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1、智课网TOEFL备考资料托福口语机经(2015530通用版)摘要: 2015年5月30日托福口语几经预测已经为大家整理完成,准备参加本场托福考试的同学们快来下载吧,这次小马资料频道为大家整理的是抢先版预测,希望对大家有所帮助。2015.5.30 托福 口语机经预测包含了独立口语和综合口语两部分,内容非常全面,实用性非常高,考生们可以参考借鉴。Task3:【学校通知】学校因为文学课太 popular 了,所以学校决定开晚课和增加一个班级人的数量。【学生意见】男的学生不同意,他说班上人一多,discussion的机会就少了,学生就学不到很多东西,还有就是晚课时间,学生都没有空,他们有很多 acti

2、vity 和 job 都在晚上,所以晚课不现实。Task4:【名词解释】exposure behavior,是说鼓励儿童反复做他们害怕的事,然后建立自信,最终克服恐惧。【教授举例】听力中教授用它自己儿子Tommy 的例子,说他们家搬到LA,Tommy原来不敢和新小朋友玩,只敢趴窗上看,后来教授借买冰淇凌之机鼓励他向小朋友们问好,回来又问一次(两次间儿子表现已有所不同),回来后儿子甚至主动要求出去和他们一起骑车,最终,Tommy 和其他小朋友过上了幸福的日子。Task5:男生在spring break要去西班牙玩,准备拍照,但是数码相机丢了,女生让他买,但是他说没有enough money,他自

3、己说他朋友可以借给他,但是他不想用,女生说:对,万一 broken或者stolen就不好了。Task6:【讲课要点】不能自身移动的海底sea bottom动物dwellers(居民)获得食物的方法,有两种:第一种:active method。举例:海葵sea anemone伪装成植物,寄生在其他动物身上,释放毒液,使游到附近的动物paralyzed,然后抓住它们。第二种:passive method。举例:牡蛎Oyster不动,坐等海水流把微生物tiny material送到嘴边。预测二:task 1 : your friend is going to work in an office be

4、fore going to the university? disagree/agreetask2, is it more enjoyable to participate in an activity or watch others play?你愿意参与sports,还是看别人playtask3 letters: no sports on dining hall lawn 1, 女生认为 dining hall lawn is in the central place; everyone is busy and want to walk through the lawn; 所以即使在草坪上不

5、踢球,不运动也不会make lawn look nicer; 2, 女生认为everyone wants to play sports during the 15 minutes between classes or play sports after lunch but before afternoons class; if people need to walk a long way to other places, It takes a lot of time;task4阅读是natural passage way: a solution to connect the lands to

6、compensate the damage caused by human activity; 听力: 给了一个one place in Canada, people built up a highway and divided the forest into two parts; thus, bears have less food. The food seems to decease half. Scientists propose to build a bridge connecting the two small forests and put the soil, trees on t

7、he bridge. Then the bridge looks like a natural passage way, and bears can come across to another part and find food to survive.task5: finish a paper tonight but he is invited to a concert; he plans to finish the paper tonight but he forget the invitationFirst solution is to finish the paper after t

8、he concert, but he almost has to stay all night. The professor will not accept paper after deadline.Second solution is to tell his friend he will not go to the concert, but his friend will be disappointed and even angry. His friend has paid his ticket and almost all fees for the concert.task 6: Prof

9、essor talks about two ways to fill in the memory gapFirst is to use assumption or guesses to fill in the gap: e.g. people witness a car accident will say that they see the drive talking on the cellphone or not turning on the signal light, but these details are not accurateSecond is to use the sugges

10、ted information to fill in the gap. When people are asked how fast the car is. They almost say it is speedy and faster than the real speed.预测三:Task 1人生最艰难的是哪段时间?儿时,青年还是成年。Task 2是不是该要求富人出钱帮助别人Task 3学校要建个休息室给不住学校的学生用,可以放书,有locker,放一些bus schedule。男生不同意一:住学校的同学也需要,因为宿舍很远。图书馆已经有locker,不需要再建。二:没必要专门为放bus

11、schedule建休息室,网上电话都可以查。Task 4priming:人们早先的经历会影响他们对事物的interpret例子:如果一个男生,上车并且打开notebook 然后写东西:一个女人早上遇到大学同学,就回想起大学生活。所以她认为这个男生是学生并且在work for classes 或work for due paper一个女人刚刚读完诗歌,所以她认为男生是诗人。Task 5问题:audition 和 concert同晚1 go to the first part of the concert and go to the audition评论:花了很多钱买门票,但是会准时到达2 go

12、to ad. at another day评论:另外的ad只选小部分演员Task 6蛋孵出之前的交流:(1)宝宝之间的交流:(鸭子)保证每个蛋同时孵化,所以每个宝宝不会被妈妈left over ,生存的几率大(2)baby 与妈妈之间的交流:(鳄鱼)保证妈妈把蛋上方的泥土剥掉,使得宝宝容易生存。预测四:Question 1Describe a subject that you enjoy studyingQuestion 2Should children be required to help with household chores as soon as they are old enou

13、gh to do so?Question 3Reading partListening part学校在考试复习期间举办什么娱乐活动,期间取消校内公交车,有人感到不满给校长写信,原因一是噪音影响在宿舍复习的人,原因二是取消 校内公交车对要乘车的人很不方便。对话中女生认为这两个理由都没有说服力。首先要看书的人可以去图书馆看,不一定非要在宿舍,图书馆 很安静。其次学校很小,去哪里都可以步行,不行横穿学校只要30分钟,况且公交车只取消几个小时而已,no big deal然后题目是女生的观点 理由是什么Question:Explain the womans opinion towards the let

14、ter of complaint send by the student to the school and why she is against itQuestion 4Reading partListening partAggressive recruiting即商家在推广期间给与顾客一些实惠,积累顾客,推广期过后开始收费增加收入。2015.5.30 托福口语 机经预测是由数十位 小马 名师携手打造,不仅内容涵盖全,而且由于我们的老师都是一线 托福培训 讲师,长期与考生接触,对考生的情况也是比较了解的,所以机经内容非常实用。相关推荐:2015.5.16托福口语机经小范围预测2015.5.16托福听力真题小范围预测2015年5月2日北美托福机经预测【免费点题】相关字搜索: 托福机经预测


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