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1、高一英语复习卷高一英语复习卷 必修四必修四 unit 2unit5一,单词短语1. 斗争 2. 十年3. 引起烦恼的4. 循环5. 因此6. 配备7. 个性8. 使迷惑9. 遗憾,懊悔10. 焦点11. 减少12. 评论13. 幸亏14. 摆脱15. 对.满意16. 导致17. 使.免受(影响,伤害)18. 幽默19. 逐渐增强20. 使惊诧21. 不幸地22. 使某人信服某事23. 对挑剔 24. 对感到好奇25.提前26. 因而闻名27. 直到现在28挑出29. 担任主觉30. 情况更差31. 代表,象征32. 接近,方法33. 作用,功能34. 保护,保卫35. 主修,主要的36. 背对

2、,背弃37. 很可能 38. 总得来说39. 使某人放松40. 不同的41. 摇摆,秋千42. 有吸引力的事物43. 独一无二的44. 根据模仿45. 允许进入46. 使.恢复生机47. 难怪48. 苏醒过来 49. 消遣,娱乐50. 相反地二多项选择1. Bears fat stores throughout the summer and fall to have energy enough to last them through their winter sleep.A. pack up B. build up C. bring up D. take up2. The incident

3、caused a hot discussion on the internet , but the local government had no immediate on it .A. adjustment B. commitments C. comment D. document3. Im really a bit worried because t have no idea what my parents will be to my poor examination result.A. expression B. reaction C. appearance D. expectation

4、4. Just before and immediately after the classes, the children took a written test that required them to certain letters from long chains of symbols in a short time. A. pick up B. pick up with C. take out D. pick out5. Lily was talking to our teacher about examination , when suddenly Tom .A. cut off

5、 B. cut out C. cut up D. cut in 6. It has been proven that naps are beneficial and help you better for the rest of the day.A. smooth B. function C. pay D . measure7. One of his major shortcoming is that he always bases his judgment on opinions, which often leads to prejudices against something or so

6、mebody.A. objective B. subjective C. optimistic D. pessimistic8. Im about what I say because careless remarks are likely to hurt others feelings.A. enthusiastic B. cautious C. doubtful D. curious9. After three weeks adjustment to the new environment, he managed to accustom himself to be more with pe

7、ople.A. in relief B. at ease C. in peace D. at stake10. The officials of the National Ministry of Information Industry advise people to limit the personal information they make about themselves online.A. available B. affordable C. acceptable D. valuable 11. Dressed in her most beautiful clothes, Mis

8、s Green did become the of attention at the party that evening.A. place B. in place of C. thanks to D. in face of12. Rose is a very humorous girl, and she often us for hours with funny stories and jokes.A. astonishes B. directs C. entertains D. whispers13.Many countries in East Europe are trying hard

9、 to gain into the European Union, in which they believe they can enjoy the benefits it offers .A. permission B. admission C. settlement D. acceptance 14. Police can easily recognize your fingerprint by machine , because every persons fingerprints are .A. outstanding B. regular C. ordinary D. unique1

10、5.The 2015World Secondary School Students Track and Field Championships will be held in Wuhan NO.4 Middle School, partially because the cultural relics here such as the Clock Tower and the Church are well .A. preserved B. deserved C. reserved D. observed三完成句子1. The air pollution in China is so serio

11、us that only when all departments take effective measuresdamage hopefully.(reduce)中国的空气污染如此严重,只有所有部门都采取有效措施我们才有望减少危害。2. Teachers usually try in every way they can what they say.(convince)老师们经常尽其所能使我们相信他们所言。3. His marriage broke up and his company was closed down, than ever before.(badly)他的婚姻破裂并且公司倒闭

12、,这使他比以前更加潦倒。4. You yourself. You could have given me a ring instead.(come)你本来不必亲自来,只要给我通个电话就行了。5. It is not her parents but our friend Mary us to show great anger for our unexpected visit.(turn)不是她的父母而是我的朋友玛丽不理睬我们,以示对我们的突然来访表示很生气。6. A survey indicates that, on account of the difficulty they have Man

13、y college students are in favor of running online shops.(find)一项调查显示,由于很难找到一份令人满意的工作,许多大学生倾向于经营网店。7.The hotel now beside the park was designed by a group of young men.(build)公园旁边正在修建的宾馆是由一群年轻人设计的。8. no one for her to turn to when she is in trouble.(seem)当她遇到困难时,好像没有人可以求助。9. In recent years, China te

14、rrorism all over the world.(fight)最近几年,中国一直在于世界恐怖主义作斗争。10. is said to be good for ones health, but I dont agree.(sleep)据说在户外睡觉有利于健康,但我不赞成此说法。11. The wrong decision will cost him everything for years.(struggle)这项错误的决定将会使他丧失他为之奋斗好多年的一切。12. At the opening ceremony, was the theme song performed by the famous singer from the USA.(appeal)在开幕式上最吸引我的是由那位著名的美国歌手所演唱的主题歌。13.Women smokers develop lung cancer compared to men.(likely)与男性相比,女性吸烟者更容易患肺癌。14.Some experts demanded that enough time for sleep.(give)专家们要求应该给孩子们充足的睡眠时间。15. He hasnt



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