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1、小学英语资源与评价五年级上册小学英语资源与评价五年级上册 答案答案 Module1 Unit 1 1 F T F T F 2. swing slide duck pond 3. N B B B B N 4. A B C B B B B 5. 1)You were in China for two years. 2) There werent any swings here before. 3) Do you like the park now? 4) Lets go to feed the ducks. 5) Does London look different now? 6. 1)Yes,

2、it does.2) No, there werent.3)Yes,there was.4) Yes,there is.5)Yes, there are.6) Yes, they can.7)Yes, she does. 7. (A) a pear(B) a ball ( B) two kites(C) a teddy bear (C) a toy car Unit 2 1. 1)Yes, there were. 2)No, there werent.3)Yes, there are.4) Yes, there was. 5) No,there wasnt. 6)Yes, there is.

3、2. 1)there were 2)There are 3) There is 4)There was 5)There wasnt 6)There is 7) There is 8) There werent 3. 1) There is a big playground now.2)There were lots of little flowers here before.3)There weret any trees in the park.4)There were small desks in the classroom before. 4. at are is on was your

4、desks 5. 2) There is a bed in Room B now.3)There werent pencils in room C before.There are some pencils in Room C now. 6. 1)You werent in China for two years.2)Is this park different?3) Yes, we do.4) Is there a big playground?Module2 Unit 1 1. FFFTT T 2 AAAAA 3. ABBBABCA 4. 1) We are going to go to

5、the supermarket. 2) There are many sweets over there.3)Is this one heavy? 4) Let me help you. 5) What a big supermarket. 5. 2) The car is new. 3) The boy is naughty. 4) What a cute panda. 5) What a clean classroom. 6) What helpful children! Unit 2 1. heavy country sometimes restaurants different 2.

6、(略) 3. big different from CDs restaurants people 4. 2 4 3 6 1 5 5. cities babies libraries candies stories factories 6. 1) She is doing shopping with Mum.2)She is helpful.3) The supermarket is big.4) No, she isnt.5) She wants some sweets and cakes. 6) They are going to buy a T-shirt for Dad. 7. ther

7、e many rice seat near tall Module 3 Unit1 1 1. Halloween autumn clothes hats houses sweets 2 .1)万圣节 2)真正的 3)节日 4)吓人的 5)面具 6)糖果 3. B C C A B A 4.1) Children wear scary clothes. 2) Look at the hats and the masks.3)Then the people give them sweets. 4) Children wear scary clothes 5. scary clothes people

8、s houses people Whooooo sweets 6. 1) Yes, it is. 2)No,it isnt. 3)Yes,they do. 4) No, they arent. 5) Yes, I do. Unit 2 1. 复活节 万圣节 圣诞节 母亲节 新年 教师节 儿童节 2. H E E H H E 3. 2) There are flowers on the hat. 3) Those eggs are big. 4) They are Easter hats. TTTF 1) When 2) Where 3) What 4) What 5) How many 6)

9、WhatModule4 Unit11. F T T F T2. together birthday cake dance invitation tidy3. B A C B A4. Its an invitation to my birthday party. What are you going to do?Were going to have lunch together. Then were going to play with Amys new toys.5. going have birthday for After dance friends goplay toys help me

10、6. He is going to play the flute. He is going to dance.Whats Lucy going to do at the party? What are you going to do at the party?Unit 2 1. 4 2 1 8 5 7 6 32. 来 路 回复 十月 星期六3. February March April MayAugust September October November4. 根据自己情况写 October September June6. Lingling is going to be twelve.Pl

11、ease come to her party.At: (West Lake Road), BeijingOn: Wednesday, 3rd of NovemberFrom two oclock To four oclockPlease reply.聚沙成塔: I am a monkey.Module 5 Unit 11. matter wear hers mine there wet whose mine1.youryours her-hers his-his our- ours3. wants want T-shirts hers her Whose4. A B C C B 5. This

12、 T-shirt is mine. This hat is hers. That dog is his. These pencils are yours.6. Its Amys. Its hers. Its Amys. Its hers. Whose yoyo is it? Whose doll is it? Its Amys. Its hers.Unit 21.Amy-dress-wetSam-shoes-dirty, wetLingling-shirt-dirty2. rain home dirty skirt laugh dress3. Dashans shoes arent dirty

13、. Xiaoyongs shirt isnt short.The man isnt young. The boxes arent small. The policeman isnt short.4. A C B A B5. T T F F T期中自我测试1. 4 6 2 3 5 12. b b b a b a 3. mine lift countries crying ducks pond4. B B B C B D 5. C C A B B C A C B B6. his; mine; hers; yours; hersThere was; There are; There are; The

14、re werebig; sell; from; also; Sometimes7. Then people give them sweets.And her friends are going to go home .Sam wants to wear my pants . Does London look different?/ What a tall boy! Please help me put the bags in the car.8. C D B A E9. Christmas-A C G Easter-B E I Halloween-D F H10. F T T F T听力原文1

15、.Come on, Lingling. Were going to go to the supermarket. There are many sweets and fruits over there. Please help me put the bags in the car. This one is heavy. Let me help you. You are helpful children. Have an ice cream. What do you want, dear mother? I want meat and eggs, and fish and chicken. What do you want, dear daughter? I


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