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1、1Unit3 一重要词汇 1.consider vt.考虑;照顾;认为n.考虑;顾及;体谅 consideration (1) 考虑A) consider + n. / doingI consider going abroad.B) consider + 疑问词 + to doYou have to consider what to do next.(2) 认为A) consider + n. (+as / to be) + n. / adj.I consider Mary as / to be my best friend.They considered Paris the brain an

2、d heart of the country.B) consider + n. + to have doneI consider him to have acted disgracefully.“把当作”的译法: consider.as=think of.as=look on(upon).as=take.as=regard.as=treat.as take.into consideration 把考虑进去,顾及 under consideration 在考虑中2.means n.手段;方法vt.意思是 n.意思;含义 adj.有意义的 by means of 用方法 by all means

3、一定,务必;(表示答应)好的,当然 “Do you mind if I have a look?”“By all means.” “我看一眼行吗?”“当然可以。” by no means 决不(放于句首时,句子部分倒装) by this means 通过这种方式 词语辨析:means指为达到一个目的或产生某种结果而采用的方法、手段,与介词 by 连用,单复数同 形。 way是最普通、最常用的词,可以指一切“方法、办法”,与介词 in 连用。method指理论的或是系统的方法,有时是针对某个具体问题而采用的特殊方法,常与 with 连用。 manner指特殊的或怪异的方式、方法,与动作有关。与介

4、词 in 连用。 approach常与 to 搭配,指从事某事的特别方法、途径。 3.normal adj.正常的;正规的;标准的 n.常态;正规adv.正常地 normallyadj.(反义词)不正 常的,反常的 词语辨析: normal意为“正常的,合乎标准的”,强调在正常情况下应有的状态和特征。 ordinary意为“平凡的,普通的”,多指平淡无奇,无突出或显眼之处。common常表示“普遍的,共同的”,强调大家都有的、比较普遍的;common 还可作“普通的,平 凡的”讲,此时和 ordinary 同义,但不如 ordinary 常用。24.particular adj.特别的;特殊的

5、adv.特别;尤其 / 5.separate vt.分开;隔离 /seprt/ adj.单独的;分开的 n.分开;分离 搭配: separate A from B 把 A 和 B 分开 A is separated from B by A 和 B 为所分开阻隔 辨析:separate; divide; part 都含“分开”的意思。 separate 指“把原来在一起的人或物分开”。例如: Separate those two boys who are fighting, will you? (你)把那两个打架的孩子拉开,好吗? divide 指“施加外力或自然地把某人或某物由整体分成若干部分

6、”。 part 指“把密切相关的人或物分开”,还有“分手”之意。 【考例】(NMET 2001)As we joined the big crowd I got _ from my friends.A. separated B. spared C. lost D. missed 6.board vt.上(船、飞机等)prep./adv.上(船、飞机等)aboard 7.simply adv.简单地;仅仅;只不过;完全;简直adj.简单的 v.简化8.nature n.自然;自然界;本性adj.自然的 9.experience vt.经历;体验 n.经历,经验adj.有经验的 experienc

7、ed 10.equipment n.装备;设备v.装备;配备 equip 12.similarity n.类似;类似处adj.类似的 adv.类似地;同样地 15.handle vt.操作;处理 n.柄;把手 二重要短语 1 把和分开 2.注意;当心 3.躲避,逃离;离开 4.(到火车站、飞机场等处)为某人送行 5.把当作 6.另一方面 7.也;还;而且 8.保护、保卫某人/某事物 9.return to 恢复正常 10. 代我向问好 11.把 A 和 B 结合起来 12.至于 13. go for a hike / go hiking 14. as with 15. take care of

8、 16. get close / near to 14. take place 17. go through 18. refer to 19. look into 720.代替 21.度假 22.打的 23.旅游愉快 24.过去常常 25.将来 26.做笔记 三词汇拓展 1. experience 的用法的用法 构词: experienced adj. 有经验的,熟练的 搭配: by experience 凭经验;从经验中 from experience 凭经验;从经验中 gain experience in 获得经验 be experienced in 某方面有经验 友情提示友情提示: ex

9、perience 这个词作为可数名词用时,解释为“经历”,作为不可数名词用时解释 为“经验”。 【考例】 (2005 山西模拟) _teaches that he was right. Good friendship is just not easily formed.A. Knowledge B. Teachers C. Experience D. Parents 2. wear, put on, have on, dress, be in, try on(1) wear v. 穿着;戴;蓄须(发);磨损;(脸容)呈现,显出 He is wearing an overcoat today.*

10、 wear out (把) 穿破;(把) 用坏;(使) 疲乏;(使) 耗尽 I have worn out my shoes. / My patience wore (was worn) out.(2) put on 穿上;戴上(侧重穿着的动作)Put on your sweater, otherwise you will feel cold.(3) dress vt. 给穿衣服 n. 衣服;连衣裙dress sb. (in sth.) 或 be dressed (in sth.) 注意:穿的衣服接在 in 之后。Mother dressed her baby and then they we

11、nt downstairs.(4) have on 表示穿着的状态,注意不能用进行时。At the Spring Festival, all children have on new clothes.(5) be in 表示穿着的状态 There was a girl in red.(6) try on 试穿 Mother was trying on a new dress. 2. strike, hit, beat(1) hit vt. 打;敲;击;击中;射中 He hit a ball over the fence. / The stone hit him on the head. 使受到

12、打击 The bad news hit every one hard.(2) beat vt. 和一样 It is the same with.和一样;也是这样 as to 根据,依照 as follows 如下 as good as 和几乎一样,实际上相当于 as it is 根据现在的情况,照现状 as a whole 总体说来 精典精典题题例例 1. Rainforests _ and burned at such a speed that they will disappear from the earth in the near future. (NMET 2002 春上海)A. c

13、ut B. are cut C. are being cut D. had been cut 2. Twenty-three hours has passed after the explosion in the mine, but rescue efforts to recover the missing _ carried out.A. are still being B. have already beenC. are always D. will soon be 3. - When are you leaving? - My plane _ at 10:45. A. takes off

14、 B. took offC. is about to take off D. will take off 4. - Excuse me, what time is it now?- Sorry, my watch _. It _ at the shop.A. isnt working; is being repaired8B. doesnt work; is being repairedC. isnt working; is repairedD. doesnt work; is repaired 5. John, who is considered _ a warm-hearted man,

15、is considering _ his neighbor out of trouble. A. to be; to help B. to be; helping C. being; to help D. being; helping 6. He made a mistake, but then he corrected the situation _ it got worse. A. until B. when C. before D. as 7. - There is something wrong with my bike. - It doesnt matter. I _ lend you mine. A. am to B. am going to C. was going to D. will 8. Children at the beginning of this century _



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