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1、2000 年外销员考试外贸英语试题及答案1. From English into Chinese:(1) PNTR(2) Irrevocable Letter of Credit(3) Blank Endorsement(4) General Average(5) FAQ(6) DES(7) Franchise(8) FPA(9) Bill of Exchange(10) Auction2. From Chinese into English (5%)(1)世界银行(2)电子商务(3)托运人(4)进口许可证(5)国际商会IIChoose the best answer for each of

2、the following question (25%)1. Contracts must be renewed one week _ their expiration.A onB againstC the moment of D before2. The commodities you offered are _ line with the business scope of ourclients.A outside B out of C out D without 3. We are arranging for n inspection tour of _ the material was

3、 processed.A placeB the placeC whereD there4. We are reconsidering those trade terms _ might be adverse to the interestof our principals.A whatB thatC whenD where5. Information indicates that some similar goods of Indian origin have been soldhere _ about 30% lower than yours.A with a levelB at somet

4、hingC at quotationD with a figure6. As we are _ of these goods, please expedite shipment after receiving ourL/C.A in badly needB badly in needC urgent in needD in urgently need7. We give you on the attached sheet full details regarding packing and marking,which must be strictly _.A observedB abide b

5、yC submittedD seen8. We _ to allow you a special discount if you increase your order to 5000 pairs.A have preparedB are prepareC are preparedD were prepared9. The importance of delivery on time _ overstressed, because failure to receivegoods or services will cause serious inconvenience to the end-us

6、ers.A canB be C cannot be D could be11. We wish to stress that shipment must be made within the prescribed time limit,as a further _ will not be considered by our end - users.A prolongB protractC extensionD expansion12. With computer users linked to the Internet growing _ every year, businessis tryi

7、ng to cash in on the worldwide network.A at millionB with a millionC with one millionD by millions13. We regret having to remind you that 30% of the freight is still _.A ownedB owningC outstandingD understanding14. _ you fulfill the terms of the L/C, we will accept the drafts drawn underthis credit.

8、A ProvidedB To provideC In the caseD Only if15. Kindly advise us of the steamers that call _ your port every month.A atB onC inD for16. It should be _ if you could immediately _ what quantity you can supply us at present.A thankful, adviseB appreciate, adviseC appreciated, adviseD appreciating, info

9、rm17. We thank you for your e-mail of November 25 _ your purchase of 10 M/T wild rice.A confirmB confirmingC to confirmD confirmed18 Subject to satisfactory arrangements _ terms and conditions, we should bepleased to act as your sole agent.A asB as perC as ifD as to19. Our usual terms of payment are

10、 _ L/C and we hope they will be satisfactory_ you.A by, forB by, toC for, toD for, with20. That helps to explain _ businesses are setting up Net sites even thoughprofits arent yet very big.A thatB the reason forC whyD why that21. We find that there is no stipulation of transshipment _ in the relativ

11、e L/C.A allowingB which allowsC which allowedD being allowed22. After unpacking the case we found that the goods did not _ with the originalsample.A matchB come upC agreeD measure23. If the first shipment _, we guarantee that we will send you many repeatorders.A will prove satisfactoryB proves satis

12、factoryC turns out a satisfactionD turns out to be satisfied24. It is necessary that an arbitration clause _ in the contract.A will be includedB must be includedC be includedD has been included25. Please see that your written confirmation _ by the end of this month;otherwise we will be free from the

13、 obligation for his offer.A reaches usB will reach usC reach usD reached us1)国际市场营销是重要的,因为世界已变成了一个全球化的场所,国际营销每日都在我们身旁 发生,对我们的生活产生着深刻的影响。2)国际贸易中,只有很少一部分服务贸易。因为,就某种程度来说服务并不比商品那样可以 交易。3)在执行合同的过程中,签约双方都应该遵守合同条款。任何一方如果不严格履行,就会给 另一方带来麻烦。甚至使另一方遭受损失。4)国际贸易中,时间因素至关重要,所以买方通常坚持货物必须在指定截止日期前或一段时 间内装运是很自然的。5)技术转让

14、是生产某个产品,使用某个程序或提供某种服务的系统化知识的转让。其要素有“ 人件“、“软件“和“硬件“。参考答案 1.永久性正常贸易关系2.不可撤销信用证3.空白背书4.共同海损5.良好平均品质/大路货6.目的地船上交货7.免赔额/特许经营权8.平安险9.汇票10.拍卖2. From Chinese into English (5%)2. From Chinese into English (5%)2. From Chinese into English (5%)2. From Chinese into English (5%)1. World Bank2.e-eommerce/e-busine

15、ss3. Shipper/consigner4. Import license5. International Chamber of Commerce (ICC)1.D 2.B 3.c 4.b 5.b 6.B 7.a 8.c 9.c 10.c 11.c 12.d 13.c 14.a 15.a 16.c 17.b 18.d 19.b 20.c 21.d 22.c 23.b 24.c 25.a2. From Chinese into English: (10%)1)International marketing is important because the world has become g

16、lobalized.International marking takes place all around us every day and has a major effecton our lives.2)There is only a small proportion of service activity in international trade.Because to some sxtent services are much less tradable than goods.3)In executing a contract, both sides should abide by the stipulations in thecontract. If one part fails to fu



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