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1、第 1 页 共 8 页20062007 学年湘城中学第一学期月考学年湘城中学第一学期月考()试卷试卷 初初 三三 英英 语语本试卷分第一卷本试卷分第一卷(选择题选择题)和第二卷和第二卷(非选择题非选择题)两部分两部分.共共 6 大题大题,满分满分 113 分分(不含口不含口 试试 12).考试时间考试时间 100 分钟分钟第第卷卷( (三大题三大题, ,共共 6868 分分) ) 注意事项注意事项: :请将第请将第卷选择题的答案填在答题卡上卷选择题的答案填在答题卡上. . 一.听力选择(满分 24 分) (请先用两分钟时间熟悉听力试题,然后再动笔答题) A)回答问题(共 6 小题;每小题 1

2、分,满分 6 分)听下面 6 个问题,从每小题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。每个问题读两遍。 ( )1. A. Its black. B. Its big C. Its cheap.( ) 2. A. At 7:15. B. By bike. C. In half an hour.( ) 3. A. My name is Liu Ying. B. Im ten years old. C. Im in Row 1.( ) 4. A. Its three. B. Its five. C. Its seven.( ) 5. A. Jack is out B. Tom is ill. C

3、. Han Meimei is.( ) 6. A. I have lunch at home. B. Im hungry. C. I would like some mooncakes.B)对话理解(共 8 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 8 分)听下面 8 段对话。每段对话后 有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。( ) 7. A. Hes going to turn on the light. B. Hes going to turn off TV.C. Hes going to turn on the radio.( ) 8. A. Theyre on

4、 the bus. B. Theyre on the plane.C. Theyre on the train.( ) 9. A. Bobs going to the school library. B. Bobs going to the science lab.C. Bobs going to the museum.( ) 10. A. The boy borrowed a dictionary from Jack.B. The boy doesnt want to return the dictionary.C. The boy left the dictionary at home.(

5、 ) 11. A. In the uncles. B. At home. C. In the hospital.( ) 12. A. Its rainy. B. Its sunny. C. Its cloudy.( ) 13. A. 8:30 B. 8:00. C. 7:45.( ) 14. A. Mr. Green. B. Mr. Smith. C. Mr. Green and Mr. Smith.第 2 页 共 8 页C)短文理解(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)听下面的短文。短文后 5 个 小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C、D 三个选项中选出最佳选项。短文读两遍。( ) 1.

6、 What was Mr. Brown? A. A bookseller. B. A shopkeeper. C. A conductor. D. A gateman.( ) 2. When did the woman come into the shop?A. In the evening. B. At night.C. Early in the morning. D. Early in the afternoon.( ) 3. Why didnt the woman want that piece of meat at first?A. Because it was too cheap.

7、B. Because it cost too much.C. Because it smelt bad. D. Because it wasnt big enough.( ) 4. How many pieces of meat were kept in the fridge?A. Only one piece of meat. B. Two pieces of meat.C. several pieces of meat. D. Many pieces of meat.( ) 5. Could Mr. Brown give the woman both pieces of meat?A. C

8、ertainly. B. Of course not.C. He would try his best. D. The story doesnt give us the answer.二、选择题空(共 24 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 24 分)(19 分) A)单项填空从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 20. He is only _ boy. He isnt old enough to take care of himself.A. a 8-year-old B. an 8-year-old C. a 8-years-oldD. an 8-years-old2

9、1. Hurry up! The play _ for ten minutes.A. has begunB. had begunC. has been onD. began22. I dont know _ he still works here.A. whereB. whatC. whenD. whether23. - I feel tired and sleepy. - Why not _?A. to stop to workB. stop to have a restC. stop having a rest D. to stop to have a rest24. Mother sai

10、d to Tom. “I hope you _ what I _ you to buy.”A. didnt forget, told B. dont forget, tell C. wont forget, have toldD. havent forgotten, will tell25. The school sports meeting _ yesterday. Li Ming did _ of all.A. held, bad B. was held, badlyC. held, the worst D. was held, the worst26. Ought you _ hands

11、 before you have meals?第 3 页 共 8 页A. to washB. washC. washingD. not wash27. I _ the blackboard but couldnt _ anything. A. looked, seeB. saw, seeC. looked at, seeD. watched, look28. My friend Chen Dan always thinks _ anyone else.A. more carefully thanB. more careful thanC. much carefully thanD. much

12、careful than29. Zhao Wei is _ a popular singer, _ a beautiful actress.A. not only, but alsoB. between, andC. as, asD. not only, as well30. The picture shows us _ in Nanjing in the past.A. what everyday life was likeB. what was everyday life likeC. how everyday life was likeD. how was everyday life l

13、ike31. You can play computer games _ 8 to 9 tonight.A. asB. betweenC. fromD. while32. Mr. Green wanted to know if Tom _ the book three times.A. readB. has readC. had readD. reads33. Can you _?A. hear anything strangeB. hear strange anythingC. listen anything strangeD. listen to strange anythingB)完形填

14、空 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出 最佳选项。Many people think the 34 time is spent, the more work will be done. So students have to spend the whole day doing school work 35 the three meals.Modern students have many 36 . They love sports, computers and music. A 37 holiday can get them away from too much school work, and they can do what they like. But still teachers do not 38 it. Because they have too much homework, they have no time to enjoy themselves. Students are really tired of their weekend homework. So they dont do it 39 Sun


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