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1、第 1 页 乌龙中心学校集体备课教案乌龙中心学校集体备课教案 年级年级 七七 科目科目 英语英语 单元单元 4 4 课课 题题Unit4Unit4课课 型型主主 备备 人人孙孝国孙孝国 授授 课课 人人1讨论自己和他人职业及将来所从事的职业原因。2能够阅读招聘广告,并能写广告。教教 学学 目目 标标3学习询问某人现在及将来所从事职业的地点的句型。 重重 点点1. Words: doctor hospital nurse money danger policeman newspaper story summer hard magazine young skill madam play out t

2、alk wear give get policewoman bank clerk station assistant 难难 点点1. What do you want to be ? 2. What do you do?教教 学学 手手 段段1. 使用点读机进行听力训练;2. 小组合作进行口语训练 3. 制作卡片,让学生识记单词 知知 识识 点点师师 生生 活活 动动个个 性性 展展 示示Section ATeaching procedures (教学过程)一、预习导学及检测(教师寄语:Knowledge is power.)学习任务一: 询问职业 (看谁写得准确)1. “你是干什么的?“有哪

3、三种表达方式? _ _ _ 2. 学习任务二: 总结有关职业的词汇(看谁写得多_ 第 2 页 doctordoctor SailorSailor2.2. 主要主要 句型句型 WhatWhat dodo wantwant toto bebe ?WhatWhat doesdoes wantwant toto bebe ? ?二. 情境导入 能听懂听力对话并能进行自由交际。(1)将单词与图片中的人物相匹配。(2)听录音并排序。_ _ _(3)结对练习,就图片中的人物进行问答练习。三. 自主探究 能听懂听力对话并能进行熟练书写。(1). 听对话录音并排序。_ _ _(2). 再听一遍对话并完成以下表格

4、:Who Job Wants to be1. Annas mother2. Tonys father3. Susans brother四、合作交流同学之间相互调查,并练习 want to be句型。A: What do you want to be ? A :_B : I want to be a teacher . B: _A: What does your mother do ? A :_B She is a bank clerk . B: _A: What does she want to be? A: _B: She wants to be a policewoman. B: _ 五、

5、拓展创新仿照以下做成文报告(小组活动在全班展示)。I have a friend,His name is,He is.years old,He wants to be His father is,He wants to be,His mother is,She wants to be a 六 、课堂小结。(1) 本节课教学了职业的名称及对职业的提问方式,并掌握几种对职业提问的句型。(2).通过对本节课的学习使学生明白:What you will be, you will be! 你能成为你可以成为的人!What you want to be, you will be ! 第 3 页 你能成为你

6、想成为的人!单元达标检测一、选择填空。( ) 1. He _ want to be a doctor.A. dontB. isC. doesnt( ) 2. She works in a bank. She is a _.A. shop assistantB. bank clerkC. policewoman( ) 3. Where does your father _?A. work B. working C. works( ) 4. My father wants to be _ actor.A. aB. theC. an( ) 5. I dont like my job, because

7、 its very _. A. interestingB. boringC. exciting( ) 6. Jenny is a nurse and _ in Town Hospital.A. works B. worked C. had worked D. work( ) 7.Whats your sister?A. She is a sales assistant. B. She is nice.C. She is cooking dinner. D. She works in a bank.二、根据句意,用所给的单词的适当形式填空. 1. My uncle w_ in that shop

8、. 2. She is a w_ and works in a restaurant. 3. His father is a d_, he works in a hospital.4. Lucy and Lily are s_. They are in No. 1 Middle School. 5. She likes to talk to people, she wants to a .第 4 页 教后反教后反思思课课 题题Unit4Unit4课课 型型主主 备备 人人 孙孝国孙孝国授授 课课 人人备课时间备课时间授课时间授课时间1. 学习询问职业的句型。2、新句型 What do you

9、do ? / What do /does want to be ?教教 学学 目目 标标 3.3. 长大后要珍惜自己的职业并努力工作长大后要珍惜自己的职业并努力工作重重 点点1 . What do you do ? I am 2. What does /do she / he want to be ? She /he want to be 3. 要正确掌握表示职业的单词。难难 点点Complete chart and dialogue教教 学学 手手 段段TaskTask methodmethod andand inin pairspairs 知知 识识 点点师师 生生 活活 动动个个 性性

10、第 5 页 展展 示示“职业名词”大聚会英语中表 示职业的 名词很丰 富,怎样 能快速而 准确的记 住呢?下面有几 条顺口溜 供大家欣 赏: 1.记者 reporter 来报道, er 结尾真 不少。大 家一起来 瞧瞧: teacher dancer worker Singer2.演员 actor 练 演技,各 类角色来 尝试。看 你知道少: doctor Section B一预习导学及自测 用适当的介词填空1. We work and study _ the day and sleep _ night. 2.I work in a bank. I often work _ people an

11、d money.3.Ann doesnt like talking _ people because she is shy. 4.I think his work is kind _ boring. 5.Do you go out _ dinners with Gina every night?二情景导入 (由对话引出)(Ask a boy) -What does your mother do? -She is a police officer-What does your father do? -He is a bank clerk-What do you want to be? -I wa

12、nt to be a -.三 .自主探究 将图片与单词对应完成 1a四 .合作交流(1) Pair work: 运用“He is a policeman. Its an exciting job.“谈论上述图中 的工作,完成 1b (2) 听录音,填表格, 写出 Betty, Jenny, Sam 想从事的职业, 以及为什么人们要从事这些职业.四人小组活动,与你的组员问答这些问题 “What do you want to be? Why?“完成下列表格NameWant to be Why?第 6 页 edior inventor 3.3.科学家科学家 scientisscientis t t

13、爱专研爱专研, , 擅于擅于 istist 后面添。后面添。 请你来看请你来看 看:看: pianistpianist artistartist chemistchemist 4.4.音乐家音乐家 musicianmusician 爱唱歌。爱唱歌。 政治家政治家 politicipolitici anan 愿听愿听 “弯弯的弯弯的 小河小河”。5.5.警察警察 policemapolicema n n 顶呱呱,顶呱呱, 为人民服为人民服 务务 manman 皆皆 称夸。详称夸。详 情如下:情如下: businessbusiness manman postmanpostman (3) 快速阅读 3a,找出所读的招聘广告中各种职业的特点,并补全招聘广告。(4) 再读一遍 3a,小组间讨论划出课文中


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