精品课件 五年级上册MODULE3_unit1+We+visit+lots+of+places_

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《精品课件 五年级上册MODULE3_unit1+We+visit+lots+of+places_》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《精品课件 五年级上册MODULE3_unit1+We+visit+lots+of+places_(16页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、(三年级起第五册)浮 山 县 文 昌 小 学 李 俊 莹do govisit send like didwentvisitedsentliked学案问题一学案问题二 A: What did you do at the weekend ? B: I_.the British Museumwheelpostcardbus ridePractice the conversation in pairs A: _ did you go ? B:I _(go) to the British Museum. A: What did you _? B: I _(visit) the London Eye.学案

2、问题三WhereWentdovisited1.How many people are there in the dialogue?3.What did they do at the weekend?5.Whats the London Eye?4.Where did they go?6.Did Lingling like the bus ride?2.What is Amy doing?学案问题四2.What is Amy doing?1.How many people are there in the dialogue?There are three people in the dialog

3、ue.She is calling with Daming.4.Where did they go?They went to the British Museum. And they visited Big Ben and the London Eye.3.What did they do at the weekend?They visited lots of places.5.Whats the London Eye?6.Did Lingling like the bus ride?Its a big wheel. Its wonderful.Yes, she did. 以暑假生活为话题,用我们学过的过去式 写一小短对话。


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