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1、第 1 页Unit5 Topic3Many things can affect our feelings 导学案导学案班级: 八(1)班 学生姓名: 导学案设计:别菊 时间:2015-02-26课题:Unit5 Topic3 计划课时:3 课时 课型:新授课学习目标学习目标1.学习 makeobjectv. adj 的用法。2.学习如何表达安慰,让学生学会安慰他人。教学流程教学流程一一.揭示目标揭示目标 二二.链接基础。链接基础。 (根据汉语意思,补全句子。(根据汉语意思,补全句子。 ) 1.他父亲对他严格要求。His father _ _ _ him. 2.别着急,我们时间很充裕。_ _ _

2、. We still have plenty of time . 3.他学习不如他弟弟努力。He_study_ _ _his brother. 4 他习惯了早起。He_ _ _ _up early. 5.他教会了我如何处理这样的事。He taught me how to _ _such things. 6.虽然地球表面覆盖着水,但是纯净水仍然很稀有,珍贵。_most of the earths surface is covered by water, fresh water is very rare and precious. 三指导学习三指导学习 1.学生个体自学 (1).听 1a 磁带,回

3、答问题。(2).再听 1a 磁带并跟读,勾出重点句型和短语,找出疑难句,教师讲解。 (3).再读 1a,并完成 1b,教师核对答案。 (4)两人一组讨论 1c,然后汇报讨论结果。 2. 组内互学 (1).学生自读 2a,勾画短语及语法,试翻译文章。 (2)学生汇报阅读成果,师补充并讲解全文及知识点。 (3)听录音跟读一遍,完成 2b. 3.组际交流 (1)师生一起回顾本节课重点句型,语法。 (2)学生对此节课知识点掌握情况的自我认识。 4.整理笔记。5.实践运用。()完成翻译。1.王先生正在让他的学生们打扫教室。Mr Wang is_ _ _sweep the classroom.2.别急,我

4、们会帮你的。_ _ _and we will help you .3.他很怕孤独。He _ _ _being lonely.在电影的结尾,她嫁给了一个英俊的年轻人。_ _ _ _the movie,she married a handsome young man.4.它使我感到紧张。It _ _feel nervous.5.这个好消息使我高兴。The good news_me _.6.这使我感到紧张。This makes me _ _.7.遵照医生的建议,你很快就会康复的。_the doctors_,_you will get well soon. ()句型转换。1.work hard,and

5、 you will succeed in time.(同义句)_ _work hard, you will succeed in time.2. I have been in the army for 3 years.(对划线部分提问)_ _ have you been in the army?3. Why not watch some exciting DVDs?(同义句)_ _ watching some exciting DVDs?4. A noisy city makes me angry so I hate it.(同义句)I dont _a noisy city_it makes

6、me angry.5. I dont like to go alone.(同义句)I_to go _ _.()单选。1. -_have you felt like this?-three days.A.How many B.How long C.How often D.How much2. -I feel really _before making speeches.-Take it easy. You are the best.A.nervous B.disappointed C.unpopular D.bitter四、总结点评。四、总结点评。 五、课后提能。五、课后提能。 (练习册,阅读训

7、练)(练习册,阅读训练)第 2 页Unit5 Topic3Many things can affect our feelings 导学案导学案班级: 八(1)班 学生姓名: 导学案设计:别菊 时间:2015-02-26 课题:Unit5 Topic3 计划课时:2 课时 课型:新授课 学习目标学习目标 1.学习 makeobjectn 和 letobjetv 的用法。 2.谈论保持好情绪的重要性。教学流程教学流程 一一.揭示目标揭示目标 二二.链接基础。链接基础。 (根据汉语或首字母提示完成单词)(根据汉语或首字母提示完成单词) 1. I always feel n_ before exams

8、. 2.She m_the 8:10 train yesterday. 3.The solders must f_the officers orders(命令) 4.He learned English by h_during the summer holidays. 5. He h_to listen to this kind of boring music. 三指导学习三指导学习 1.学生个体自学学生个体自学 (1).听 1a 磁带,回答问题。(2).再听 1a 磁带并跟读,勾出重点句型和短语,找出疑难句,教师讲解。 (3).再读 1a,并完成 1b,教师核对答案。 (4)听 2 磁带并完

9、成 2.教师核对答案。 2. 组内互学 (1).师运用 3 中的第一幅图导入 3 部分,学生讨论余下图片,并仿照例子看图造句。 (2)师任意抽取学生上黑板展示所造句子,全班集体纠错并巩固所学知识点。 (3)学生先独立完成 4,然后组内交流并向师用 why.?和 because句型汇报 4,说明自己这 样选填的原因。. 3.组际交流 (1)师生一起回顾本节课重点句型,语法。 (2)学生对此节课知识点掌握情况的自我认识。 4.整理笔记。 5.实践运用。(根据汉语提示完成单词。根据汉语提示完成单词。)1.Theres an English test tomorrow. Lets p_for it.2

10、.Dont tell her about it now. Lets give her a s_.3.That kind of music makes me _(欲睡的)。4.Lets go to the English corner.-S_ great!-5. He saw a big dog l_ on the road yesterday.6.Mr Tang will give us a _ (演讲) tomorrow。四总结点评。五课后提能。 (练习册,阅读训练)( )1.How do you celebrate this coming festival?- We will_ a sho

11、rt play.A.put on B.put down C.put in D.put off( )2. Maggie is feeling bad , so we should do something_him happy again.A.make B.making C.to make D.to making( )3. Your mother is feeling better today. I am happy _ her.A.with B.for C.at D.to( )4.What makes you _ I am a teacher?A.thinks B.thinking C.to t

12、hink D.think( )5. Tom , just do it _ your teacher tells you.A.like B.as C.because D.when( )6.Kangkang is kind and helpful, so we all made_.A.his monitor B.himself monitor C.him to be monitor D.him monitor( )7. Dont worry too much about your illness._.A.It will be all right B.Thats right C.Thats ok D

13、.You will be right( )8. When I came in I saw Tom _.A.cry B.crying C.cried D.cries( )9.Could you tell me how I can_well with my classmates?A.get off B.get together C.get along D.get on along( )10 We should try to smile_life whatever happens.A.on B.with C.for D.at( )11. I like all kinds of sports ,_football.A.as B.especially C.special D.instead of( )12. I saw a snake lying across the road_.A.on the way to home B.in the way homeC.in the way t


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