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1、太平哨中学新授课导学案太平哨中学新授课导学案课题:Unit 7 Where would you like to visit? Section A( 1a2c) 编制人:李慧 课时:37 使用日期:2013 年 11 月 5 日 目标: 1.记住并学会运用下列词汇: tiring, educational, peaceful, fascinating, thrilling, take it easy,trek, jungle, Florida, Amazon, Niagara Falls. 2.熟练掌握运用下列句型 1)-Where would you like to go on vacatio

2、n?- Id like to go somewhere relaxing. 2) I like places where the people are really friendly. 3.能力目标:Talk about the places they would like to visit and the reasons. 4.情感目标:Talk about the places you really like and study hard. 重点:1)Where would you like to go on vacation? - Id like to go somewhere rela

3、xing. 2) I like places where the people are really friendly. 内容与过程内容与过程 一一学习准备学习准备 1课前展示:(1) A passage. (2) Language points .(3) A famous saying. 2激趣导入:Where would you like to visit? Can you tell me? 3认定目标:齐读目标并理解 4前提测评:写出下列词汇 引起疲劳的_(adj) _ (adj) _(v) 有教育意义的_(adj) _(n) 平静的 _(adj) _ (n) 迷人的_ (adj) _

4、(adj)_(n) 令人激动的 _(adj) _ (v) _(n) 游客很多的_(adj) _(n) 5明确学习要求:坐姿端正、物品摆放整齐、回答问题声音响亮,认真听课,养成良好的 学习习惯。 二学习新课学习新课(约需 20 分钟) 1、自主与合作学习 1.独立完成重点词及短语 从容,轻松 _ 旅途,长途跋涉_ _(现在分词) 穿越热带丛林 _ 尼亚加拉大瀑布_ 休闲的地方_ 有朝一日_ 2. Talk about the plans of vacation. 1). Read the adjectives and understand them. 2). Look at the two pi

5、ctures careful, and write adjectives to describe the vacations . 3). 听录音完成1b。 4). Pair work::A: Where would you like to go on vacation?B: Id like to trek through the jungle, because I like exciting vacations.What about you?A: I d like to . . Task 2 Talk about the places 1、读2a 部分句子,听录音排序。 2、Listen ag

6、ain, choose the right answers. 3、找出短语:对.感兴趣_ 有一天_/_支付_ 4、理解下面的句子: 1)Wouldnt it be gteat if we could go on a vacation together? 2) I hope to visit Hawaii one day ._ 3) Would you be interested in going there?_ 4) I like places where the weather is always warm._ 5) I love places where the people are re

7、ally friendly._ 5、两人一组练习听力对话。 6、Role play: 利用2a provide; firm; spot; Confucius 2. 熟练掌握运用下列短语: take a trip; provide sb with; would like to ; outdoor activities; need to;enough for; be away 3. 熟练掌握运用: the meaning of 3a. 重点:Uderstanding: the meaning of 3a. 内容与过程内容与过程 一一学习准备学习准备 1课前展示:(1) A passage. (2)

8、 Language points .(3) A famous saying. 2激趣导入:Talk about your favorite city and why. 3认定目标:齐读目标并理解 4前提测评:写出下列句子 1) The room needs to be big enough for three people. 2) Please let me know if its best to travel by plane 3) I hope you can provide me with some information about the kinds of vacation. 5明确

9、学习要求:坐姿端正、物品摆放整齐、回答问题声音响亮,认真听课,养成良好的 学习习惯。 二学习新课学习新课(约需 20 分钟) (一)、自主学习 Task 1 学习第4部分: 谈论你想去的地方及说明原因A: Where would you like to visit ? B: -A: Why ? Task 2 Learn 3a (一)Read the e-mile message and then write T F or DK for the following statements. (二) Understand the followinging sentences underlined.1

10、. My faminly and I want to take a trip this summer somewhere in eastern China.2. I hope you can provide me with some information about the kinds of vacation.3. The room needs to be big enough for three people.4. Could you please give me some suggestions for vacation spots ?5. Please let me know if i

11、ts best to travel by plane6. Wed like to be away for about three weeks, (三) Try to retell the passageas as quickly as possible. (四) 假如你在Ace Travel Agency 工作, 请根据以下信息给S.T.Zhang 写一封信,建议他去山东曲阜 度假. 1、路程短, 可以乘汽车直接到达.2、很多价格便宜,干净,舒适的大旅馆, 足够三个人住.3、又很多著名的景点(views ) , 孔林,孔俯,孔庙. 4、孔子的出生在那儿, 对孩子有教育意义. Dear S.T

12、Zhang : _ _ _ _二、合作共建 讨论下面的知识点,并完成句子 1. provide sb with sth _= provide sth for sb 你能给我提供一些学习上的帮助吗?_ 2. enough for sb to do sth _not enough for sb to do sth_这个房间对我们来住 足够大_这个男孩年龄不够大以至不能上学_ 3. Its best to do sth - _我们最好早点上床睡觉_ 三三学习总结学习总结(约需 5 分钟) 1知识梳理及质疑:总结本课的短语 _ 2我的收获及应改进的地方: 3.小组成绩统计,公布优胜小组。 第一名: 分 第二名: 分 四四达标测评达标测评(学生独立完成,答题结束要对答案,做错的改过来,教师要点评,了解答 题情况组内叫互助。约需 8 分钟) 测试题: (一)根据首字母完成句子: 1) Could you pl


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