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1、被动语态用法详解TENSE 主 动 语 态 被 动 语 态一 般 现 在 时 be+V.V.s amisare+V(p.p)一 般 将 来 时 willbe going tobe (about)to+V. will be +V(p.p)现 在 进 行 时 amisare+V.ing amisare+being+V(p.p)一 般 过 去 时 waswere V.ed waswere+V(p.p)现 在 完 成 时 havehas+V.p.p havehas+been+V(p.p)过 去 完 成 时 had+V.p.p had+been+V(p.p)过 去 进 行 时 waswere+V.ing

2、 waswere+being+V(p.p)情 态 动 词 情 态 动 词 +V. 情 态 动 词+be+V(p.p)被动语态牢记一点, be 加动词过去分词。 分析句中主和谓, 承受者作主语即被动。 短语动词不可忘介、副词。 另有不及物动词, 只有主动无被动。 还要注意其时态, 与主动语态全相同。不 用 被 动 语 态 的 情 况1)不及物动词或动词短语无被动语态(即多数的瞬间动词): appear, die(死亡),disappear(消失), end (vi. 结束), fail, happen, last, lie, remain, sit, spread, stand break ou

3、t, come true, fall asleep, keep silence, lose heart, take place. After the fire, very little remained of my house. 比较: rise, fall, happen是不及物动词;raise, seat 是及物动词。(错)The accident was happened last week. (对)The accident happened last week. 要想正确地使用被动语态,就须注意哪些动词是及物的,哪些是不及物的。特别是一词多义的动词往往有两种用法。解决这一问题唯有在学习

4、过程中多留意积累。 2) 不能用于被动语态的及物动词或动词短语: fit, have, hold, marry, own, wish, cost, notice, watch agree with, arrive at / in, shake hands with, succeed in, suffer from, happen to, take part in, walk into, belong to This key just fits the lock. 3)系动词无被动语态(“keep”除外): appear, be become, fall, feel, get, grow, lo

5、ok, remain, seem, smell, sound, stay, taste, turn It sounds good. 4)带同源宾语的及物动词,反身代词,相互代词,不能用于被动语态: die, death, dream, live, life She dreamed a bad dream last night. 5)当宾语是不定式时,很少用于被动语态。 (对)She likes to swim. (错)To swim is liked by her. 有 些 动 词 可 以 带 双 宾 语 在用于被动结构时,有些动词可以带双宾语。在这种情况下,主动结构中的间接宾语变为主语时,直

6、接宾语仍然保留在谓语后面;直接宾语变为主语时,间接宾语前通常加上介词 for/to, etc.。 即:S+V+I O+DO IO+ be done +DO DO+ be done + prep. +IOWe often hear himplay guitar.Heis often heard to1play guitar. Itis often heard fromhimto play guitar. 新 被 动 语 态Get+过去分词也可以构成被动语态,用这种结构的句子侧重于动作的结果而不是动作本身。如: The man got hurt on his way home. 那个男人在回家的路

7、上受伤了。 How did the glass get broken? 杯子怎么破了? 注 意 :有些动词后跟不带 to的不定式作宾语补足语,但改为被动结构后要加上“to”。例如 We heard him singin his room just now. -He was heard to sing in his room just now. 刚才听到他在房间中唱歌。 need doing something 也表示被动 怎 样 把 主 动 语 态 改 成 被 动 语 态 ?把主动语态改为被动语态非常简单,可以遵循以下几个步骤: 1. 将主动语态的宾语作被动语态的主语; 2. 谓语动词变为“b

8、e+及物动词的过去分词”,并通过 be的变化来表达出不同的时态;3. 主动语态的主语变为介词“by”的宾语,组成介词短语放在被动结构中的谓语动词之后。(有时“by”的短语可以省略); 例:1. Bruce writes a letter every week. A letter is written by Bruce every week. 2. Li Lei mended the broken bike this morning.The broken bike was mended by Li Lei this morning. 3. He has written two novels so

9、 far.Two novels have been written by him so far. 4. They will plant ten trees tomorrow.Ten trees will be planted by them tomorrow. 5. Lucy is writing a letter now.A letter is being written by Lucy now. 6. You must lock the door when you leave.the door must be locked when you leave. 被动语态的几种特殊用法 (1)主动

10、形式表示被动意义1)常见的这类动词有:“act,add up,clean,compare,count,cook,draw,fill,iron,keep,let,look,make up,milk,kill,open,photograph,prove,read,sell,smoke,spoil”等。The window wont open(这扇窗户打不开。) The cow milks well(这头牛出奶率很高。)Damp wood will not fire(湿木不易燃烧。) It turned out fine that day(结果那天天气很好。)How did his coat cat

11、ch on a nail? (他的衣服怎么钩到钉子上了?)2)实用动词“needwantdeserverequire +V-ing(动名词)”形式表示被动意义。My hair needs cutting。The bike wants repairingIt doesnt deserve mentioningHamlet is required reading for the course(哈姆雷特为本课程指定读物。)3)一些固定句型如:be worth doing sth have/get sth(sb.)done,以及 to be under(in)+抽象名词等表示被动意义:Beijing

12、is a big city in China and worth visiting(北京是中国的一个大城市,值得浏览。)Mr.Wilson had his wallet stolen the day before yesterday(威尔逊先生前天丢了一个钱包)。The bike is under(in)repair(自行车正在修理中。)This tape recorder is in use(这种录音机正在使用中。)4)一些不定式的主动态表示被动意义: There be 句型:There are a lot of things to doThere is nothing to worry a

13、bout不定式修饰 want, have等动词的宾语,而句中的主语同时又不是不定式的逻辑主语时:I want some clothes to washDo you have anything to say for yourself?不定式修饰 buy,get,give 等动词的直接宾语,而句中的间接宾语又是不定式的逻辑主语时:His sister gave him a bike to rideMy father get me a book to read5)少数动词的进行时,有时表示被动意义:Her works are printingThe drum is beatingMy new hou

14、se is building(2)“It is+V-ed+that-?结构表示被动常用的这类结构有:“it is said that”(据说);It is supposed that(据推测);It is well known that(众所周知);It is believed that(据信);It is reported that(据报导);It is hoped that(人们希望);It is generally considered that(有人认为);1twill be seen that(由此可以看出);It must be admitted that(必须承认);It mus

15、t be pointed out that(必须指出)”等。It is believedthought that this medicine works wellIt is estimated that a flight to Shanghai would take more than one hour It is often realized that women held a high social position in the Southern European societies in the 10th and llth centuries(3) “get + p.p.(动词的过去分

16、词)表示被动:这种结构往往用来强调动作的结果,也可用来表示突然发生的事态,或最终出现的某种事实,是一种非正式语体。 The house is getting paintedrepairedThe building got damaged in the floodThousands of soldiers got killed in the warAs I passed by, my coat got caught on a nail注在下列句子中,不能使用“get + p.p. (动词的过去分词)”结构。误:The stow got written by him正:The story Was written by himn



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