中考考点跟踪突破7八年级英语上册Units 56复习题及答案.doc

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1、2015 中考考点跟踪突破 7 八年级英语上册 Units 56 复习题及答案复习题及答案.单项选择。 1Mary likes to play with children,and she is going to be a(n)_B_ in the future.Adoctor Bteacher Cengineer Dbus driver 2The book wont_A_ until the end of the year.(2014,天津) Acome out Bcome over Ccome true Dcome on 3Where are you going for vacation,J

2、ohn?I plan_D_to Dalian. Ago Bgoing Cwent Dto go 4Alan promised_D_ he was going to work hard this term.Ahe Bhis Chim Dhimself 5How are you going to be a basketball player?I_A_ every day.(2013,枣庄) Aam going to practice basketball Bam going to study math Cam going to take acting lessons Dam going to st

3、udy computer science 6How do you like Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf?I cant_A_ it.It has some bad plots (情节) for kids. Astand Bmind Cread Dwatch 7I hope Ill travel all over the world one_day._B_(2014,云南) Athe next day Bin the future Cat that time Dthe whole day 8I dont know how to spend my weekends.

4、Why dont you_B_ some interesting lessons like playing the guitar or drawing pictures? Atake out Btake up Ctake in Dtake off 9What will you do after you finish your schoolwork?My parents expect me_A_ a writer. Ato become Bbecoming Cbecomes Dbecame 10I believe this is the best movie of the year.Well,_

5、D_Anyway,the ending is OK.(2013,无锡) Athats a good idea Bthat may not be a good idea CIm not sure if youre right DI think youre right.完形填空。(2014,宜宾) Early last year,two young brothers in Jiangsu Province _11_ badly burned while playing.The “game” they were playing was _12_ they had watched in the car

6、toon Pleasant Goat and the Big Big Wolf (喜羊羊和灰太狼)The brothers were _13_ two little goats while their friend was playing a bad wolf.Their friend tied them _14_ a tree and set fire to the grass around them. The sad story is an example of how many children follow the violence (暴力) they see on televisio

7、n,especially cartoons.It is _15_ that violent cartoons can make children more aggressive (具有攻击性的)In a survey,researchers _16_ the children after watching nonviolent and violent cartoons.They found that the kids who watched violent cartoons fought with others and _17_ class rules more often. Children

8、 under the age of seven are too _18_ to understand that the violence on TV can bring _19_ real harm.It is parents job _20_ them understand it. (C)11.A.are Bis Cwere Dwas (A)12.A.something Banything Ceverything Dnothing(D)13.A.eating Bbuying Cwatching Dplaying (B)14.A.with Bto Cin Dat (C)15.A.report

9、Breporter Creported Dreporting (D)16.A.advised Basked Ccalled Dcompared(A)17.A.broke Bfollowed Cobeyed Dmade (A)18.A.young Bold Csmall Dlittle (B)19.A.him Bthem Cwe Dyou (B)20.A.help Bto help Chelping Dhelped.补全对话。(2013,襄阳) 根据对话内容,从方框中选择合适的选项补全对话。 A:Hi,Lisa.Do you know that people are talking about

10、the future dreams a lot these days? B:21._G_ A:Do you have a plan for the future?I mean what your dream is. B:Yes.I have a lot of dreams.But the greatest one is that I want to be a teacher. A:Sounds nice.22._E_ B:Well,Im going to study hard and do well in all the subjects.A:Anything more? B:And Im g

11、oing to play more sports to keep fit. A:Where are you going to work? B:Im going to work in a village school in the poor area.23._B_ I think to be a village school teacher is very great. A:That sounds exciting!But when are you going to start? B:24._D_ A:Thats good.25._A_ B:I hope so.Thank you. AI hop

12、e your dream will come true. BI hear they need teachers very much. CAre you good with children? DIm going to finish high school and college first.EBut how are you going to do that? FMaybe in a college in the city of Beijing. GYes.Thats a hot topic at present.阅读理解。 Chinas new hot word, “tuhao” ,may b

13、e in next years Oxford English Dictionary.The word caught the attention after BBCs recent program on hot Chinese words.“If its influence continues,it is very likely to appear on our new list of words, ” said Julie Kleeman,project manager with the editing team.Tuhao has some similarities with the Eng

14、lish word “bling” ,which refers to expensive clothing or something else.Both the words have existed for long but later took on a new meaning.In Chinese, “tu” means stupid and “hao” means rich.It has traditionally been referred to rich people who throw their weight (仗势欺人) around in Chinas poor areas.

15、 In recent years,people borrowed the term to describe those who spend money in an unreasonable manner.The word became more popular in September when the Apples new goldcolored iPhone came out,which loved by Chinese nouveau riche (暴发户)The color became known as “tuhao gold” Although the word is becoming popular, wed better be careful to use it. 26Tuhao will be in next years Oxford English dictionary_D_ Awhen it catches the attention Bafter BBCs recent program Cwhen the new iPhone co


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