Lost civilizations阅读教学设计 (3)

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1、1Lost civilizations 阅读教学设计阅读教学设计侯婕 2012.06摘要:摘要:指导学生接受、处理、记忆和运用课文信息。根据符合教学目标的任务, 发挥学生在阅读教学中的主体作用,提高学生的语篇分析能力。关键词:关键词:课文教学,信息转换手段,任务,语篇 高中英语阅读课文具有题材广泛、体裁各样、语言知识丰富等特征,是各 单元教学的核心部分,也是培养学生阅读能力的主要渠道。然而,传统的阅读 课教学模式常常是单一的自下而上模式,教学方式只是把课文作为单纯向学生 传授语法及语言知识的载体,忽视了培养学生的阅读速度和理解能力;传统的 阅读理解提问方式也常常停留在对所阅读文章的表层理解层次

2、上。那么,如何 借助这些课文来提高学生的阅读速度、阅读理解能力和语言水平呢?经过教学 实践和不断尝试,笔者发现:不同阅读活动阶段,必须采用不同阅读理解模式 以求不同阅读教学目标的实现。下面以Lost civilizations阅读课为例对这一问题进 行探析。Teaching Aims1. Read the text “Lost civilizations”. Train the Ss reading ability.2. How to use model verbs.一、阅读任务的基本原则 在设计阅读任务的时候,教师可以根据课文标题设计任务,引导学生对课 文内容进行预测;阅读中的任务设计应紧扣

3、中心思想,关注主要信息,不苛求 对字句的理解;阅读后的任务要有利于培养学生的语言输出能力。依据这一思 路,课文阅读教学可以分为以下三个主要部分:阅读前任务 (Pre-reading tasks)导入话题 (Get ready)激活背景知识,导入新 课,根据课文标题预测 课文的主要内容和框架 结构关注主要信息 (Focus on main points)进行信息转换,梳理和 简化课文主要内容,便 于学生理解、记忆和口 头输出。阅读中任务(While- reading tasks)语篇分析 (Discourse analysis )对阅读材料的描写手段、 叙事方式、逻辑结构以 及衔接手段进行分析。

4、阅读后的任务(Post- reading tasks)评价 (Respond to the text)整合阅读材料和已有知 识结构,突破固有的思 维模式,构建新理念,2提出新观点。二、阅读前的任务设计(Get ready) 基础的阅读教学,教师应监督并检查学生的词汇掌握,以为学生阅读的进 一步提高阅读能力奠定条件。善于引入文章的话题,巧妙的设计任务,激活背景知识,让学生对阅读材 料产生兴趣,引导他们预测阅读文章的主要内容和篇章结构。New words mastery in this text .Do part D1 on page 44 . D1 Look at these new words

5、 from the diary entries and match them with their definition . Guess the meanings from the context if you do not know the answer.1 lecture (line 7 ) _ a take control of 2 found (line 7) _ b a talk given to a group of people to teach them about a subject 3 take over (line 8 ) _ c a mixture of water a

6、nd dirt 4 mud (line 20 ) _ d make something look more attractive by putting things on 5 decorate(line 21 ) _ e an organization that has a special purpose , such as for education 6 wealthy (line 31) _ f the things that clothes are made of 7 institute( line36) _ g took control of 8 material( line39 )

7、_ h richAnswers: b g a c h d e f Get ready for the reading (Pre-reading tasks)We all know that it is important to protect cultural heritage .Today lets go down to the old cities Pompeii and Loulan . From the travel diary kept by Ann on a cultural expedition to sites of lost civilization . What can w

8、e find ? Explain the titleLost civilizations in your own words .三、阅读中的任务设计(While-reading tasks) 阅读的主要目的是从篇章中获取信息。教师应善于利用信息转换手段,设 计有效的任务和活动。 a)关注主要信息教师可以设计一些预测课文内容的任务,鼓励学生灵活运用 Skimming 和 Scanning 等阅读策略,迅速捕捉文章中的主要信息或事实,并验证阅读之前作 出的预测。3(1)验证预测在阅读前,学生对阅读材料的内容和结构做出了预测。 (2)归纳主题思想 归纳主题思想是文章的核心内容。归纳主题思想是一项十分

9、重要的阅 读技能,它体现了学生总结和概括能力。 b)语篇分析 语篇分析的基本内容包括:语法衔接手段(如照应、替代、省略等) 、词汇 衔接手段(如复现关系、同现关系) 、语义关联、句际关系(如并列、因果等) 以及篇章结构等。Prevision checking .Questions: Part A on page 42 A Read the following diary entries quickly and answer these question . 1 Where are Pompeii and Loulan ? 2 What is one main similiarity betwe

10、en the two cities ? 3 What was Loulan buried beneath ?Answers:Pompeii is in Italy and Loulan is in China .Both of them became lost civilizations long ago .Loulan was buried beneath the sand . Reading (Focus on main points)Read the text quickly and answer the questions in part C1 on page 44 : How wel

11、l did you understand the details in the diary ? Read it again carefully and answer the following questions .1、 What happened to Pompeii in August AD 79 ? 2、 How was Pompeii discovered ? 3、 What were the stepping stones along the road in the Pompeii used for ? 4、 Why was Loulan an important city abou

12、t 2000 years ago ? 5、 According to the last sentence , hoe did the author feel about the loss of Loulan ?Answers : 1.A volcano erupted and lava , ash and rocks poured out of it on to the surrounding countryside . Many people in Pompeii were buried alive , and so was the city . 2.It was discovered in

13、 the 18th century when a farmer found a stone with writing on it . People started to dig in the area for treasure , which caused much damage . Thus , in 1860 , the area was put under government protection so it could be prevented and studied . 3.With these stones , people did not have to step in the

14、 mud on rainy days . 4.Because it was a stopping point on the famous Silk Road between the East and the West . 5.She felt that it was a pity . Careful-reading (Discourse analysis )4Do part C 2 on page 44 . C2 Record the felling and opinions(emotions)s sentences expression . 1、I feel lucky to have wo

15、n a place on this trip . (line 2 ) E/A 2、This morning we went to a lecture about Pompeii . (line 7 ) E/A 3、Unfortunately, all the people were buried alive , and so was the city ! ( lines 11-12 ) E/A 4、How amazing ! ( lines 14-15 ) E/A 5、People started to dig in the area for treasure . ( lines 16- 17 ) E/A 6、When I walked around the city ,I saw streets just as they had been .( line 19 ) E/A 7I am so excited to be here (lines33-34)



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