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1、九江学院 2011 届毕业生学位论文:酒店员工流失原因及对策分析以九江市为例i i摘摘 要要自改革开放以来,我国经济持续健康、稳步地增长,也推动了第三产业的快速发展。特别是在我国加入世贸组织以及我国人均 GDP 迈入中等收入国家水平行列,作为第三产业支柱的饭店业得到了前所未有的良好发展机遇。饭店作为服务性企业,其提供的产品主要是软性的服务,饭店的服务需要通过人这个特殊载体才能顺利地提供给客人,饭店的人力资源在饭店经营中的资源属性比其他行业更明显,所以饭店的人力资源管理拥有不同于其他行业的特点。同时酒店又是劳动密聚型产业,饭店员工是饭店的核心灵魂,但在饭店业迅猛发展的过程中,员工流动频繁、流失率

2、高成为制约饭店发展的瓶颈。人们已经认识到饭店之间的竞争实际上就是饭店所拥有的人力资本的竞争,因此如何留住核心员工、避免人才流失已经成为饭店业普遍面临且急需要解决的问题。本文根据自己在九江市某酒店实习和在酒店里做兼职的基础上,收集、整理各类相关资料,分析了九江市酒店员工流失的影响和原因,结合理论与酒店管理实际提出对策,以期望对九江市酒店管理者有所启发,采取有效措施降低九江市酒店员工流失率, 促进当地酒店的快速、 健康发展。 关键字关键字 酒店员工;流失原因;对策九江学院 2011 届毕业生学位论文:酒店员工流失原因及对策分析以九江市为例ii iiAbstractSince the launch

3、of reform and opening up, Chinas continued economichealth, steady growth, also promoted the rapid development of the tertiary industry.Especially in our countrys accession to the WTO and Chinas per capita GDP runsinto the ranks of middle-income countries, the hotel industry as a pillar of thetertiar

4、y industry has been unprecedented good development opportunities.Hotel as a service enterprise, its products mainly to provide soft services,through hotel services is a special carrier who can successfully offer its guests bythe employee, the hotels human resources in the hotel business attributes m

5、oreobvious than other industry. So the hotels human resources management has thecharacteristics are different from others. The hotel is labor intensive poly-basedindustries, staff is core soul of the hotel, however ,staff mobility frequent, highwastage rate of development has become a bottleneck res

6、tricting the hotel. It hasbeen increasingly recognized that the competition between the hotel restaurants isactually owned by the competitive human capital, therefore, how to avoidemployees leaving the hotel is the problem need to be solved.According to their internship in a hotel in Jiujiang City a

7、nd usually in a hotelin the basis of part-time, collect and collate all kinds of relevant information.Analyzed the impact and causes of the staff loss, and combined the theory andpractical of hotel management to propose a solution.Keyword Hotel staff,Reason of loss,Countermeasure九江学院 2011 届毕业生学位论文:酒

8、店员工流失原因及对策分析以九江市为例iiiiii目目 录录摘摘要要.iAbstract. ii目目录录.iii1 1 文献综述与论文设计文献综述与论文设计.11.1 文献综述.11.2 论文设计.22 2 相关理论以及研究的背景与意义相关理论以及研究的背景与意义.42.1 相关理论.42.2 研究背景与意义.63 3 员工流失对酒店的影响员工流失对酒店的影响.73.1 酒店员工流失导致其他员工工作效率低下,影响服务质量.83.2 酒店核心员工的流失导致商业秘密泄露.93.3 酒店员工流失导致人力资源成本增加.94 4 九江市酒店业员工流失的现状及原因分析九江市酒店业员工流失的现状及原因分析.114.1 九江市酒店业员工流失的现状分析.114.2 九江市酒店业员工流失原因分析.135 5 酒店员工流失对策分析酒店员工流失对策分析.185.1 重塑企业文化,打造良好的工作环境.185.2 完善员工培训体系.205.3 优化员工的薪酬福利体系和激励机制.22结论和展望结论和展望.24参考文献参考文献.25谢谢辞辞.26诚诚 信信 书书.



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