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1、奥林巴斯 XZ-1 tips XZ-1 from Jonathon Donahue = Heres a grab bag of XZ-1 information. from my posts, and others, on Dpreview. and from other places.这里是一个大杂烩的 XZ-1 信息. 从我的帖子,和其他人,DPREVIEW . 和其他地方。老外也阿 Q 一下: Image quality - for almost all pictures, your XZ-1 takes images as good as any other camera. There

2、 are a very few situations where much more expensive DSLRs are better. But not often, and not worth the bother of carting one around. How to improve a picture? The old Life magazine adage - crop, then crop it again. Your XZ-1s 10 megapixels gives you plenty of room to crop to the most visually stron

3、g image possible.图像质量图像质量- 对几乎所有的图片,XZ-1 的图像与任何其他相机一样好。极少数情况下,更昂贵的数码单 反相机是更好的,但其不便经常地,也不值得到处随身携带。关于如何“改善”图片?老刊物的老格言 - 重新裁剪。你的 XZ-1 的一千万像素给你足够的空间可以裁剪出视觉上最强大的图像。DOF depth-of-field .post on Dpreview by sderdiarian At the long end of its zoom, the XZ-1 has an aperture with a diameter of 9.6mm at 112mm e

4、quivalent, which compares favorably to the 9.8mm maximum aperture at the 83mm equivalent of a typical APS-C 18-55 F3.5-5.6 kit lens. It means the XZ-1 should give at least as blurred a background and do so at something much closer to the traditional portrait focal length. Furthermore it means the XZ

5、-1 should give greater control over depth-of- field than a Micro Four Thirds kit lens, since they tend to offer 7.5mm at 84mm equivalent.关于关于 XZ-1 的景深的景深 (镜头)(镜头) 在长焦端 112 毫米等效焦距, XZ-1 具有 9.6mm 大的光圈,优于在等效 83 毫米时最大 9.8mm 光圈的典 型 APS-C 18-55 F3.5-5.6 套装镜头。这表示 XZ-1 至少能给出背景虚化,而且某些方面更接近传统的肖像 焦段。此外,它意味着对景深

6、而言 XZ-1 能提供比 4/3 套头更大的控制,因为他们往往提供的是 7.5mm 光圈在等效 84 毫米焦距时。 = = 先插入一些信息 XZ-1 battery 电池电池 It seems the Olympus LI-50B battery (3.7V, 925mAh, 3.5Wh) is manufactured by Sony and identical to the Pentax D-LI92 and Ricoh DB-100 batteries. This means you could get an original charger also from Pentax or Ri

7、coh to charge the original battery for your Olympus XZ-1.这看起来是奥林巴斯 LI-50B 电池(3.7V,925mAh,3.5Wh) ,是由 Sony 制造的,和宾得 D-LI92,理光 DB-100 电池是相同的。这意味着你可以为你的 xz-1 从宾得和理光得到一个原装充电器(或电池) 。=Heres a little-known Secret - locking focus WITHOUT locking exposure. focus lock: normally, you hold the shutter button half

8、way down and wait til you see the little green box and then take the picture. The green box means that the XZ-1 has locked both focus and exposure on that spot. But waht if you want to lock the focus on the spot, but get the exposure somewhere else? 鲜为人知的秘密秘密- 对焦锁定而曝光不锁定。通常情况下,你半按快门按钮,并等待看到绿色的小方 块,然

9、后拍摄照片。绿色框表示 XZ-1 在该点对焦和曝光均锁定,但如果你想锁定该点对焦,而参照别 处曝光?Heres how. Use the back-wheel left arrow to put the focus box in the center of the screen (always best with spot focus). Then - you can put the XZ-1 on SCN Underwater-Wide and then press the down arrow on the back wheel, and it will lock the focus on

10、 whatevers in the center of the screen. With the focus locked, you can move the camera and get an exposure from somewhere else in the scene. The focus lock will hold until you turn off the camera. or until you press the down arrow again to release the focus lock. 这里告诉如何做。使用在背面的左箭头,使对焦框在屏幕的中心(点对焦总是最好

11、的) ,然后- 你可以 把 XZ -1 设置 SCN水下-广角,然后按向下箭头,这将对屏幕中心的任何东西锁定对焦。聚焦锁定时, 您可以移动相机从其它地方得到曝光参数。对焦锁定将一直直到您关闭相机.或者你再次按向下箭头, 释放对焦锁定。 (SCN 的 2 种水下模式均可)另一种方法,好像更通用,可以试试。 Separate focus and exposure lock .post on Dpreview by lensblade 分别对焦及曝光锁定.。 。.post on Dpreview by lensblade Try this for a simple and usable way to

12、 get separate focus and exposure lock on your Olympus XZ-1: 尝试这个简单实用的方式来获得独立的对焦和曝光锁定,在 Olympus XZ-1 上Go into the AF setting, select AF and press OK to confirm it. This is to make sure pressing OK next time will bring up the AF menu. Now suppose you need to focus on a point to your left, take the exp

13、osure from a scene to your right, and then take a picture of the view straight in front of you. First, focus on the point to your left and get the focus confirmation signal, then lift off the shutter button and press OK. The AF setting menu will appear. Select MF (just go left from AF), this will di

14、sable any further automatic focusing. Now point the camera at the scene you want to take the exposure from, depress the shutter half way and hold it. This will lock in temporarily the exposure you want. Finally compose the shot and press the shutter fully. Press OK again to select AF (just go right

15、from MF) and re-enable normal focusing.进入 AF 设置,选择自动对焦,然后按 OK 确认退出。 (这是为了确保下次按下 OK 键可直接进入 AF 菜 单。 ) 现在,假设你朝正前方拍摄,需要对左侧物体对焦,而对右侧物体锁定曝光。 首先,对着你左边需要 对焦的物体,半按快门并获得确认信号,然后抬起快门按钮并按 OK,AF 设置菜单会出现,选择 MF(只要从 AF 向左) ,这将禁用任何自动对焦(镜头不再动) 。 现在,将相机向右对准要曝光的场景, 半按下快门并保持,以暂时锁定你想要的曝光。 最后将相机朝向正前方,进行构图并完全按下快门按 钮完成拍摄。 (注

16、:注:第一步松开快门后,是否会跑焦不清楚。但是可以理解为开始就采用 MF 手动对焦,这个 是专家。: )然后按以上操作。 ) 完成后按下“确定”重新选择 AF(从 MF 向右) ,启用正常自动对焦。 =Beanbag :字面是豆子袋,是指一种便携支架,后文多次提到:开始不知道是什么,网上搜了一个,如 下图, Setting the camera 相机设定 Suggestions for new XZ-1 owners - 给新的 XZ-1 主人的建议Start with Program mode instead of i Auto, Aperture, Shutter, or Manual. 从编程模式开始,而不是全自动,光圈优先,快门优先,或“手动”O



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