冀教版英语三年级下册《Unit2 Lesson14 How Much Are They》PPT课件

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1、冀教版三年级英语下册课件Unit 2 Lesson 14How Much Are They? 教学目标 重点词汇: expensive, on sale 重点句型: How much is/are the _? 说一说 大家都自己去 shopping过吗? 说一说你是怎样 shopping的。说一说 shopping的步骤: 1. 准备好money(钱) 2. 寻找supermarket(超市) 3. 询问price(价格) 4. 付款拿货想一想 Now,you are in a supermarket, how can you inquire(询问) the price in English

2、? How many money or How much moneyNew sentences How much is/are ? 多少钱? 想一想:为什么会有is和are两个用法呢?Is和are Is 用于不可数名词或者可数名词单数的时 候; Eg. How much is the milk? 牛奶多少钱? Are 用于可数名词的复数形式; Eg. How much are the books?practice 翻译下列句子 1. 这些苹果多少钱? 2. 这根铅笔多少钱? 3. 你的橘子多少钱啊?How much are these apples?How much are your oran

3、ges?How much is this pencil?Talk time Shopping的时候通常我们都会遇到价格太 高的情况,那这时候我们该怎么说呢? 我们可以说 its expensiveNew word Expensive 贵的 The apple is expensive. 注:千万不要说价格很 expensive哦。New word 售货员通常会说一句话: is on sale. 意思就是“有卖的”。 A:are there some apples? B:yes,they are on sale.Make a Dialogue 假设: 你要到一家超市去买一些铅笔和苹果,你 询问售

4、货员是否有铅笔或者苹果,但是你 觉得苹果太贵,就没买苹果买了些梨子。 根据此情境make a dialogue。 两人一组,开始吧!The Dialogue A;hello,is there some apples? B:yes. A: how much are these apples? B:five yuan. A: it is expensive. are there some pears? B: yes. A: how much are these pears?B: 2 yuan. A: ok. I will buy some.how much is the pencil? B: 0.5 yuan. A: ok, give me one.


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