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1、智课网TOEFL备考资料托福综合写作范文经典篇摘要: 写作是比较令人疏忽的一个环节,我们平常的时候都会纠结我们应该如何写出一篇优秀的文章,无疑看一些经典的范文能增长我们的写作技巧,这是第一步,今天小编为大家准备的知识点就是托福综合写作范文经典作文,我们一起来看看吧。今天小编为大家带来的资料是 托福 综合写作范文经典篇,小编整理了一些比较精华的典型的写作资料,大家可以采用参考一下,非常的具有时效性,下面我们就一起来看看托福综合写作范文经典篇的精彩内容吧。扫描下方二维码!托福资料免费送啦!还有 小马 托福考试 跟你一起备考,扫描二维码更多惊喜等着你!点击查看扫描二维码的方法托福综合写作范文:网络故

2、事书的好处1.可以教小朋友读书2.经济实惠,家长不需要为孩子买书了3.可以代替父母陪伴孩子,为家长节省时间lecture反驳1.使用时不能和小朋友互动(ask question and get feedback)2.网络上的故事都是过时的,要想读新故事还是要买书(不足)3.父母与孩子一起读书可以增进感情例文: The speaker rebuts反驳 the readings argument by pointing out the inadequacy of the web-storybook services interaction with children, the incomplet

3、eness of the data pool, and by undermining the assumption that saving parents reading time is a benefit.The speaker begins by stating that merely pronouncing the words and story for the children will not provide adequate learning experiences. Despite the time saved and pronunciation utilities laid o

4、ut in the reading, the web services can only respond with “correct“ or “not correct“. The lack of feedback to childrens questions will not create an effective learning process.Then the speaker goes on to argue that the current web-storybook services have a very limited collection of books, thus not

5、being able to save parents the cost of new books as the reading states, because the parents still have to buy many books that the web services do not provide.Lastly, the speaker challenges the validity有效,正当 of the assumption of saving parents time to read stories to children. The reading argues that

6、 saving the time is a benefit for the parents, but the speaker maintains that the whole point of reading stories is far beyond reading stories alone. In contrast, it is an essential way of communicating and building relationship between parents and children.托福综合写作范文:老师给学生打的分数越来越高1.分数打得低会减低学生的学习意志2.会

7、影响教师自己的测评结果3.因为别的老师给的成绩高,如果不跟着给高分,学生出去找工作会吃亏lecture解决方案1.应从小灌输正确的学习观念,不应因一次小失利而丧失信心2.教师的评测可以改在学期结束前进行,这样学生的成绩就不会影响到评测结果3.企业在选拔人才时可以看学生在班级中的排名而不是单纯的成绩戳这!戳这!托福综合写作范文经典篇例文:The speaker challenges the reasoning that supports the current inflation in college grading system, and provides very specific alte

8、rnatives to teacher evaluation timing and employer methodology in judging a student.The speaker first argues that the inflated grades will not enable students to truly know their weakness, not to mention improve upon them. According to the reading, low grades will discourage students. The speaker re

9、buts this point and argues that the true meaning of education is not just to satisfy students. Letting the students make progress is the purpose and inflated grades will not help students in this way.As for the readings concerns that low grades will adversely affect teachers evaluation, the speaker

10、offers a solution. By finishing the teachers evaluation before the end of the semester, we can sever the connections between the students grades and teachers evaluations.Lastly, the speaker argues that the school does not have to follow the trend of inflated grades invariably. The reading argues tha

11、t if the school does not follow the trend, their students will be discriminated, the lecture says that this problem can be solved by providing a weighted relative score. This score will pinpoint a students percentile in the whole student body and show the other students scores, thus allowing employers to clearly position the student among the entire student body.以上就是小编抽取的两篇托福综合写作范文经典篇的内容,大家觉得写得怎么样呢?大家可以自己动手写写,看看自己的水平怎么样,我们要不断的自己练习,才能另自己的写作冲上云霄哦。相关字搜索: 托福综合写作范文,托福综合写作



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