Module 3 There are thirty students in my class说课

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《Module 3 There are thirty students in my class说课》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Module 3 There are thirty students in my class说课(17页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Module 3 My school Unit 1 There are thirty students in my class.,说教材说教学目标说教学重、难点说教、学法说教学过程说教学版书说教学评价,课型:听说课。模块3以学校为主题,第一课时的焦点放在班级的相关介绍上,话题贴近学生生活,同时新生对介绍学校、班级也比较感兴趣。因此本课容易激发学生学习兴趣。通过前两个模块的学习,学生掌握了部分描述物品的词汇及介绍自己的句型。这是学习本模块的基础。本课时容量大(因此课前已安排有针对性的预习:利用音标学习新词汇,即预习Activity 4),但难度不大,通过学习新词以及there be句型,为下节课

2、的教学打下基础。,情感目标(Emotion objects):1.培养学生热爱学校、热爱自己家园的意识。 2.培养学生跨文化交流意识及学习英语的兴趣。,知识目标(Knowledge objects):1.词汇: computer, picture, television, wall, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, really, many, how many, there, a lot of, any, world ,tree.2.句型:There is /are. How many are there? Is/Ar

3、e there? Yes, there is/are. No, there isnt/arent.,能力目标(Ability objects):1.学生能在情境中熟练运用以上句型,如谈论教室和班级。2.发展学生语言听说能力、合作交流能力。,1数字的运用。2There be句型的肯定、否定、一般疑问句和特殊疑 问句的运用。其中,一般疑问句和特殊疑问句的用 法也是本课的难点。,教学重、难点(Teaching important points),多媒体、PPT、电子书,教具Teaching aids,教法、学法Teaching methods &Learning strategies,L,T,P,R

4、, Phonics, Listening, Reading, Task-based leaning,教学过程Teaching procedure,预学检查 自主学习,问题引入 创设情景,先听后读 互动探究,巩固内化 学以致用,Step1. Consolidate new words.1.Look and say. (Check preview) Show the pictures of new words and let the Ss say as quickly as possible.2.Find and say. Show different numbers, and the stude

5、nts find the right numbers.,预学检查 自主学习,3. Activity 4-6 (Listening and speaking),Step3. Look and say Look at the pictures and talk about them according to the following words. Backboard, book, classroom, computer desk, furniture, map, picture, television, wall,Step2Free talk Ss look the pictures and a

6、nswer the questions. Q1: What school are you in? Q2: What class are you in? Q3: How many students are there in your class?,问题引入 创设情景,Step 4. ListeningListen and choose. (Activity 2)Step 5 Listen and read (Activity 3)1) Listen and tell true or false.a. There are thirty students in Lindas class. ( )b.

7、 There is a map of the world in Lindas class. ( )2)Read the dialogue and fill in the form.3)Point out the main points in the dialogue.,先听后读 互动探究,Step 6. Grammar 1. 在Activity 3中找出There be 句型及变化。 2.小组讨论There be 句型变化的规律。 3. 练习。 4.总结There be句型及变化。Step7.看图问答。操练There be 句型及变化。(Pair work)Step 8. Make a sur

8、vey (Activity 7) 1. Pair work, ask and write. 2. Write your classroomStep 9. Talk about your ideal classroom.,巩固内化 学以致用,Homework,Write a passage about your classroom. ( At least 50 words.)Make a dialogue about your classroom. (Dont forget everyday English),Choose one,教学评价是教学活动不可缺少的一个基本环节,本节课的评价分为学习效

9、果的评价和学习过程的评价两部分。而教学评价更重要的是要关注过程性评价,这样才能在动态的评价中促进学生各方面能力的发展,因此我将在课堂中突出两种评价策略。一是巧用评价语言。比如“You did a good job! I m proud of you”、“Good pronunciation”,这样的评价显得灵活轻松,而富有激励性。二是丰富评价方式,如采用师生评价、生生评价和自我评价。三种评价策略融会贯穿整个教学活动,旨在让学生在评价中感悟,在评价中学习,在评价中创造。,教学评价,Blackboard writing,1.肯定句: There is + There are + 2.否定句:The

10、re is/are+ +n. 3. 一般疑问句: + n. +? 简答:Yes, No, .,可数名词单数.,可数名词复数.,not,Is/Are+ there,there is/are .,there isnt/arent,1、There are thirty studets in my class. 在我班里有30名学生。2、There are forty students ,twenty girls and twenty boys. 有40名学生,20名男孩和20名女孩。3、Is there a lot of furniture? 有许多家具吗?4、Are there computers

11、 on everyones desk? 在每个人的桌子上有电脑吗?5、There is a computer on the tesachers desk. 在老师的桌子上有一台电脑。6、Are there any pictures on the classroon walls? 在教室的墙上有一些图画吗?7、Is there a map of the world? 有一张世界地图吗?8、There is a computer desk and two computers in the room. 房间里有一张电脑桌和两台电脑。9、There s a map of the world in ou

12、r classroom 在我们教室里有一张世界地图。10、There arent any pictures on our walls. 在我们的墙上没有任何的图画。,就近原则,There be:,There be句型表示“某处有某物”,即表示存在关系,其构成是: 1、肯定句: There is + There are + 2、否定句:There is/are+ +n. 3、 一般疑问句: + n +? 简略回答:Yes, No, .,可数名词单数.,可数名词复数.,not,Is/Are+ there,there is/are .,there isnt/arent,温馨提示:some用于肯定句,在否定句和一般疑问句中, some要改为any.,


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