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1、EXAMINATION 1999 FOR BUSINESS FIRST LEVEL Instructions to Candidates (a) The time allowed for this examination is 2 hours. (b) Answer all 4 questions. (c) Use the spaces provided in the combined question and answer booklet to complete the answers. If more space is needed for answers or rough notes,

2、use the supplementary sheets provided and secure them inside your booklet with your name and candidate number clearly written on each sheet. Rough notes should be clearly crossed through. (d) Credit will be given for correct spelling, punctuation and grammar. (e) Adequate and appropriate communicati

3、on is required rather than a particular number of words. (f) When you finish, check your work carefully. (g) The use of standard English dictionaries and cordless non-programmable calculators is permitted. Candidates whose first language is not English may use a bilingual dictionary. _ ENTER DETAILS

4、 BELOW CANDIDATES NAME IN FULL as it is to appear on the certificate IDENTITY CARD NUMBER Subject Code Number1041 Candidates Number.Centre Code Full Private Address .Postcode. Centre Name and Address STATE HERE THE NUMBER OF ADITIONAL SHEETS HANDED IN QUESTION 1 Situation: Your department is respons

5、ible for the ordering and issuing of stationery supplies to employees in your organisation. The Accounts Manager has recently pointed out the rising costs of stationery used. He suspects that employees are being wasteful, and wants you to take some action to reduce the amounts. Task: Write a memo to

6、 all company staff. Give details of the Account Managers complaint, and stress the need for economy and careful use of stationery items. You need to tell them that you will shortly discuss with other department heads the introduction of new guidelines for stationery requisition. Lay out your answer

7、as a memo, in the space below, make up any necessary details. (30 marks) MEMORANDUM TO FROM DATE SUBJECT QUESTION 1 CONTINUED You may continue writing here: QUESTION 2 Situation: Your company is considering a healthcare package for all employees ana you have been asked to look at a number of options

8、. Task: Read the information on Tip-Top Health Insurance on the page opposite, then say whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE. Then quote the words or phrase that support your answer. Do not write more than 6 words for each answer. You will lose marks for irrelevant information. Write y

9、our answers on the lines marked A.1 Only rich people can afford private healthcare. A _ _ 2 Every sixth year with Tip-Top is automatically free. A _ _ 3 Tip-Tops budget policy covers all medical expenses. A _ _ 4 Tip-Top is Britains oldest health insurance company. A _ _ 5 A recent poll showed Tip-T

10、op to be the equal of other c ompanies. A _ _ 6 With Tip-Top you may not get quick treatment or the doc tor you want. A _ _ 7 At Tip-Top hospitals friends can come and see you when they like within reason. A _ _ 8 Tip-Top insurance does not apply outside your home coun try. A _ _ 9 The Gold Scheme h

11、as no equal, but Silver is the scheme chosen most often. A _ _ 10 To find out about an illness you must visit a hospital or see a doctor. A _ _ (30 marks) QUESTION 2 CONTINUED TIP-TOP HEALTH INSURANCE If any member of your organisation needed urgent medical treatmen t, do you know what would happen?

12、 Would you be sure of getting treatm ent for your employee as fast as you would like, or would you lose ti me and production through a long absence from work? With the benefit of Tip-Top Health Insurance you can be certain o f fast, first-class treatment at a hospital of your choice. And you c an al

13、so choose the doctor you want. Your employee would have a comfor table private room. Friends and family would be able to visit more fr eely, BECause the visiting hours in out group of hospitals are more f lexible and convenient. STAFF TRAINING RECORD (Days each year)SALES Tony Hart Jill Pike May Wilson Duncan Kyle Val BoothWAREHOUSEWAREHOUSEMel Bailey



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