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1、毕业班英语单词汇总毕业班英语单词汇总 Name: Class: Grade: 1.数字基数词数字基数词 one two three four five six seven eight nine ten 序数词序数词 fourth sixth 基数词基数词 eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen 序数词序数词 基数词基数词 sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty 序数词序数词 基数词基数词 twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three twenty-five 序数词序数词 基数词基数词

2、thirty thirty-one forty fifty sixty 序数词序数词 基数词与序数词的区别:基数词是基数词与序数词的区别:基数词是“第第”的意思的意思,写法是除写法是除 第一二三外其余都加第一二三外其余都加 th,读法是前面都有单词读法是前面都有单词 the 2.colour(颜色颜色)red yellow green blue purple white black orange pink brown 3.time(时间时间)year(年年) 一年一年 两年两年 三岁三岁 四岁四岁 seasons(季节季节)There are seasons in a year. Theyre

3、 and .months(月月)按按 season 划分为划分为 Winter is , and . Spring is , and . Summer is , and . Autumn (Fall) is , and . January is the month of a year.week(星期星期)There are days in a week. They are , , , , and . 时间短语时间短语: 周末周末 下周下周 上周上周 明天明天 昨天昨天 今晚今晚 今天早上今天早上 今天下午今天下午 in spring/summer/January/February/March/

4、on Monday/ 时刻时刻(at) at seven oclock at nine oclock at six thirty 4.Food and drinks(食品与饮料食品与饮料)western food(西方食品西方食品)cake (面包面包) hot dog hamburger (鸡腿鸡腿) French fries coke (果汁果汁) water tea coffee ice- cream eastern food(东方食品东方食品) 米饭米饭 fish 猪肉猪肉 mutton 面条面条 牛肉牛肉 汤汤 eggVegetable(蔬菜蔬菜) 卷心菜卷心菜 茄子茄子 , gre

5、en beans, tofu , 土豆土豆 番茄番茄 黄瓜黄瓜 , onion , 胡萝卜胡萝卜 Fruit(水果水果) 桃子桃子 ,梨梨 ,orange ,西瓜西瓜 , apple , banana , 草莓草莓 , 葡萄葡萄 , 关于味觉的单词关于味觉的单词 可口的可口的 ,健康的健康的 ,甜的甜的 ,酸的酸的 , 新鲜的新鲜的 ,咸的咸的 ,饿了饿了 餐具餐具 盘子盘子 ,叉子叉子 , knife , 勺子勺子 , 筷子筷子 请随便吃请随便吃 5.Clothes(衣服衣服) coat(外衣外衣,winter), 夹克衫夹克衫 , 衬衫衬衫 , 裙子裙子 , 连衣裙连衣裙 ,毛线衣毛线衣

6、,一条牛仔裤一条牛仔裤 , 一条长裤一条长裤 , 一双袜子一双袜子 一条短裤一条短裤 一双鞋子一双鞋子 Shoes 分为分为 (运动鞋运动鞋), (拖鞋拖鞋), (凉鞋凉鞋), (靴子靴子) 6.Toy and stationary(玩具与文具玩具与文具)Toy 洋娃娃洋娃娃 ,小船小船 ,皮球皮球 ,风筝风筝 , 气球气球 ,car, 飞机飞机 交通工具:地铁交通工具:地铁 ,ship,plane,火车,火车, bus,bike,jeep,taxi,motor cycle, “乘乘”用用 by,但是但是 on foot。Stationary pen , pencil ,pencil-case

7、 ,ruler ,橡皮擦,橡皮擦 ,蜡,蜡 笔笔 ,bag,sharpener. 形容词形容词: 便宜的便宜的 , expensive, pretty, 多彩的多彩的 . book 汇总汇总 漫画书漫画书 ,报纸报纸 ,杂志杂志 ,字典字典 ,post card, Chinese book ,English book, math book, story book ,notebook 7.日常生活用品日常生活用品 air-conditioner , ,trash bin ,closet ,mirror ,end table , phone ,bed ,sofa , ,fridge ,table

8、,walkman , (台灯台灯)After school ,I went (家家).This is my (房子房子). There are five rooms in my house. Theyre a (书房书房), a (卫生间卫生间), a (卧室卧室),a (客厅客厅) and a (厨房厨房).Im helpful at home. I can empty the trash, (煮饭煮饭),water the flowers, (扫地扫地),clean the bedroom, (做家务做家务),make the bed , (整理餐具整理餐具),wash the cloth

9、es, (洗碗洗碗),put away the clothes, watch TV and play computer games. 8.Animal(动物动物) At zoo, there are fox, zebra, giraffe ,梅花鹿梅花鹿 ,cat ,dog ,monkey,熊猫熊猫 ,兔子兔子 ,鸭子鸭子 ,pig ,bird ,熊熊 ,mouse,squirrel ,kangaroo ,狮子狮子 , 蛇蛇 and 老虎老虎 . At (农场农场),there are sheep ,lamb ,马马 ,母鸡母鸡 ,山山 羊羊 ,奶牛奶牛 ,donkey and goose.

10、9.植物植物(plant)seed ,soil ,sprout 植树植树 10.环境与建筑环境与建筑(building) air sky (小溪小溪) mountain (河流河流) flower grass lake forest path park (村庄村庄) (城城 市市) bridge tree road building:library , post office , hospital , cinema , bookstore , shoe store ,fruit stand ,pet shop ,supermarket ,bank ,science museum11.Body(

11、身体身体) head ,face ,nose ,mouth ,eye ,ear ,arm ,hand ,finger ,leg ,foot , back , stomache,shoulder, hair, knee, toefeel sick/ill(生病了生病了) 发烧发烧 ,受伤受伤 ,感冒感冒 ,牙疼牙疼 , 头疼头疼 ,喉咙疼喉咙疼 心情心情 feel tired excited angry happy bored sad (感到疲劳感到疲劳兴奋兴奋 生气生气 高兴高兴 无聊无聊 悲伤悲伤) 12.个人情况个人情况 My name is .My (爱好爱好)is riding a bike , diving , playing the violinpiano , making kites , collecting stamps, music ,science ,sports, c


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