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1、暑期新高一第二期 新世纪 Unit 5(学生版)1 / 11Unit 5 Pets VOCABULARY()reading New Words *shepherd n. 牧羊人 *sunshine n. 阳光,日照 *sheepdog n. 牧羊犬 flock n. 群集,鸟群v. 群集,成群来往 scene n. (电影,书中的)场景,场面 raise v. 饲养 n. 加薪 pull v. 拉,托 cart n. (牛,马等拉的)二轮客车或货车 breed(bred, bred) v. 培育n. (动物的)品种 scent n. 动物的气味 v. 嗅出 sense n. 感觉,官能 apa

2、rt adv. 分开 sharp adj. 敏锐的,伶俐的,机警的 detective n. 侦探,警探 couple n. 一对夫妇,一对 infect v. 传染,感染 *rabies n. 狂犬病 stage n. 发展阶段,舞台 symptom n. 症状 shortly adv. 不久,很快Expressions work as 充当 smell out 嗅出 in addition to 除之外(用于对已提到的事物进行补充) in a way 在某种程度上 keep someone company 和做伴 sense of smell 嗅觉 tell something apart

3、 把区分开来 get over 成功地处理/应付 in the depths of winter 隆冬,严冬 pass on 把传给 guard against 防止发生VOCABULARY() (Additional Reading) New Words breathe v. 呼吸 stair n. 楼梯 *stumble v. 绊脚,绊倒 bunch n. 一束,一捆(东西) sweater n. (长袖无扣)毛线衣 crowd n. 人群v. 群集,聚集 package n. 包,包裹 liver n. 肝脏, (供食用的)肝脏 wag v. (狗)摇(尾巴)Expressions ta

4、ke turns 轮流,依次 after a while 过了一会 all of a sudden 突然 might as well (口语)还是 carry on 吵吵闹闹;举动无常 knock into 不期而遇,偶然碰见 let out a cry 发出哭声 make ones way (尤指艰难而缓慢地)朝前进(listening and speaking) New Words *shelter n. 避难所 *unfortunately adv. 不幸地,遗憾地 cute adj. 漂亮的,逗人喜欢的 *tank n. 大容器 tail n. 尾巴 v. 跟踪 cage n. 笼子

5、bark v. (狗等动物)吠,叫 loyal adj. 忠贞的,忠实的,忠诚的 companion n. 伴侣,同伴 rat n. (大)老鼠 lively adj. 活泼的,精力充沛的 mouse n. (小)老鼠,耗子;鼠标 rabbit n. 兔,家兔 doorstep n. 门阶 *parrot n. 鹦鹉暑期新高一第二期 新世纪 Unit 5(学生版)2 / 11Mans four-legged friend (Reading)The sun was shining and it was warm. Robin, a shepherd, was lying on the grass

6、, enjoying the beautiful sunshine. His guard, a sheepdog, was standing next to him, looking at the flock of sheep.Topic 1: DogsExcellent guards1. 躺在草地上2. 享受美好的阳光3. 防止发生4. 一群羊This is only a scene in a movie, but it does give us a real picture showing mans relationship with dogs. For a long time in hi

7、story, dogs were not only being raised to work as mans guards, but they were also being trained to do many other jobs. Some were made to pull carts; others were bred to smell out enemies or track the scent of big animals. In addition to these hunting and working dogs, other breeds came to be used in

8、 sports, police work and as pets as well. In a way dogs have become mans friends and working partners.Topic 2: DogsMans working mates5. 养宠物6. 充当人类的保安7. 闻出,嗅出8. 跟踪动物的气味9. 除了10. 逐渐开始被使用11. 在某种程度上If you have a dog you love as a pet, you share some of your life with it. The dog lives in your home, keeps

9、 you company and goes on trips with you. Dogs rely on their excellent sense of smell to tell things apart. This sharp sense helps man and dogs themselves get over a lot of difficulties.Topic 3: DogsPart of mans family12. 和某人分享13. 陪伴某人14. 依靠敏锐的嗅觉15. 把区分开16. 克服很多困难A detective once trained a dog-Sauer.

10、 In 1925 while he was thinking hard about how to catch a thief. Sauer worked alone and tracked the thief after covering a distance of 160 kilometres. Sauer did this by scent alone. In 1923 a couple lost their dog Bobbie while they were travelling. Six months later Bobbie turned up at the family hous

11、e. He had covered a distance of some 3,200 kilometres. The dog had travelled back through the Rocky Mountains in the depths of winter.Topic 4: DogsWonderful trackers17. 抓小偷18. 行程 5000 公里19. 出现20. 在深冬Dogs are indeed mans best friends. Yet sometimes even the friendliest dog can bring death with its bi

12、te! This is not because it has changed in character, but because it has been infected with a terrible disease-rabies(狂犬病). The disease is passed on by a bite from an infected dog at any stage. When an infected person shows symptoms, death is certain to follow shortly after. So, in order to prevent t

13、he disease, a person should go to a doctor at once if he has been bitten by a dog. Dogs remain mans best friends, but we should also try our best to guard against the horrible disease that can be carried by these friends.Topic 5: Dogsdangerous killers21. 被疾病传染22. 把.传给23. 一定会做某事24. 阻止某人做某事25. 仍然是人类的朋

14、友暑期新高一第二期 新世纪 Unit 5(学生版)3 / 11Well done, Spotty!We were walking alone when we saw the Wilkins children playing in their yard. The three girls were taking turns pushing a cart. Their one-year-old twin brothers and a big doll were in it. Just as we walked by them, a wheel came off. Freckles, my frien

15、d, fixed it for them. Then they all went upstairs to play some games. After a while Mrs Wilkins went out, and left the twins with the girls.Well, it wasnt much fun for me, and soon I went to sleep.I must have slept pretty hard and pretty long. All of a sudden I woke up and could hardly breathe. Ever

16、ybody was gone. The room was full of smoke! The house was on fire!I started down the stairs and stumbled over a gray bunch. “That belongs to Freckles,” I thought. “Its the gray sweater that he likes so much. I might as well take it down to him.”I took the sweater in my mouth and started down again. It weighed so



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