Students look at 1a, then listen and circle the numbers

8、they hear. 2. Check the answers. 3. Students write out the numbers they hear in English . Step 7 Listening 1d 1. Students look at the picture in 1d, then name and write the words of clothes. 2. Students listen and circle the things that Kate and her mom talk about. 3. Students listen again and check

9、 the things Kate buys. 4. Check the answers. 5. Students listen and follow the tape. 6. Students work as the saleman to introduce the clothes in the picture like this: The blue sweater is 15dollars, the blue trousers are 16dollars Step 8 Pairwork 1. Students work in pairs to ask about the prices of

10、their own clothes. A: How much is/are your B: Its/They are 2. Show -time. Step 9 Summing up Students summarize what they have learnt with the teachers help. Step 10 Homework Students list out all their family clothes prices and then report to the class in the next class. Clothes Prices Hat Shoes Blackboard design:Unit 7 How much are these socks(SectionB1a-1e)1 至 12 分别记,13 至 19 teen 结尾。420 至 90 十位数, -ty 结尾是后缀。 若要表示“几十几” , 十位“-”连个位。 特殊记单词 threethirteen, fivefifteen, twotwenty threethirty fourfortyfivefifty eight-eighteen eighteighty -How much is ?-It is.-How much are ?-They are


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