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1、辽宁工程技术大学毕业设计(论文)I高铁路基工程变形观测方案设计与实施以哈大高铁四平段为例摘 要高速铁路要为列车的高速行驶提供一个高平顺性和高稳定性的轨下基础,而路基作为轨道结构的基础,必须在运营条件下将线路轨道的设计参数保持在要求的标准范围之内,这无疑就对高速铁路的沉降稳定提出了很高的要求。然而,长期以来“桥头跳车”现象一直困绕着人们,直接影响列车运营舒适度和安全,究其原因是路桥过渡段的刚性和柔性的差异沉降所致。因此,路基和过渡段的沉降稳定性以及沉降预测成了高速铁路路基设计和施工的关键。本文以哈大客运专线四平段为例,对高铁路基工程变形观测方案进行了详细设计,对哈大客运专线四平段沉降监测网的建立

2、、观测内容、观测方法、观测精度、观测频次等方面做了比较系统的论述,特别对路基以及过渡段的沉降观测和数据分析作了深入研究。关键词关键词:哈大高铁;路基;过渡段;沉降观测;技术设计DesignDesign andand implementationimplementation ofof high-speedhigh-speed railrailroadbedroadbed deformationdeformation observationobservation schemesschemesAbstractAbstractThe high-speed railroad must provide a

3、 high smoothness and high stability foundation under the axle for trains high speed travel, while the roadbed takes the foundation of the track structure. We must keep the design parameter into demanded range under our operation 辽宁工程技术大学毕业设计(论文)IIcondition, which raises much higher request for the s

4、ettlement of high-speed railway. However, the phenomenon “Vehicles bumping in the end of bridge” has been a tough concern for a long time, which directly influences the safety and comfortbility during train operation. The main reason is the deference between the rigidity and flexibility in the trans

5、ition section. Therefore, the key task is road base, the settlement in the transition section as well as the settlement anticipation for high-speed base design and construction. Taking the Siping section of Harbin-Dalian line as an example, the article devise the change-observation program of high-s

6、peed base project into details, and it provides a systematic elaboration on establishment of the settlement monitoring network, the observation content, the observation method, the observation precision and the observation frequency, specially, it gives the road base, the settlement observation and

7、data analysis a detail and deep research.KeyKey words:words: Harbin-Dalian high-speed railway; Roadbed; Transition section; Settlement Observation; Technical design辽宁工程技术大学毕业设计(论文)III目目 录录摘要摘要 AbstractAbstract 引言引言 .1 11 1 哈大客运专线四平段概述哈大客运专线四平段概述 .2 21.1 工程概况 .21.2 作业区自然状况 .21.2.1 地形、地貌 .21.2.2 工程地质及

8、水文地质概况 .21.2.3 气象特征 .31.2.4 地震动参数 .31.2.5 地层岩性及地质构造 .31.3 国内外高速铁路发展现状 .41.4 沉降和变形观测的目的 .42 2 沉降观测的内容及要求沉降观测的内容及要求 .5 52.1 沉降观测的内容 .52.1.1 路基 .52.1.2 过渡段 .52.2 沉降观测的控制要求 .53 3 观测点布置观测点布置 .7 73.1 路堤和路堑观测断面和观测点的布置原则 .73.1.1 路堤 .73.1.2 路堑 .73.2 路堤和桥梁、涵洞过渡段观测断面和观测点的布置原则 .73.2.1 路桥过渡段 .73.2.2 路涵过渡段 .83.2.

9、3 路堤与路堑过渡段 .83.2.4 观测点布置汇总 .8辽宁工程技术大学毕业设计(论文)IV4 4 沉降变形观测网的建立沉降变形观测网的建立 .10104.1 沉降变形观测网的基本要求 .104.2 沉降变形观测网的建立方式 .104.3 水准基点与工作基点的布设与观测 .104.3.1 水准基点的布设 .104.3.2 工作基点的布设 .104.3.3 沉降变形观测网的观测 .114.4 沉降观测网的主要技术要求 .115 5 沉降观测方案设计沉降观测方案设计 .13135.1 路基沉降观测 .135.1.1 观测断面及观测点的设置原则 .135.1.2 观测断面及点的设置、元件布设 .135.1.3 沉降观测元件的选取、埋设 .



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