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1、中考英语语法讲解资料及练习中考英语语法讲解资料及练习第 11 讲:动词语态 和时态一样,语态也是动词的一种形式,用来说明句中主语和谓语的关系。如果动作 由主语执行,就可使用主动语态,如果主语不是由主语执行,主语是动作的承受者,则可 使用被动语态。由此我们可以看出英语动词有两种语态:主动语态和被动语态。 被动语态:表示主语是动作的承受者,什么事情被主语做。被动语态的构成和形式被 动语态由“助动词 be+及物动词的过去分词“构成,一定要记住是及物动词。助动词必须与 主语的人称和数一致,注意要与我们前一讲学过的八个时态配合使用。 适合被动语态的情况: 不知道动作由谁发出,或由于某种原因没有必要说明谁

2、发出动作。如: This table is made of wood. 需要突出或强调动作的承受者时,如: This park was built for children. 注意:主动句中的主语如果是 people,they,somebody 等含糊的表示“人或人们“,没有确 指执行者是谁,为被动句时,通常省略“by+执行者“。如:The door was opened secretly. But nobody came in. 注意:在主动句里,不定式在 make,see,hear 等动词后面作宾语补足语时都不带 to, 但变成被动句时,后面的不定式都需带 to。如:He was made

3、 to do that work. 主动语态不能变被动语态的情况:学了被动语态,别以为主动句和被动句可以随意转换, 千万要注意呀!有些主动语态不能转换成被动语态。当宾语是反身代词时, 如:You should take care of yourself. 当谓语是表状态的而不是表具体动作的及物动词时,如:Does the skirt suit you? 练习: 1. The stars _ in the daytime. A. cant see B. cant be seen C. cant been see D. see 2. A present _ to me by Mother next

4、 week. A. will give B. is given C. will be give D. will be given 3. The Communist Party of China _ in Shanghai in 1921. A. was found B. found C. was founded D. founded 4. Great changes _ in my hometown since liberation. A. have been taken place B. took place C. have taken place D. were taken place 5

5、. I was astonished (吃惊) to hear that the colour TV set _ 5,000 yuan. A. has cost B. cost C. costed D. was cost 6. He was seen _ something from the shop. A. steel B. to steal C. to be stolen D. stealed 7. She has _ by her classmates. A. laughed B. laughed at C. been laughed D. been laughed at 8. The

6、computer _ in the room. A. can use B. can be use C. can be used D. can used 9. That clock _ Big Ben. A. call B. calling C. is called D. calls 10. The film _ again sometimes next week. A. shows B. will shows C. will be showed D. shows 实践: 1. I have never seen _ UFO in _ sky. A. a , the B. an , the C.

7、 a, a D. the, a 2. -How is your brothers housework done? -_ A. Good B. All right C. Quite well D. Very bad 3. They come from England . They are _. A. Englishman B. English C.Englishmans D.an English 4. Would you please give me _ colour pencils? A. any B. some C. a little D. much 5. My father is slee

8、ping now, could you _ the radio a bit? A. turn up B. turn on C. turn down D. turn off 6. It will be Childrens Day soon and were now _ busy _a bee. A. as.as B. as . like C. like.as D. so . like 7. -Well ,_? -I have a headache, doctor. A. how do you do B. whats the matter with you C. how are you feeli

9、ng like D. what kind of illness do you have 8. The teacher told the boy _ it again. A. dont do B. does not do C. to not do D. not to do 9. I left here, _. A. Mary does B. so does Mary C. Mary did so D. so did Mary 10. -Who teaches _ English? -Mr Lin. A. you B. your C. she D. Toms 11. Have you finish

10、ed _ the book? A. read B. to read C. reading D. reads 12. The farmers taught us _. A. to how pick apples. B. how pick apples. C. how picking apples D. how to pick apples 13. -_ I watch Pro. Brown from morning till night? -No, you neednt. A. Must B. Can C. May D. Need. 14. Do you know _? A. how long has he lived here B. how long he has lived here C. he has lived here how long D. he has lived how long here 15. We will go to the Great wall if it _ tomorrow. A. doesnt rain B. wont rain C. isnt raining D. didnt rain



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