2017年秋六年级英语上册 unit 6 the secret to good healty课件2 广州版

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1、Unit 6 The secret to good Unit 6 The secret to good health.health.Module 3 HealthWho is he?How old does he look?Mr LiDo you know the secret to good health?He looks 60 years old.secret to good health健康的秘诀First, get plenty of sleep.足够的睡眠Second, keep a good diet.保持良好的饮食习惯Third, take plenty of exercise.

2、 有足够的体育锻炼Finally, Mr Li thinks the most important thing for(对最重要的东西) a healthy life is to be happy(保持开心).First, get plenty of sleep.How many hours should we sleep eachnight?At least 8 hours each night. 至少每晚第一,有充足的睡眠。So you will feel good for the next day.感觉良好第二天Second, keep a good diet. 第二,保持良好的饮食习惯

3、。Eat more vegetables(多吃蔬菜) and less meat.(少吃肉)Dont eat too much sweet or oily food.(不吃 太多甜品和油腻的食物)Drink tea or water, not coke or coffee.(喝茶或水 ,不要喝可乐和咖啡。)Third, take plenty of exercise. 第三,有足够的体育锻炼。Mr Li walks for one hour(走路一小时) in thepark in the morning and sometimes dances with(和某人跳舞) his friends

4、.Finally, Mr Li thinks the most important thing for(对最重要的东西) a healthy life is to be happy(保持开心).He never worries too much(太操心) and always has a smile onhis face(面带微笑).1. How old does Mr Li look?He looks 60 years old.2.How many hours should we sleep each night? At least 8 hours each night.3. What should we not eat or drink? Sweet, oily food, coke and coffee.4.What does Mr Li do every morning?He walks for one hour in the morning and sometimes dances with his friends.5. What does Mr Li think is the most important thing for a healthy life?To be happy.Do the exercise学习与评价P29 Ex.3



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