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1、人教版九年级英语人教版九年级英语 U3U3 SactionASactionA 教案教案一、 知识与技能目标:1. 能听、说、读、写以下单词 license silly present experience member 等。2.学习重点:(1) Know how to use “should be allowed”.(2) Talk about what you are allowed to do.3.学习难点:learn to agree and disagree二、情感目标:在学习在过程中,学生通过交流与表达,掌握语言点的基础上能用英语熟练的表达自己的意愿,同学之间相互交流对某一事物或现象

2、的看法。三、学习与策略:本单元通过联系学生实际生活中的问题,结合语法学习,提高学生的学习兴趣,要多让学生交流讨论,总结归纳。四、教学流程:1、Warming-up创设情境,激发学生探究欲望创设情境,激发学生探究欲望(Lead-in)我先通过实际生活和学生问答,引出本课的结构、功能。T: What do your parents let you do at home?S1: My mother lets me go shopping on Sundays.T: That sounds nice. So you are allowed to go shopping on Sundays. What

3、 about you, Tracy?S2: My father lets me watch TV at home.T: Good. So you are allowed to watch TV at home.几轮对话之后,教师在黑板上写出两句被动语态的句子,让学生自由讨论他们在家可以做的事情,然后列出清单。2、In put:布置任务,激励学生学会联系实际去运用被动语态布置任务,激励学生学会联系实际去运用被动语态任务 1收集个人资料。任务 2将每一种情况都用被动语态表达出来。任务 3集中各种家庭规则,讨论哪些是好的,哪些是不好的。任务 4展开讨论。针对校规的一些内容,用“Teenagers s

4、hould be allowed to do.because.”or“Teenagers should not be allowed to do.because.”句型来阐述自己的观点。学生在收集时对自己感兴趣的都能记下来,不过有些学生在表达时对被动语态的灵活运用有待提高,如有些学生说“My parents should be allowed me to play computer”以及类似的句子。通过小组合作,有学生发现这个问题,有的能纠正,有的就举手问老师,所以我在他们的训练中反复强调主语在被动句中的位置,引导他们自己纠正错误,认识到主动句中的主语和谓语动词的关系。最后很多学生收集到下面一

5、些句子。I am allowed to watch TV for half an hour every nightI am allowed to go shopping with friends once a weekI am not allowed to play computer games every night教师将以上句子展示出来,要求他们根据这些句子内容,谈谈自己的观点,用 Teenagers should be allowed to do sth句型来表达。3、Practice:Teacheractivity:1) Ask the students to discuss with

6、 groups how do they about their family rules?2) Make the students understand the rules.3) Ask the students to discuss in gourps .4) Make one or tow students to report their ideas.Studentsactivity:1) Discuss with their gourps about their family rules.2) Make a survey about their family rules .3) 调查本组

7、同学的家规,完成表格。(表格形式按照课本 P203a 制定)4) Talk to other students in the class and find three people who have to follow these rules.Write their names in the chart.Find someone who. Name Name NameHas to stay at honeon school nightsIs allowed to stay up until11:00pmHas to get up early onweekendsHas to clean up

8、his or herroom every morning4、Out putListening practice.1) Teacheractivity:Point to the picture to tell the students what they are talking about.Listen to the recording and check the questions they hear.Play the recording rwice.2) Studentsactivity:only listen to the tape for the first time.Then list

9、en again and check the questons they hear.3) Teacheractivity:Listen to the tape of 2a twice and finish the 2a and 2b.4) Studentsactivity:Listen to the tape for the first time and check the questions they hear.Listen to the tape again and match each question in 2a with an answer in 2b.Pair work5.Read

10、ing.1)Teacheractivity:Ask the students to read the article and complete the chart on P202) Studentsactivity:Read the article loudly and finish the chart.6.Goutp work.1)Teacheractivity:Ask the students to work in pairs.2) Studentsactivity:Work in pairs【反思反思】教师在探究活动中的主导作用非常重要。体现在教师对教材的钻研,对整个教学过程的设计,对学

11、生进行情感的激励,致力于探究学习氛围的营造。针对本课的知识点,我灵活设计教学活动,让学生通过探究性学习、合作学习,培养运用语言的能力和创新精神。通过本课的讨论,学生充分运用了被动语态,并且能根据实际情况进行交流,在运用中感受自己的成就感,体会到了学英语的快乐,激发了他们学习英语的热情。I. Vocabulary and Structure: 30%1. Adams hadnt a _ what the speaker was talking about most of time because the class was in chaos.A. guess B. thought C. conc

12、ept D. clue2. Any one who followed _ would be blessed with a richer life and boundless love from his family.A. my set of rules B. my packet of rulesC. my group of rules D. my pack of rules3. _, the King of Rock n Roll, was crowned top-earning dead celebrity of the past 12 months.A. Elton John B. Elv

13、is PresleyC. Sting D. Michael Jackson4. “To be or not to be, that is the question” is a quotation from Shakespeares play _.A. Romeo and Juliet B. MacbethC. Hamlet D. King Lear5. My cousin Betty is the black _ of the familyA. cow B. pig C. horse D. sheep6. Ive got my driving test this afternoon so ke

14、ep your _ crossed.A. toes B. fingers C. arms D. legs7. As Mr. Best was passing the bookshop, he thought hed just _ to see whether any interesting books were on sale.A. look in B. look up C. look round D. look for8. Lenny advised me to have a _ of brandy because it will make me less nervous.A. bite B

15、. lick C. sip D. touch9. My fathers very quiet too. I _ him.A. follow with B. take afterC. look like D. turn up to be10. The capital of Australia is _A. Sydney B. Melbourne C. Liverpool D. Canberra11. Germany has won the World Cup _A. twice B. three times C. four times D. five times12. Tony Blair became _ of Britain in 19971A. pre


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