八上阶段6(9-10) - 副本

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1、八年级上第四阶段英语试卷1 阶段综合六(910 单元)八年级上 910 单元阶段综合卷(六)命题人:石秀丽 审题人:李津华 时间:2012-12-11 一、基础知识(共 30 分).A.根据句意及首字母提示完成所缺单词,使句子意思完整,语法正确(10 分) 1.Tiger Woods started g_ when he was ten months old. 2.My elder brother b_ a doctor last year. 3.The boy is t_. He can learn things easily. 4.The fish is still a _out of w

2、ater. We are surprised to see it. 5.My brother is studying computer science and he wants to be a computer p_. 6.We are going to exercise more to keep f_. 7.The girl is very clever. She knows how to act without taking a_ lessons. 8.The man from England wants to find a job as a f_ language teacher. 9.

3、Her parents are very busy, but they c_ with her every night. 10.The artist is going to h_ an art exhibition to make himself famous.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 (5 分) 11.Ronald is a great _(Brazil) football player. He has many fans. 12.Who _(buy) you a new bike yesterday? 13.What can I do _(become) famous in my

4、city? 14.There _(be) a class meeting tomorrow afternoon. 15. My brother practices _(speak) English every day. .单项选择从每小题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案(15 分) 。 ( )16.This is _ unusual story. Everyone likes it. A. a B. an C. / D. the ( )17. When did you start _English? A. learn B. learns C. learning D. learned ( )1

5、8. I have a brother _ Kim. A. calls B. calling C. call D. called ( )19.He was born_ May, 2003. A. on B. at C. in D. for ( )20.-_ that woman?-Shes a movie star. A. Whichs B. Whats C. Wheres D. Hows( )21.The boy spends most of the time_. A. to study B. study C. studied D. studying ( )22.John is _cleve

6、r boy .We all like him. A. so a B. so C. such a D. such ( )23. The old man was _weak _carry the heavy box. A. very, to B so ,that C. too, that D. too, to ( )24. I got a letter _my friend _his health problem. A. to, on B. from , about C. from, for D. for, about ( )25.He is going to retire_. A. quiet

7、somewhere B. quiet anywhere C. somewhere quiet D. anywhere quiet ( )26.Were going to have _fun_ in the river. A. many, swim B. many, swimming C. much, swim D. much, swimming ( )27. Tom wants _an actor. So he is going to take _lessons. A. be, act B. to be, act C. be, acting D. to be, acting ( )28.The

8、 teacher asked the students to stop _and _to her. A. to talk ; listened B. talking; to listen C. talking; listened D. to talk; to listen ( )29.-What are you going to _when you grow up? -An engineer A. make B. are C. be D. have ( )30.Shall we go out for a walk? _! A. Thats right B. Good idea C. Thats

9、 all right D. Thanks 二、交际运用(共 15 分).根据对话内容及方框中所给的句子补全对话。选项中有一项是多余选项。 (5 分) A: Hi, Katy is speaking. B: Hi, Katy. Its Betty. 31._ A: Yes, Id love to. 32_ B: Its about animals in danger, and what the government(政府) is doing to protect(保护) them. A: 33._ Do you need to buy tickets in advance(提前)? B: Im

10、not sure. A: Well, 34._ B: At five oclock. So Lets meet half an hour earlier to see if (是否)there are still tickets left. A: OK. 35_ B: See you.A. See you then B. What time does the film start? C. What is it about? D .Oh, that sounds interesting. E. Enjoy yourself. F. Would you like to see a film ton

11、ight?.根据对话内容,在空白处填写适当的话语(话语可能是一个句子,也可能是一个短语或一个 单词) ,使对话完整。 (10 分) A: Hi Wang Lin! 36._was your weekend? B: My weekend was great. I felt very happy.八年级上第四阶段英语试卷2 阶段综合六(910 单元)A: 37. _? B: I went to a small village. I visited my grandpa with my parents. A: 38._? B: Yes. Its a little far. Its about for

12、ty kilometers away. A: What did you do there? B: I did many things. 39._ your weekend? A: I didnt have any fun. It was too 40_. I just stayed at home and did my homework. 三、阅读(共 40 分).选词填空。 (10 分)从下面方框中选择适当的选项填入短文中,使短文通顺、完整。选项中 有两项是多余的。A. talented B. famous C. with D. athlete E. spend F. admire G. c

13、omfortable H. music I. from J. like K. without L. asWho do you admire(崇拜)? Someone famous? Someone not so famous? If you are a sports fan, perhaps the person you admire most is a great 41 . David Beckham and Tiger Woods are sportsmen 42 great skill and discipline (自律)who always strive (努力) to be the

14、 best. If you study 43 or play an instrument, perhaps the person you admire most is a gifted musician or a famous composer. Could it be the 44 cellist (大提琴演奏家) Ma Youyou or the great classical composer (作曲家)Beethoven? Perhaps youre more interested in movies and the music of movies. Do you 45 Tan Dun? His music can give a film a sense of tension (紧张)and suspense (悬疑), and can move you to laughter and tears(眼泪). Maybe you admire actors and actresses like action stars 46



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