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1、由小小资源吧提供 http:/ 所有教学视频免费由小小资源吧提供 http:/ 所有教学视频免费PEP BOOK8 Recycle1 Read and Say【内容分析】本节课是 Recycle1 的第一课时,通过呈现旅行中的不同场景综合复习 be going to 句型以及相关的旅游用语,所学句型不是第一次出现,因此本课的教学重点是将主要复习的功能句型在不同场景与时间状态中更多地联系已经学过的语言,让学生在不断地回忆、巩固当中综合运用所学知识。内容设计上尽量贴近学生实际,最后的小组活动教师鼓励学生自主选择路线也是南昌本地的线路,并通过找到同伴同行的方式将五个特殊疑问句式真正运用到。本节课不仅

2、激发学生的学习兴趣,引导学生主动参与学习过程,同时也增强学生的综合运用英语能力。【学情分析】从学生的学习情况来看,经过八册书的学习,六年级的学生不仅有了一定的英语基础,而且也积累了一定的学习方法。教师将本课时的对话作为复习 be going to 句型的文本材料,复习与制定旅游计划话题相关的六年级复习课。学生在学习时应以旧引新,并且随着内容在深度广度上的延伸,要努力增强阅读理解和说话、写话的能力,跟同学之间进行相关的英语交流。【学习目标】知识目标:(1)在相关图片和课文录音的协助下,能听懂、准确读出 Read and say 的内容,并能完成有关旅行日程安排的练习。(2)复习与旅行相关的交通方

3、式,行程活动及人物的单词及句型。能力目标:(1) 能熟练掌握并能运用 be going to 句型询问并回答他人和自己的旅程安排(2)能培养学生良好的阅读习惯,掌握阅读方法。情感目标:(1) 培养学生热爱自己家乡的高尚情操并了解旅游对身心健康发展的重要性。(2) 培养学生能根据实际情况科学、有效地制定旅行日程安排的能力【教学重、难点】 1让学生将制定旅游计划的五要素,即时间,地点,交通方式,行程活动及同行人员与 be going to 句型融为一体,在具体的情景中能自然运用。2培养学生良好的阅读习惯,掌握阅读方法。3. 让学生了解与昆明有关的专有英语名字如石林,春城和民族舞蹈等。由小小资源吧提

4、供 http:/ 所有教学视频免费由小小资源吧提供 http:/ 所有教学视频免费【教学准备】1中国地图和各地风景图片(包括 Stone Forest 和 folk dance 图片)。 2准备本课有关的“月光下的凤尾竹”音乐、课文磁带。3. CAI 课件【教学过程】1Free Talk What day is it today? Whats the weather like today? How do you go to school? What are you going to do next weekend? When is the Army Day? S1: Its in summer

5、 holiday. 2. Lets chant Today our topic is about holiday. I will give you some stars if you act well. I have a secret gift to the winners. First, lets sing a chant about holiday. 3. Presentation (1)根据 chant 谈论学生和老师的假期生活,并出示教师去婺源的图片,并围绕 之进行谈论。 T: What do you usually do on your holiday? Do you go on t

6、rips on holiday, too? Where did you go on your holiday? How did you go there? Where did Miss Wang go last holiday? 黑板出示句型:Where did you go on your holiday? How did you go there? (课 件出示教师的旅行照片)Yes, I went to Wu Yuan last holiday. It is a beautiful place. There are many beautiful flowers and I had a l

7、ot of fun there. Wu Yuan is in Jiangxi Province. Do you know how I got there? How many transportations have we learned. Can you remember? (复习交通方式.课件显示:Transportation: by plane by ship by subway ) (2) T: You are right. I went to Wu Yuan by taxi. And I did a lot of interesting things there. Lets have

8、a race to find out what did I do in Wu Yuan. 小组活动写行程活动 (课件呈现; What to do: take pictures row a boat eat good food play cards) (3) 通过教师行程的同行人员引出 Mike。 T: I didnt go there by myself. Who took the pictures for me? Who played cards with me? Who did I go with? Is my family or my friends? I went to Wu Yuan

9、 with my sister and my student Mike. (课件呈现:Who: Family Friend; classmate, co-worker, teacher, student ) (设计意图:在整个复习整理旧知的过程中,通过创设情境,运用猜和竞赛的 形式呈现教师上次暑假旅游五要素,创造信息差,将旅行计划五大要素时间, 地点,交通方式、行程活动及同行成员复习整理呈现给学生,与此同时复习上 个单元的一般过去时态。 )由小小资源吧提供 http:/ 所有教学视频免费由小小资源吧提供 http:/ 所有教学视频免费4. Reading Pre-reading (1) T:

10、He likes travelling very much. Look! He is going to take a trip again. Can you find out where he is going? I have some tips for you. (课件呈现:folk dance, stone forest and a sentence “It is known as spring city. 背景音乐”) (设计意图: 教师创设信息差,通过学生猜 Mike 旅行地点的方式将石林,民 族舞和春城几个新词教授。 )While reading (2) T: Yes, you ar

11、e right. He is going to Kunming. He is so excited that cant wait to share the good news with his friends. Lets watch the cartoon and finish Mikes plan. 看动画小组活动完成 Mikes schedules (在读题时,将黑板上的过去式句子替换为将来时, “Is Mike in Kunming now? No, he isnt. So we should use the Future Tense. Be going to”After reading

12、 (3) Read after the tape and fill in the blanks. T: I have a letter from Mike. He tells me about his plan. But there are some missing words. Can you help me to finish the letter without reading the dialogue? You can discuss in your groups (课件显示:Hello! I am Mike. I am going to visit_. It is a beautif

13、ul city. It is known as Spring City. I _ _ _visit Stone Forest and see _ _. I am going _my mom, my dad and my _.Our family is going to get there_ _ this weekend. I wish we will_ (玩的开心). Now! Can you tell me your plan for holiday!) (4) Emotional Education T:Mike is an outgoing boy. I like him very mu

14、ch. He likes travelling. So he has wild minds and he is very smart. We all know there are some old sayings that Travel broadens the mind.旅游开阔眼界 “The tour is that road to knowledge 旅游带你进 入知识的海洋”。5. Consolidation and extensions T:Travelling is a good thing! So what are we waiting for? Action is better

15、 than excitement. May Day is coming. Lets make a trip plan. But we have only three days. So lets take a trip around Jiangxi. Lets go to the Travel Agency. I pick up four tour lines for you. You can choose the line you like and write about your trip plan. There are many beautiful places in Nanchang. Such as Tengwang Pavilion, Art Gallery of Bada Shanren, Maybe you can go further such as Mt. Lu and Wu Yuan. (1)Name the four groups. Choose the line you like and sit around it. (2)Discuss the trip activities and finish your holiday trip plans.Task1: Share your good news with



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