新托福iBT口语黄金80题(中英对照) 第67题-庆祝活动_托福口语

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《新托福iBT口语黄金80题(中英对照) 第67题-庆祝活动_托福口语》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《新托福iBT口语黄金80题(中英对照) 第67题-庆祝活动_托福口语(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、智课网TOEFL备考资料新托福iBT口语黄金80题(中英对照) 第67题:庆祝活动_托福口语A type of social event celebrated in my culture is the flag-raising ceremony on National Day.我的国家会在国庆日举行升旗仪式。Oceans of people from all across the country come to Beijing the day before.全国各地的人们会在前一天来到北京。They are very excited to see the ceremony with their

2、 own eyes instead of on TV.他们对于能够亲身经历而非通过电视观看升旗仪式感到非常兴奋。Some even have been planting this dream in their mind for years.有些人甚至多年来一直在他们的脑海中有这样的憧憬。They arrive around 6:00 early in the morning, waiting for the special moment.他们会在清晨6点左右到达,等待这一特别的时刻。I guess they are all overwhelmed and thrilled by the won

3、derful scene at the time.我猜他们对这一激动的精彩场景感到不知所措。On the other hand, the view of the honor guard parade is fantastic, the guards all wearing the green military uniform and marching to Tianmen Square with a high spirit.另一方面,庄严的仪仗队的行进整齐划一非常精彩,国旗护卫队穿着统一的绿色军装,精神抖擞的来到天门广场。Each birthday celebration of the great country always begin with such a solemn flag-raising ceremony, which strengthens the unity and motivation of its people.我们伟大祖国的每一个生日庆祝总是以这样庄严的升旗仪式开始,这会凝聚民族团结并且激励人们。


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