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1、各行各业乐观人士的励志语录Motivational Quote from the Journalist 新闻工作者的励志名言“Find the joy. When you feel it, let it wash over you. take a moment to appreciate it. Be grateful for the people in your life, for waking up feeling good and pain free, and for the stretch of road ahead thats so full of possibilities. Wh

2、en you encounter bumps, keep going and dont look back.“ “找到快乐,感受它,接受它的洗礼花些时间好好体会这份快乐。此外,要对你生命 中的过客怀抱感恩之心,感谢一觉醒来神清气爽、无忧无虑,感谢前方道路绵延未知、充 满可能。即便遇到阻碍,也不要回头,勇往直前吧。 ”Katie Couric, 55, broadcaster and author 凯蒂柯丽克,55 岁,电视新闻主播兼作家Motivational Quote from the Politician 政治家的励志名言“Hope and faith. You have to have

3、 hope and faith. Long ways to go. Grateful to survive. Im trying. Trying so hard to get better. Regain what Ive lost. I will get stronger. I will return.“ “希望与信仰,是你必须要怀抱的两样东西前路漫漫,活着就应心存感激我在努力 尝试让自己变得更好,重拾曾经失去的东西我相信自己会变得更强,会再次回来。 ”Gabrielle Giffords, 42, former congresswoman from Arizona and author o

4、f, Gabby: A Story of Courage and Hope 加布里埃尔吉福兹,42 岁,来自亚利桑那州的前国会议员;加比:一个关于勇气 与希望的故事的作者Motivational Quote from the Principal 管理人员的励志名言“This city is not the diamond in the rough; it is the actual diamond.“ “这座城市并非待人开发的潜力股,它已经是一个优质股。 ”School principal Kenyetta Wilbourn, 36, she started in Detroits Denby

5、 High in 2009. Now, while the neighborhood is still troubled, Wilbourn has transformed Denby into a clean, calm center of learning. 肯雅塔威尔伯恩校长,36 岁,2009 年出任底特律邓比高中的校长。虽然学校周边的 环境依旧糟糕,但是她已将邓比高中变成了当地干净、舒适的学习中心。Motivational Quote from the Sports Fan 体育迷的励志名言“No one knows more about optimism than a Cubs f

6、an. After waiting 104 years, its our optimism, and not the winning, that binds us together. We really do believe the next year will be the year.“ “我想这世上应该没有谁会比我们这些芝加哥小熊队的球迷更乐观的。我们等下一个冠军都 等了 104 年,可见将我们紧紧联系在一起的并非球队取得的胜利,而是那份自始至终从未 改变的乐观精神。一直以来,我们都相信明年或许就是球队夺冠的那年。 ”Grant DePorter, 48, a Chicago restau

7、rateur and leading Cubs fan, is sticking by the team, which last won the World Series in 1908 格兰特狄伯特,48 岁,芝加哥一家餐馆的老板,芝加哥小熊队的忠实球迷。该队上 一次赢得世界系列赛(美国职棒大联盟的总冠军赛)冠军还是在 1908 年。Motivational Quote from the CEO 首席执行官的励志名言“My view is that the core of Yahoo is incredibly valuable and a great platform to build o

8、n.“ “我认为雅虎的核心精神非常可贵,我们可以将它作为一个平台创造辉煌。 ”Marissa Mayer, 37, is the sixth CEO of the struggling Internet giant Yahoo in the past five years 玛丽莎梅耶尔,37 岁,境况不佳的互联网巨头雅虎公司五年里的第六任首席执行官Motivational Quote from the Minister 牧师的励志名言“If I didnt have spiritual faith, I would be a pessimist. But Im an optimist. Ive read the last page in the Bible. Its going to turn out all right.“ “要是没有精神信仰,我或许会变成悲观主义者。但我最终还是成为了乐观主义者。我读到 了圣经的最后一页,一切都会好起来的。 ”Billy Graham, 94, Christian spiritual advisor 比利格雷厄姆,94 岁,基督教精神顾问



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