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1、英汉单句互译练习英汉单句互译练习1. His house is very large and close to his school.1. His house is very large and close to his school.2. It usually takes some time to make friends with them.2. It usually takes some time to make friends with them.3. Is your father still working in that computer company?3. Is your fa

2、ther still working in that computer company?他的房子很大,离他的学校也很近。他的房子很大,离他的学校也很近。跟他们交朋友通常需要一些时间。跟他们交朋友通常需要一些时间。你父亲还在那间电脑公司工作吗?你父亲还在那间电脑公司工作吗?他的收音机很小,但是很好看。他的收音机很小,但是很好看。他每天早上赶到学校通常需要二十分钟。他每天早上赶到学校通常需要二十分钟。你的兄弟还在房间里做作业吗?你的兄弟还在房间里做作业吗?His radio is very small but very nice to look at.His radio is very small

3、 but very nice to look at.It usually takes him twenty minutes to get to school every morning.It usually takes him twenty minutes to get to school every morning.Is your brother still doing his homework in his room?Is your brother still doing his homework in his room?4. My teacher promised to talk to

4、my father about it.4. My teacher promised to talk to my father about it.5. I was so angry that I told him to his face what I thought of him.5. I was so angry that I told him to his face what I thought of him.6. The chairman of the meeting is an old man over sixty.6. The chairman of the meeting is an

5、 old man over sixty.不要相信那些当面赞扬你的人。不要相信那些当面赞扬你的人。公司经理是一位大约三十岁左右的年轻人。公司经理是一位大约三十岁左右的年轻人。He promised to give her a nice present for her birthday.He promised to give her a nice present for her birthday.Dont believe in those who praise you to your face.Dont believe in those who praise you to your face.Th

6、e manager of the company is a young man about thirty.The manager of the company is a young man about thirty.他答应给她一件漂亮的生日礼物。他答应给她一件漂亮的生日礼物。会议的主席是一位六十多岁的老人。会议的主席是一位六十多岁的老人。我非常生气,就当面告诉了他我对他的看法。我非常生气,就当面告诉了他我对他的看法。我的老师答应就此事与我父亲谈谈。我的老师答应就此事与我父亲谈谈。7. We still have a long way to go to catch up with the adv

7、anced 7. We still have a long way to go to catch up with the advanced countries.countries.8. I dont know why they refused to accept her invitation.8. I dont know why they refused to accept her invitation.9. Its a good chance to get some useful advice from the famous 9. Its a good chance to get some

8、useful advice from the famous artist.artist.我们要赶上先进国家还有很长的路要走。我们要赶上先进国家还有很长的路要走。我不知道他们为什么拒绝接受她的邀请。我不知道他们为什么拒绝接受她的邀请。这是一个从那位著名的艺术家那里得到有用指教的好机会。这是一个从那位著名的艺术家那里得到有用指教的好机会。Its really a good chance for you to practice your spoken English.Its really a good chance for you to practice your spoken English.你要

9、跟上班还有很长的路要走。你要跟上班还有很长的路要走。他不知道她为什么不愿意跟他一起去。他不知道她为什么不愿意跟他一起去。这对你来说确实是一个练习英语口语的好机会。这对你来说确实是一个练习英语口语的好机会。You still have a long way to go to catch up with the class.You still have a long way to go to catch up with the class.HeHe didn didnt know why she was unwilling to go with him.t know why she was unw

10、illing to go with him.10. You have no right to criticize your parents like that.10. You have no right to criticize your parents like that.11. There was only one dollar in his pocket then.11. There was only one dollar in his pocket then.12. The old man and his grandson would go fishing on Sundays.12.

11、 The old man and his grandson would go fishing on Sundays.你没有权力像那样批评你的父母。你没有权力像那样批评你的父母。当时他的口袋里只有一美元。当时他的口袋里只有一美元。那位老人和他的孙子星期天总是去钓鱼。那位老人和他的孙子星期天总是去钓鱼。你没有权力让他们离开。你没有权力让他们离开。那间村办学校只有一百个学生和四个老师。那间村办学校只有一百个学生和四个老师。我和我的兄弟夏天总是在那条小河里游泳。我和我的兄弟夏天总是在那条小河里游泳。You have no right to let them leave.You have no righ

12、t to let them leave.There are only one hundred pupils and four teachers in the village There are only one hundred pupils and four teachers in the village school.school.My brother and I would go swimming in the small river in summer.My brother and I would go swimming in the small river in summer.13.

13、Do you mean you are willing to help them if they ask you?13. Do you mean you are willing to help them if they ask you?14. They are always having a lot of meetings to attend, so they are 14. They are always having a lot of meetings to attend, so they are very busy.very busy.15. More skilled workers a

14、re badly needed in my uncles factory.15. More skilled workers are badly needed in my uncles factory.你的意思是说如果他们请你,你是愿意帮助他们的,是吗?你的意思是说如果他们请你,你是愿意帮助他们的,是吗?他们总是有很多会议要参加,所以他们很忙。他们总是有很多会议要参加,所以他们很忙。我叔叔的工厂急需更多的熟练工人。我叔叔的工厂急需更多的熟练工人。你的意思是说即使他请求你,你也不会借给他钱的,是吗?你的意思是说即使他请求你,你也不会借给他钱的,是吗?他的头脑里总是有很多奇怪的想法。他的头脑里总是有

15、很多奇怪的想法。那个山村急需老师。那个山村急需老师。Do you mean you will not lend him the money even though he asks Do you mean you will not lend him the money even though he asks you?you?He is always having a lot of strange ideas in his mind.He is always having a lot of strange ideas in his mind.Teachers are badly needed in

16、 the mountain village.Teachers are badly needed in the mountain village.16. It is said that he has already gone to Australia.16. It is said that he has already gone to Australia.17. The present he gave me is right in the school bag.17. The present he gave me is right in the school bag.18. They will try their best to improve their working conditions.18. They will try their best to improve their working conditions.据说他已经去了澳大利亚。据说他已经去了澳大利亚。他给我的礼物就在书包里。他给我的礼物就在书包里。他们将尽力改善工作条件。他们将尽力改善工作条件。



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